path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.02.07/Tue
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-Just hours after iTunes and EMI announced DRM-free digital downloads, the European Commission has [announced that it will pursue antitrust charges against Apple][2] and the record companies Apple partners with for the iTunes Store. The EU says it has sent formal charges to the major record companies and Apple, alleging that the iTunes store restricts music sales in Europe.
-The EU's beef with iTunes is that because there is no European-wide store, rather each country has its own store, users are restricted in their choice of where to buy and what music is available at what price.
-Apple claims that it wants to create an EU version of the iTunes store, but that it is hemmed in by the record companies. In a statement released earlier today Apple claims that it tried to do a pan-European store but was, "advised by the music labels and publishers that there were certain legal limits to the rights they could grant us."
-The price of a single song download varies considerably throughout the 27 nation European Union. For instance, a song will cost you $1.56 in the U.K. but would only be $1.32 in countries using the Euro.
-One thing not included in the antitrust allegation is DRM. Norway and a number of other countries may bring their own legal actions regarding the way Apple allegedly uses DRM to create a lock-in with the iPod, but today's EU charges do not address the DRM issue.
-Macworld UK [reports][1] that the EU has dropped the DRM investigation entirely.
-[1]: " Apple won't face EU action on iTunes-iPod tie-in"
-[2]: "EU charges record companies, Apple on record sales" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.02.07/Tue/facebook.txt b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.02.07/Tue/facebook.txt
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-<img src="" alt="" width="125" height="75" align="right" />Facebook has [released Thrift][1], a software package designed to generate code to create programs that communicate easily and efficiently across programming languages, as an open source framework.
-Originally developed by Facebook for use on the popular social network site, Thrift is a code generation engine to build services that work "efficiently and seamlessly" between C++, Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby.
-For interested web developers there's a [developer group][3], a [white paper][4] (.pdf) and an [introductory tutorial][5] on the Facebook site.
-To generate code using Thrift the Facebook developers recommend the following development setup:
-* A relatively POSIX-compliant *NIX system
-* GNU build tools (Autoconf 2.59c+)
-* boost 1.33.1+
-* g++ 4.0+
-* Java 1.5+ / Apache Ant
-* Python 2.4+
-* PHP 5.0+
-* Ruby 1.8+
-Thrift is built around fairly simple definition files. The .thrift files contain "structs," which Facebook describes as "the basic complex data structures... comprised of fields which each have an integer identifier, a type, a symbolic name, and an optional default value you'd like to use.
-The compiler then takes the .thrift file as input, and generates code in the languages you choose.
-Thrift is not the first time Facebook has released code as open source, [previous projects include phpsh][6], but Thrift is definitely the largest Facebook project to go public.
-The Thrift code is being released under the [Thrift Software License][2], which allows for copying, use, distribution and more.
-[1]: "Thrift: We're Giving Away Code"
-[2]: "Thrift License"
-[3]: "Thrift Developers Group"
-[4]: "Thrift White paper"
-[5]: "Thrift tutorial"
-[6]: "Facebook Open Source Projects" \ No newline at end of file
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-A particularly nasty Windows Vista security exploit in which attackers can hijack your machine via the animated cursor tools, is expected to be patched sometime today.
-The Security Response Center blog [reports][3] that attacks against the vulnerability have increased over the past weekend and the proof-of-concept code has been released to the public.
-In light of the increased attacks Microsoft says it will roll out the update a few days ahead of time -- unless the patch encounters an "issue."
-Microsoft says that "it's possible that we will find an issue that will force us to delay the release." If the release is delayed beyond today, customers will be notified via the MSRC blog.
-The update was previously scheduled for release as part of the April monthly security update on April 10, but due to the increased risks brought to light by this weekend's attacks, Microsoft has decided to rush out a patch.
-The MSRC blog says that the exploit was reported to the Windows team back in December of last year.
-Affected users should keep an eye on the [MSRC blog][2] and we'll be sure to let you know when a link is available.
-[3]: "Latest on security update for Microsoft Security Advisory 935423"
-[2]: "Microsoft Security Response Center Blog" \ No newline at end of file
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-[Workspace], a new online development environment for programmers, stands out for its slick FTP integration and near seamless replication of desktop features. Workspace uses an Ajax interface to create a nice online IDE for building web-based applications -- no extra software required.
-Workspace has been in private beta for a while now, but over the weekend the site launched what it calls a "sandbox" version. You'll still need to submit an invite request to join and Workspace is quick to point out that bugs may pop up.
-We've looked at some online IDEs before, such as [CodeIDE][2], but Workspace boasts some impressive features -- like FTP integration -- that I haven't seen elsewhere.
-When you log in to Workspace you're presented with a screen that emulates a traditional desktop space. Drag and drop "windows" show FTP connections, file directory structures and text editor windows just like your OS desktop. Next to each file or directory is small arrow icon that acts a right-click style menu with options for that document or folder.
-The text editor portion of Workspace supports customizable syntax highlighting and one-click saving. Supported languages include PHP, JavaScript, HTML, Java, Perl, SQL and others. Some nice indicator icons show up when you have unsaved changes in your editor documents and the app even supports the ctrl-s shortcut for saving (Windows only).
-Most of Workspace's editing and organizational features are standard fair for online development environments at this point, but the FTP support sets Workspace apart.
-To grab files off your remote server just enter in your username and password and Workspace will connect and give you directory listings and file edit capabilities much like any descent desktop based editor.
-[1]: "Workspace"
-[2]: "CodeIDE: An Online IDE"
-While it can be difficult to see at times, the Workspace team has provided the following demonstration video that lets you see the application in action.
-<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
-Keep in mind that Workspace is a beta so you may not want to trust it with mission critical documents yet. \ No newline at end of file