path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.09.07/Mon/pidgin.txt
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-The popular, multi-protocol instant messaging client Gaim has, due to legal pressure from AOL regarding the trademarked name AIM, [changed its name to Pidgin][1]. This marks the second time the developers have changed the project name to appease AOL.
-In the early days of its development AOL threatened to sue over the name "GTK+ AOL Instant Messenger" and so the name was Changed to Gaim. Shortly thereafter AOL began referring to it's IM service as AIM and the legal threats began anew.
-In a post at the new Pidgin domain, the Pidgin, née Gaim, developers [recount the long tale][1] of legal battles, secrecy and beta releases leading up to the name change decision.
->Each time a new Gaim developer was threatened, we had to look at new legal support, to prevent a conflict of interest.
->This process could not go on forever. As a result we ended up forming the Instant Messaging Freedom Corporation, and making it legally responsible for Gaim. We also had our new legal support work to create a real settlement with AOL that would get this issue dismissed from our lives forever.
->At long last, I am pleased to announce that we have a signed settlement and can release our new version. There is one catch however: we have had to change the project's name.
-The developers also note that the new URL will be the permanent home of Pidgin though for the time being SourceForge's mirroring system will be used for new release.
-Gaim was, and the new Pidgin will be, a multi-protocol instant messaging client for Linux, BSD, OS X, and Windows. It's compatible with AIM and ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo, IRC, Jabber, other popular networks.
-The name change also means that a new release is on the way. Version 2.0 of Pidgin will reportedly add an API compatibility layer for plugin authors among other changes. While website doesn't give a specific date, the developers say they hope to have the release up in the coming week.
-The screenshot below (found via [Digg][2]) is reportedly of the new version. We'll be sure to post a review once we get our hands on a copy.
-[1]: "Gaim now Pidgin"
-[2]: "Pidgin on Digg"
-[3]: "Pidgin" \ No newline at end of file