path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.29.07/Tue/else
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Diffstat (limited to 'published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.29.07/Tue/else')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 21 deletions
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-Elsewhere on Wired:
-* Adam Rogers of Wired Science [brings news][1] that "giant jumping spiders mate best when they can see each other glowing under ultraviolet light," which just goes to. Wait a second. There's giant spiders that jump? *And* glow in ultraviolet light? Does Hollywood know about this?
-[1]: "Ultraviolet Spiders"
-* Gadget Lab [has links][2] to the UK versions of Apple's "I'm a Mac" campaign. The ads feature David Mitchell and Robert Webb of Peep Show fame, which my British friend assure me is hilarious even though I've sat through two episodes without cracking a smile.
-[2]: "Watch Apple's British Ads"
-* Listening Post [wants your opinion][3]: which hip new bands will last? There's a commentor over there going by the name of Kicker of Elves --cheeky lad that one-- speaking of once-hip new bands that didn't last (but live on in solo project form of course).
-[3]: "Which New Hip Bands Will Last?"
-* Table of Malcontents [reports][4] on the Library of Congress exhibit "The Empire That Was Russia," which features "the color photographs of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorski, who traveled Tsarist Russia producing thousands of glass-plate negatives." Remarkable images (a tiny version of which you can see above).
-[4]: "Prokudin-Gorski's Color Photographs of Tsarist Russia"
-* And finally, the best Wired headline of the week comes from Cult of Mac's Pete Mortensen: [Verizon Turned Down the iPhone -- Can Your Hear Me Now?][5]
-[5]: "Verizon Turned Down the iPhone -- Can Your Hear Me Now?" \ No newline at end of file