path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/03.26.07/Wed/appletvhacks.txt
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-We've pointed out a couple of cool AppleTV hacks in the past week, but the folks over at tutorial ninjas have put out a very nice [guide to hacking AppleTV][1], including a way to get Joost working with AppleTV.
-The tutorial ninja hacking guide includes tips and instruction for the following:
-* Disabling the Firewall
-* Enabling SSH & VNC
-* Playing xvid/divx encoded stuff
-* Stopping Watchdog
-* Running Applications(Firefox, Centerstage, etc)
-* Installing Quartz
-Near the bottom of the post is a short note that says they successfully installed Joost on the AppleTV. There are reportedly some issues with fonts, but the basic functionality of the Joost application apparently works. Since I don't have an AppleTV I can't verify the hack, any intrepid readers out there willing to give it a try? If you do let us know how it works in the comments below.
-Naturally there is always the chance that Apple will cripple AppleTV further in the future to prevent users from doing this sort of thing, as they've done repeatedly to disable various iTunes hacks over the years. But then again they might not which would leave you with a way to play nearly any video format you like on your AppleTV including Joost's.
-[1]: "Hacking the Apple TV"