path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/12.25.06/Fri/nsfw.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/12.25.06/Fri/nsfw.txt')
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-PJ Doland, a web programmer/designer, has [put forth][3] the idea of using the <code>REL</code> attribute of link anchors to indicate when content is Not Safe For Work (NSFW). This could probably be filed in the same category as the drive to [abolish the caps lock][4] key -- admirable idea, but unlikely to succeed. But perhaps there is a bigger need for a NSFW indicator. As strange as it might seem to those of us working at home, people actually get [fired][1] for clicking the wrong links at work. Doland's proposal is to use the <code>REL</code> attribute to indicate when links contain content not suitable for work. Under Doland's system links would look something like this: <a href="" title="" rel="NSFW">link text</a> Currently the <code>REL</code> attribute is mainly used by search engines to determine what links to follow on a site, for instance, adding <code>rel="nofollow"</code> to a link tag will cause Google spiders to ignore the link. Most browsers ignore the <code>REL</code> attribute, but because it can be styled with CSS NSFW links could be marked with visual clues. Doland admits that using the <code>REL</code> tag alone has some problems and he has an [expanded][2] his original proposal to also utilize the class attribute. The idea is sound and would even help search engines by adding another bit of metadata to their indexes, but will it catch on? [1]: "Woman fired for reading MetaFilter" [2]: "NSFW Rel attribute spec" [3]: "Proposal for a NSFW indicator" [4]:,71606-0.html?tw=rss.index "Death to Caps Lock" \ No newline at end of file