path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/02.12.06/Thu
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-Windows Vista ships with a nice window switcher by the name of Flip-3D for quickly moving between windows, but it's not without its drawbacks. For one thing, if you have a lot of windows stacked together it can be hard to tell which is which, with that in mind we decided to take a look at some alternatives.
-I should note upfront that to use the built-in Flip 3D feature you'll need to have a version of Vista that has Aero enabled (and obviously the necessary hardware as well).
-One possible alternative to Flip 3D is [SmartFlip][2] (download requires forum registration) which is essentially the exact same thing as Flip-3D, but it moves the windows in a circle so it's easier to tell them apart. SmartFlip has a number of configuration option that let you show off Vista's graphical eye candy by slowing window switching or changing transparency.
-Rather than trying to explain all the features in detail I've embedded the developer's nice video demo at the end of the post.
-The other app that gets some good marks around the web is [My Exposé][1], which, as its name implies, mimics the functions of OS X's Expose. As with the original OS X app you can set hot-keys or corner activation or both. Activating My Exposé overlays your desktop with a black background and scales windows so they all fit on the screen.
-I had some problems with the latest version of My Exposé generating error messages, but an earlier version worked just fine.
-Of course neither of this has to replace the stock window switcher, you could use all three in conjunction if you wanted -- just make sure to assign each on a different hot-key combo. For my money Vista's enhanced Alt-Tab with previews does the job quite well, but if 3D window navigation is more your cup of tea you have plenty of options.
-Stock Flip-3D:
-My Exposé:
-SmartFlip developer demo movie:
-<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
-[1]: "My Exposé"
-[2]: "SmartFlip" \ No newline at end of file
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-Elsewhere on Wired:
-* Eliza Gauger at Table of Malcontents has a [review of Terry Gilliam's new movie][1]. I didn't actually read the review because I was worried about spoilers, but if you're not, have at it.
-[1]: "Review: Terry Gilliam's Tideland"
-* I mentioned in the Reboot this morning that Senator Stevens's new bill would not ban Wikipedia contrary to what some people have been saying, but 27B Stroke 6 [digs deeper][2] and comes up with the actual text of the bill and a careful reading.
-[2]: "Fear And Loathing on The Anti-Anti-Predator Campaign"
-* Game|Life finds an Ebay auction for [161 joysticks][3].
-[3]: "eBay Watch: 161 Joysticks"
-* Wired Science is doing a series of "Ask a Scientist" interviews and wants your questions. The next victim, er, scientist is David Des Marais of the Ames Research Center's Astrobiology institute. Go ahead [ask him about sex in space][4].
-[4]: "Ask A Scientist: David Des Marais"
-[photo credit][5]
-[5]: "Flickr: Websites as Graphs" \ No newline at end of file
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-The Nightly Build:
-* A site called [The Lighting blog][1] has some good tips on how to reduce eyestrain when working at a computer all day (and yeah I know it's a corporate blog, but they aren't hawking any wares in the article). Taking breaks is one of the key ideas, but that's hard with this electric collar thing we have to wear at the office -- what's this OSHA thing and why does my collar go off every time I say that word? [via [Lifehacker][2]]
-[2]: "22 ways to reduce computer eyestrain"
-[1]: "22 Ways to Reduce Eye Strain at Your Computer"
-* Loren Baker of Search Engine Journal has [listed 13 reasons nofollow tags suck][5]. I disagree, but I can't think of a sillier argument to get into so I won't go there, you can decided for yourselves.
-[5]: "13 Reasons Why NoFollow Tags Suck"
-* Quick panic! A [new security threat][6] described by Symantec and the Indiana University School of Informatics opens up the possibility of remote reconfiguration of unprotected hardware via malicious JavaScript. In English: Change the default password on your router ya dope.
-[6]: "50% of broadband users face pharming risk"
-* Today's web zen: [Buster Keaton on YouTube][4] (via [Kottke][3])
-[3]: "Lots of Buster Keaton movies on YouTube and Google Video."
-[4]: "Buster Keaton on YouTube"
-[photo credit][8]
-[8]: "Flickr: 405" \ No newline at end of file
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-Yesterday Microsoft posted an [open letter][2] (this "open letter" thing seems to be a catching disease with software companies) regarding OOXML. The letter, which is signed by two MS general managers, Tom Robertson and Jean Paoli, claims that IBM is attempting to slow down the ISO approval process for OOXML.
-Those who have been [following][3] the [ongoing][4] [OOXML battle][5] will probably shrug and might even point to the fact that Sun, Novell and an international consortium of countries are also trying to slowdown OOXML's ISO approval. In fact the only one interested in having OOXML declared an ISO standard is, predictably, Microsoft.
-IBM has refused to comment on the Microsoft letter saying they've addressed the same issues enough in the past.
-Ironically, while attempting to point out the benefits of OOXML, Microsoft blows its own cover in the first sentence: "Over the past year, Microsoft has stepped up efforts to identify and meet the interoperability needs of **our customers**" (emphasis mine). The debate is not about what's best for users at large but rather the important thing is that Microsoft retain its customer base -- even when sowing FUD Microsoft can't hide its real agenda.
-What follows that telling opening sentence is less an impassioned appeal than a whining plea. Former Microsoft Business Development Manager [turned blogger][1], Stephen Walli, calls Microsoft's letter "professionally embarrassing."
-The doublespeak and hypocrisy is thick over at Redmond. Microsoft seems to have already forgotten the anti-ODF smear campaign it launched back when Massachusetts introduced a bill to mandate ODF for government documents.
-First there was the Wiki editing snafu and now this, just how much lower is Microsoft going to sink in its misguided attempt to ramrod OOXML through the ISO process?
-It's a shame Microsoft has chosen the low road because Office 2007 is a great product, its functionality and ease-of-use blow OpenOffice out of the water. What would be ideal would be for Microsoft to embrace the existing standard, ODF, and compete in the market on the the merits of their software rather than the entrapment-through-format approach they seem to be dedicated to today.
-[1]: "Microsoft Whining for Sympathy about OOXML"
-[2]: "Interoperability, Choice and Open XML"
-[3]: "Ecma Approves OpenXML Standard"
-[4]: "More Questions Surround Microsoft's OOXML Format"
-[5]:,72403-0.html?tw=rss "MS Fights to Own Your Office Docs"
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-<img alt="Any_key_3" title="Any_key_3" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />The Morning Reboot:
-* Poor Ted Stevens should really think about retiring. The infamous senator-that-thinks-the-internet-is-a-series-of-tubes is now, according to Computer World, [calling on Congress][1] to "ban access to Wikipedia, MySpace, and social networking sites from schools and libraries." The things is that's not quite true, Stevens is supporting a bill whose wording is so poor that it could end up banning Wikipedia, but it doesn't directly go after Wikipedia. However, you can expect every headline on this story to be something along the lines of "Stevens to Ban Wikipedia," since most of the press doesn't really understand the internet any better than Stevens.
-[1]: " U.S. senator: It's time to ban Wikipedia in schools, libraries"
-* Speaking MySpace, a U.S. District Court judge has [dismissed a lawsuit][3] brought against the site by the parents of a girl who was sexually assaulted by someone she met on MySpace. The parents plan to appeal the decision.
-[3]: "MySpace teen suit dismissed by Texas court"
-* The Drug company [Eli Lilly has failed][4] in its attempt to stop other websites from linking to copies of the documents that are damaging to its image. The case, which was seen as test of online free speech, was hailed a victory by the EFF.
-[4]: "Wiki can link to controversial documents, says US judge"
-* Map geeks rejoice, all those KML files you've been creating are now [searchable in Google Earth][2]. From the Google Maps Blog: "users can now search through all of the world's Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files, making the millions of Google Earth layers on the Web instantly accessible for geobrowsing and exploration."
-[2]: " Search for KML in Google Earth" \ No newline at end of file
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-Ever wanted to compose avant-garde music by browsing the web? Me neither, but now you can thanks to a really fun little app by the name of [Sound of Traffic][1].
-Sound of Traffic is a lightweight Java program that converts TCP/IP header information into midi notes via the Java Synthesizer. Ostensibly the the purpose is to listen in on network traffic, as the website puts it, "in ordered time, via a tempo, rather than realtime, which could be more chaotic."
-Sound of Traffic is fairly sophisticated in its setup, you can assign particular instruments to a particular port, which allows you a fairly fine grained control over the output.
-The results are not unlike some of the compositions on the [Early Gurus of Electronic Music][2] compilation that came out a few years back. Alternately annoying and eerily musical, Sound of Traffic's appeal will probably depend somewhat on whether or not you're a fan of experimental music.
-I found that playing William Basinski's Disintegration Loops in the background and browsing through Flickr with Sound of Traffic turned on produced some great sounds and textures. I'd be curious to see what at DOS attack sounds like, but I don't have a home server to launch one against.
-While not particularly useful, Sound of Traffic is definitely the most fun I've had with an application in some time. Here's a [sample audio file][3] with William Basinski's Disintegration loop in the background, with the exception of the pulsing background sound, everything is TCP/IP traffic as rendered by Sound Of Traffic.
-Sound of Traffic is available for Mac, Windows and *nix.
-[1]: "Sound of Traffic"
-[2]: "OHM- The Early Gurus of Electronic Music"
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