path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/02.12.06/Mon/elsewhere.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/02.12.06/Mon/elsewhere.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 26 deletions
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-Elsewhere on Wired:
-* Today is Darwin day -- a celebration of Charles Darwin's birthday and mankind's crowning achievement: science. Check out the [Wired coverage][1].
-[1]:,72703-0.html?tw=rss.index "Darwin Day Celebrates Science"
-* Would an end to DRM mean cheaper music downloads? Eliot Van Buskirk of Listening Post [ponders the possibilities][2] of a DRM free world.
-[2]: "No DRM Could Mean Cheaper Music"
-* Game|Life [has a tip][3] for XBox fans using a Mac: a newly released program called [MacLive][4] lets your Mac interact with Xbox Live and track friends just like your PC-lovin' buddies. Right now the features are mostly limited to Growl alerts but the developer of the software claims he's hard at work on some improvements.
-[3]: "MacLive Lets OS X Users Get in on the 360 Love"
-[4]: "Google Code: MacLive"
-* Bodyhack [reports][5] that the parapsychology unit at Princeton University is closing down, but fear not reruns of the XFiles still abound on cable. Okay maybe that's too harsh, according to Bodyhack's Randy Dotinga, several reputable universities consider esp and telekinesis legitimate fields of study.
-[5]: "ESP, Telekinesis No Strangers to Academia "
-Title of the day goes to Table of Malcontents for this one: [LSD Inspires Japan's Apartments for the Elderly][6].
-[6]: "LSD Inspires Japan's Apartments for the Elderly"
-[photo credit][7]
-[7]: "Charles Darwin is my homie" \ No newline at end of file