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-Michael just [posted a roundup][7] of our [Vista Predictions][8] survey we ran a couple days back and I couldn't help but notice that one of my predictions failed to make the top ten. In fact it failed to get much support at all. At last count there are only thirteen people that agree with my hypothesis that Apple will buyout [Parallels][6] virtualization software and start bundling Vista with Mac.
-Now I know it sounds perverse, but hear me out.
-First of all Apple has a history of buying/absorbing/ripping off technologies it likes. The cover art in iTunes 7 was a plugin Apple purchased from the developer. iTunes itself comes from the code base that was originally [SoundJam MP][1]. And then there's the whole Dashboard - Konfabulator debate that's already been beat to death.
-And Apple likes Parallels. Granted Apple has said it [isn't interested ][2] in virtualization software, but Steve Jobs denied the existence of [Marklar][3] for years and that turned out to be true. The fact is Apple is way too secretive to be taken at its word. Besides which is you read that article closely you'll notice Apple's Phil Schiller says Apple has no interest in virtualization *for Leopard*. Okay, but how about 10.6?
-So why do I think Apple will buy Parallels? For one thing Parallels keeps cranking out free updates which mean either they're really cool, or they have some funding from somewhere. Development is expensive and companies rarely give it away.
-Another reason I stand by this prediction is Windows Vista. Vista is a really nice looking piece of software, the sort of thing that Mac users [seem to like][4]. While sales may be slow off of the blocks, Vista will eventually come to hold 95 percent of the market just like its predecessors have done.
-The reason Windows' dominance in the OS market doesn't threaten Apple is because Apple is in the hardware business. OS X is a great system and obviously Apple has put a lot of money into it, but they don't recoup it by selling the OS, they make money by selling the machine that runs the OS.
-Given that 95 percent of the market clearly wants to run Windows, Apple stands to make giant strides in hardware sales if they can bundle both OSes with their hardware. Combine this with a generation of kids growing up with iPods and a love of Halo and you can see where the market potential is huge.
-Now Apple claims they aren't interested in virtualization because of the performance hit (and apparently Wired readers believe with them).
-Fair enough, how about I change my prediction slightly? Forget Parallels, what about Wine? [Wine is open source][5], which means Apple could take the code and improve/customize it -- just like they took FreeBSD for OS X and Konqueror for Safari -- so long as they donate that code back to the project.
-Wine has the distinct advantage of doing something Apple users clearly want (running Windows apps), but doesn't violate Apple's obsessive control over the "user experience." That is, Wine runs Windows software, not Windows.
-Here's my new scenario:
-* Apple retains control the user experience in the primary OS -- OS X.
-* Bootcamp allows for a separate install of Windows (sold as an add-on with new Macs).
-* Apple takes Wine and creates something called *Bootstrap* which allows you to open and use your Windows Apps and documents within your OS X partition.
-How you like dem apples?
-[1]: "Wikipedia: iTunes History"
-[2]: "Apple reiterates: no interest in virtualization for Leopard"
-[3]: "Marklar"
-[4]: "Running Vista on a Mac"
-[6]: "Parallels Desktop for Mac"
-[5]: "Wine HQ"
-[7]: "Vista Predictions: Recap"
-[8]: "Predictions for Windows Vista" \ No newline at end of file
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-Elsewhere on Wired:
-* 27B Stroke 6 [reports][2] on the "secret court that oversees spying on spies and the even more secret court of review that's only met once in 27 years."
-[2]: "Secret Report on Secret Spy Court"
-* Table of Malcontents [reports][3] that the bomb squads of Boston are "scrambling after a number of suspicious packages were left littered around the city." Turns out it's not a terrorist threat, it's an advertising campaign for Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
-[3]: "Aqua Teen Hunger Force Sparks Bomb Panic in Boston"
-* Bodyhack [looks at claims][4] that Da Vinci may have had ectrodactyly a condition that produces webbed fingers and toes.
-[4]: "Da Vinci: A Web-Fingered Renaissance Man?"
-* Cult of Mac [has a CNN][5] video that shows Bill Gates squirming as the show's host calls him out for copying OS X. Gates does indeed inhabit a parallel universe if he thinks Vista is the first time parental controls have been used. Or perhaps it's possible Gates has simply never used another OS and thus has no idea that the rest of world is way ahead of him.
-[5]: "Bill Gates Occupies Alternative Universe Where Vista is Innovative"
-* Listening Post [has a link][1] to Thom Yorke's iTunes playlist.
-[1]: "Thom Yorke's iTunes Playlist - Who Are These Bands?" \ No newline at end of file
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-As I mentioned in the reboot, Flickr sent out some emails last night to users who haven't yet switched over to a Yahoo ID encouraging them to do so. The official deadline to do so isn't until MArch 15th, but clearly Flickr would like to expedite the transition.
-The change applies only to those of us who signed up with Flickr prior to the Yahoo acquisition last year. As one who falls in that group I decided the go ahead and migrate my account last night. My experience was seamless, but here's two caveats, one, my username is a made up word so there's isn't going to be a name conflict when changing to Yahoo and two, I don't have more than 3,000 contacts nor do I have any photos with more than 75 tags.
-If you do end up with a different username you will have to update any outside tools that store your Flickr username or password.
-Some users reported losing contacts and tags when they swtiched, but as it turns out this isn't limited to old school Flickr users. If you do have more than 3,000 contacts or have photos with more than 75 tags, you're going to lose some data in the transition, but even if you're a recent member those limits still apply to you.
-Because you must be logged in to read the official Flickr announcement, I'll reprint it in its entirety:
->A pair of items for your attention:
-In our ongoing efforts to Make Flickr Better<sup>TM</sup>, we're introducing two additional limits: the new maximum number of contacts is 3,000 contacts (good luck with that), and each photo on Flickr can have a maximum of 75 tags.
-We love your freedom, but, in this particular case, limiting these things will actually improve the system performance, making pages load faster across the site for everyone and cut out some unwelcome spammy behaviors. Both of these new limits apply equally to free and pro account members.
-If you have questions or comments about these changes, we've opened a <a href="">topic in Flickr Help</a>.
-On March 15th, 2007 we'll be discontinuing the old email-based Flickr sign in system. From that point on, everyone will have to use a Yahoo! ID to sign in to Flickr.
-We're making this change now to simplify the sign in process in advance of several large projects launching this year, but some Flickr features and tools already require Yahoo! IDs for sign in -- like the mobile site at or the new Yahoo! Go program for mobiles, available at <a href=""></a>.
-If you still sign in using the email-based Flickr system (<a href="/signin/Flickr/">here</a>), you can make the switch at any time in the next few months, from today till the 15th. (After that day, you'll be required to merge before you continue using your account.) To switch, start at this page: <a href=""></a>
-This isn't the first time a company has tried to pass off an artificial limitation as a "feature," but it's the first time Flickr has and it's drawing fire from users. I sympathize with those that say, "who cares, those limits are plenty high enough," but the change is still a bad move on Flickr's part.
-The logic that restrictions will make "pages load faster across the site for everyone," doesn't wash for me. If your site is having performance issues it's time to look at your code base, not penalize users. If Flickr is in fact being honest with this logic, it doesn't bode well for the future.
-Obviously I don't know anything about Flickr's code base, but generally speaking if one user with 500 tags on a photo slows a system down, 500 users with one tag are also going to slow the same system down. In other words the problem is the system, not the user and passing the problem along to the user is just plain wrong.
-Consider this offer: I have an incredibly fast photo sharing site on my laptop here at home, it smokes anything Flickr has got, but to get this incredibly blazing fast site and make it work for everyone, you're limited to one photo. Obviously no one would join my site, but the truth is Flickr's new restrictions differ only in terms of scale, not concept.
-So perhaps the limits aren't so bad since they're fairly high, but the logic behind them doesn't make sense. Bad Flickr, no donut. \ No newline at end of file
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-The Nightly Build:
-* As someone who's been writing about Vista in Parallels and how great it is, I was dismayed to learn that the EULA forbids the use of the Home Basic and Home Premium version of Vista in virtual environments. Say what? The Parallel's blog [has more details][1].
-[1]: "Vista is here. So what does it mean for virtualization?"
-* Skype 2.5 for the Mac is [finally out of beta][2]. The official release adds support for SMS messaging, conference calling and more.
-[2]: "Skype 2.5 for Mac"
-* Now the Vista has been released the security exploits are starting to roll in. This one isn't all that serious but it's kind of funny. Apparently a flaw in the speech command system would allow malicious, um, yelling, to [commandeer your computer][3]. Expect this one to be popular on MySpace.
-[3]: "Vista Speech Command exposes remote exploit"
-* Earlier today I gave Flickr a hard time about their [newly imposed limitations][4], but then I discovered something potentially much more disturbing. So far this is just a [hysterical thread on Digg][5], but it seems that Yahoo is using Flickr photos on some of their public portals without the author's permission. I don't know for sure whether that's legal or not under the respective TOSes, I'm not even sure whether Flickr is now governed by the Yahoo TOS or the old Flickr TOS. And how do the CC license you can apply to your photos fit into that? I'll be digging into this one more tomorrow.
-[4]: "Flickr imposes new limits"
-[5]: "Yahoo using Flickr photos"
-[photo credit][6]
-[6]: "From michgm's photostream" \ No newline at end of file
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-I thought I'd follow up my [Super Bowl Party][1] article with some more in depth reviews of the services mentioned and to kick that off we'll start with [MyPunchBowl][2]. As I mention in the article, MyPunchBowl is a party planning site designed to help you create a webpage for your party.
-MyPunchBowl takes the familiar features of Evite and raises the bar considerably by offering a wide range of social networking tools to help you plan and organize your party as well as interact with your guests both before and after your party.
-Once you sign up for an account you can get started by creating a party. MyPunchBowl has a number of preset templates for parties (right now they've got a special "football party" template) or you can create your own custom templates.
-There's a number of ways to customize your party's page including some nice Ajax color widgets that updates in realtime. Other options include uploading a picture (or pulling one in from your Flickr account) and mapping tools via Google Maps.
-Once you have your party page looking the way you want it, it's time to add your friends to your guest list. MyPunchBowl can import your contacts list from just about any popular email service including, GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo, or if all else fails you can export your contacts as a .csv file import them.
-After you have your guest list filled in, you can start sending out invites. If you don't have clear plans yet, but you know you want to have a party on certain date, you can send out a "save the date" message to your guest list and follow up later with details.
-Perhaps my favorite feature of MyPunchBowl is the ability to append personalized messages at the top of each mass email you send. Its a nice touch and it will make your mailing seem a little less generic.
-Once your announcement goes out, MyPunchBowl makes it easy to coordinate with your guests. There's a message board for posting comments or suggestions and you can always send out individual messages to encourage the slackers.
-For the vast majority of the party panning sites I looked at, that's the end of the story, but MyPunchBowl offers some nice after-party features like the ability to display your photos on your party page. If you host your photos on Flickr it's easy to pull them in to your MyPunchBowl page, just enter your Flickr username and all the sets in your photostream will come up (note that depending on how may sets you have, this could take a minute). Select the set you want to display and MyPunchBowl will pull display it for all your guests to see.
-And photo sharing isn't limited to just the host, anyone on your guest list can add their photos as well, which gives you a single page from which to see all your party pics.
-One key thing MyPunchBowl lacks at the moment is SMS support which would be handy for the those last-minute, day-of reminders. The folks behind MyPunchBowl assure me that they're planning SMS support for the near future, but in the mean time you'll have to take care of that yourself.
-[1]:,72613-0.html?tw=wn_culture_2 "Geek Up Your Super Bowl"
-[2]: "MyPunchBowl" \ No newline at end of file
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-<img alt="Any_key_3" title="Any_key_3" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />The Morning Reboot:
-* Apple has released the software necessary for unlocking the 802.11n wifi features of recent Macs. The upgrade is called "[802.11n Enabler for Mac][4]" and costs $1.99 at the Apple Store.
-[4]: "802.11n Enabler for Mac"
-* The end of the floppy. Sniff. PCWorld UK has [announced][3] it will stop stocking floppy disks when current supplies run out.
-[3]: "No more Floppies"
-* A Canadian researcher [says][10] that bloggers "living in a world where emotions may be real but everything else is make-believe." He goes on to conclude that bloggers are "a lonely bunch." Not to be overly defensive (or offensive), but "Canadian Researcher" doesn't sound like a hotbed of meaningful social interaction either. [via Micro [Persuasion][11]]
-[10]: "Calgary author: Bloggers a lonely bunch"
-[11]: "The Lonely, The Proud, the Bloggers"
-* Old school Flickr users are [mighty unhappy][5] about merging their Flickr accounts with their Yahoo Accounts. I went ahead and merged my account last night when I got the email and didn't have any problems, but some people report losing contacts, tags and other nightmares. YMMV.
-[5]: "Unhappy Flickr Users"
-* Performancing [has an article][6] on why the annoying [Snap Preview Anywhere][7] widget on your blog is pissing people off. Like me. I'm looking at you [Techcrunch][8]. For those that would like to disable the feature in your browser, Snap [claims][9] to have a cookie that does the job, but it didn't work for me in Safari (on Firefox it does though).
-[6]: "3 Reasons Why Snap Preview is Ruining Your Blog, and Hurting Your Readership"
-[7]: "Snap Preview Anywhere"
-[8]: "Techcrunch"
-[9]: "Disable Snap Preview Anywhere"
-* This isn't software but it's pretty sweet: is [offering a free][1] 2 GB SD memory card. The card is $50 with a $50 mail in rebate. What makes it even better is that if you're not already signed up for Google Checkout, you can use Google Checkout to get $10 off your purchase, which means you actually make about $7 on the deal (after taxes). Of course I can't vouch for the quality of the card, nor could I find any write speed specs, but no matter how slow it is a free back-up card is never a bad thing. [via [CNet][2]]
-[2]: "CNet Deal of the Day" \ No newline at end of file
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-[Renkoo][1] is another party planning site that aims to improve on the Evite model. Renkoo's main twist is the variety of party types that it allows you to create. Creating an invite in Renkoo give you a myriad of choices ranging from the vague email to friends that says he lets do lunch this week, to the specific, I'm having a party on x date.
-Once your account is set up you can add your friends by importing a contact list. As with MyPunchBowl, Renkoo leverages Plaxo to import lists so you should be able to import almost any contact info you have whether it's through GMail or a custom .csv file.
-Creating a new invite brings up a form that lets you add a title and description and then asks for a kin of the invite which includes options like, "drink," "food," "gathering" and more (see screenshot below).
-The form also asks you to either pick a date or choose something nebulous like "this week."
-There's also a field for picking a location and deciding which friends to invite. Once you have your invite set up you can send it out to your invite list and they will receive an email with links to RSVP. From there you can chat with your friends using Renkoo to figure the details.
-Renkoo also allows you to send messages via SMS which makes it easy to send out notices about last minute changes.
-Renkoo seems less geared toward a planning intensive one-off party and more suitable for the casual get-together, and most of the site's tools reflect that emphasis.
-Renkoo has strong promise, but it is still in beta and there are a number of [known issues][2], the biggest of which is that your Safari using friends are going to be left out of the fun.
-[1]: "Renkoo"
-[2]: "Renkoo Known Issues" \ No newline at end of file
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-There are times when Ajax makes the web a lovely place and there are times when it drives even the most progressive of web surfers a bit batty. It's the J. Yes Javascript is main problem in Ajax since not all browsers handle it the same and some users disable it altogether.
-But that's no reason to abandon Ajax completely. The secret is to make sure your Ajax functionality degrades gracefully, that is, users without Javascript or whose browsers don't quite support what you're doing should still be able to accomplish the same tasks without the Ajax.
-There is no magic bullet tutorial I can point to for accessibility issues with Ajax, every situation is different. A good rule of thumb is to design your app without Javascript and then start adding it in afterward, but in some cases that might not be practical.
-Because there's no cure-all, today we have not really a tutorial but a list of tutorials and articles that address various aspects of Javascript usability. Max Kiesler has rounded up 40 tutorials in an article entitled [How to Make Your AJAX Applications Accessible][1].
-The issues addressed in the tutorials in Kiesler's round-up won't solve all the problems and in some cases there may not be a way to solve certain issues, but at least it's a start.
-[1]: "How to Make Your AJAX Applications Accessible" \ No newline at end of file
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index fe7d476..0000000
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-Yahoo had a bit of snafu this evening. I linked to it in the nightly build, but I wanted to follow up a bit. Yahoo has been pulling in a stream of all Flickr photos tagged "Wii" to display on their [Wii portal][1]. The only problem with that is that according to the terms of service on Flickr, the copyright of all Flickr photos remains in the hands of the user.
-Naturally on discovering this the Flickr community promptly pwned Yahoo by uploading a barrage of anti-Yahoo photos tagged "wii," which now fill the first several pages of the Wiiportal. My personal favorite is the hand pointing up with the text "I'm with stupid." Power to the people.
-As far as I can tell no one got a goatse image through which is too bad, if you have or know of a screencap of a goatse image on the front page of the Wii portal, post a link in the comments.
-In numerous threads in the [Flickr forums][3] users ranted and staff attempted to set the record straight, but were somewhat hamstrung by legal requirements. Eventually Flickr team members announced they would get in touch with the Yahoo Wii team and now as far as I can tell the photos being pulled in only from the Creative Commons Attribution pool.
-But of course the pwnage continues.
-And the moral of the story? Yahoo probably has the rights to do whatever they want with your photos regardless of copyright restrictions you've placed on them. Here's the relevant line from [the Yahoo TOS][2]:
->"With respect to photos, graphics, audio or video you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Service other than Yahoo! Groups, the license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such Content on the Service solely for the purpose for which such Content was submitted or made available. This license exists only for as long as you elect to continue to include such Content on the Service and will terminate at the time you remove or Yahoo! removes such Content from the Service."
-It's been a while since I got my English degree, but I'm pretty sure the first sentence in that paragraph isn't an actual sentence -- there's no verb. But I can tell you this, one sure way to remove Yahoo's rights is to take down your photos.
-It's been a rough day for Flickr, but in this case they did the right thing and so did Yahoo and so for that matter did the users, maybe Time was right after all.
-[1]: "Wii Portal Photos"
-[2]: "Yahoo! Terms of Service"
-[3]: "Yahoo Forums" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.29.07/Wed/yahoo1-promo.jpg b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.29.07/Wed/yahoo1-promo.jpg
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+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 19395f8..0000000
--- a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.29.07/Wed/yahoo1.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 00e9898..0000000
--- a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.29.07/Wed/yahoo2.jpg
+++ /dev/null
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