path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.16.07/Fri/stumbleupon.txt
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-Despite [rumors of an acquisition by Ebay][2] and even as [Google starts muscling in on its territory][3], StumbleUpon continues to deliver impressive new features. Today the social bookmarking and random browsing leader released a new feature dubbed [StumbleThru][1], which allows for site specific "stumbling," letting users to randomly browse Flickr, MySpace, YouTube and other popular sites.
-Given yesterday's announcement from Google, who is now offering similar accidental search capabilities, StumbleUpon is likely looking to steal a bit of Google's thunder. And StumbleThru will probably do just that. The new domain-specific options give users another reason to stick with the original stumbling service.
-So far StumbleUpon has not made any major announcement regarding the new service, however, the release notes for the latest version of the StumbleUpon toolbar tout the new features.
-To get started with StumbleThru you'll need to have the StumbleUpon toolbar installed and login to your account.
-From there head to the StumbleThru page and select a domain to begin stumbling in. Clicking any of the featured domains will add the site icon next to the "Stumble!" button on the toolbar.
-In my brief testing the new features worked without any glitches and I expect this will be popular with users, especially the Flickr and Wikipedia options since both of those sites lend themselves to random, accidental discoveries.
-In fact, browsing through Flickr via StumbleUpon is better than most of the navigation tools that Flickr offers.
-[via [Mashable][4]]
-[1]: "StumbleThru"
-[2]: "StumbleUpon Meets Its Maker?"
-[3]: "Google Introduces StumbleUpon-Style Search Options"
-[4]: "Breaking: StumbleUpon Launches StumbleThru - Stumble on Flickr, MySpace, YouTube"