path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.16.07/Thu
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-In addition to the [new search features][1], Google also announcement this morning, Froogle has been [renamed Google Product Search][2] -- presumably because puns just don't have the longevity they once enjoyed. Google says the old name "caused confusion for some because it doesn't clearly describe what the product does."
-The new Google Product Search also sports a slightly refined interface and the Google homepage link now read "products."
-The Froogle renaming also comes shortly after Google announced it will be expanding its Paypal competitor, Google Checkout. The new Products search results page now has a link at the top of each page to limit search results to retailers who offer Google Checkout payment services.
-Froogle was never quite as successful as other Google properties, and presumably Google is hoping that the rebranding will change that. However, we at Compiler will also refer to it exclusively as The Google Service Former Known As Froogle.
-[1]: "Google Introduces StumbleUpon-Style Search Options"
-[2]: "Back to basics" \ No newline at end of file
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-Earlier this week Google [rolled out a new API][2] designed to let Javascript developers mash up RSS feeds using simple Ajax code.
-As with other Google APIs, you'll need to [sign up][3] for a domain-based API key and from there you can cut and paste code from some of the sample applications (see iTunes feed after the jump).
-Alternately, if your Javascript-fu is up to it, you can start mashing your own collection of feeds.
-Google's Feed API is handy because it lets developers work around Javascript's same-origin policy, which is a security mechanism designed to prevent scripts loaded from one domain from getting or setting properties of a document from a different domain.
-It's possible to manually get around the same-origin issues, but it involves somewhat complex server-side proxies and isn't practical for the casual blogger who just wants to drop a customized RSS widget into their page.
-The Google Feed API allows you to do exactly that by using FeedFetcher, the same feed caching and sharing mechanism found in Google Reader.
-However because you're essentially pulling data from Google Reader, that means that the feed may not be completely "fresh." FeedFetcher retrieves feeds from most sites less than once every hour.
-Some more technical details:
-* Data can be passed using either JSON or XML
-* The AJAX Feed API only provides access to publicly accessible feeds
-* Just about every RSS format is supported, including Atom feeds.
-If you've used other Google Ajax APIs you'll recognize some familiar patterns and it should be too difficult to get up to speed. Newcomers and others looking to take the plunge, should check out the reasonably [thorough documentation][1].
-[1]: "Google AJAX Feed API Developer Guide"
-[2]: " Announcing the Google AJAX Feed API"
-[3]: "Sign up for the Google AJAX Feed API"
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-Users of Google's toolbar and/or personalized search features have [a new way to browse the web][2]. The new features dubbed, uh, well, certainly not StumbleUpon since that's taken, are available to anyone using the Search History tools available through the Google Toolbar.
-The Google Blog post on the new features says "today we're releasing two features that reduce the need for you to type in specific queries to get the information you want." Or to paraphrase [GigaOm][1] and stick the words in Google's mouth: today we're pissed we missed out on acquiring Stumbleupon so we're copping some of its features.
-The chief difference between the two services is that where StumbleUpon relies on a user community of submitted sites, Google's new features suggest sites based on your preferences and search history.
-A difference somewhat akin to the difference between cuddling up with a new puppy versus your shiny new Sony [AIBO][4].
-In truth though I don't think this is a StumbleUpon competitor, or at least it isn't a very good one. Part of the fun of StumbleUpon is that it can be entirely random and it can lead you to pages outside your normal web surfing bubble.
-Google's offering on the other hand is more what I always thought the "I'm feeling lucky" option should have been. In other words Google knows your search history, so, based on that, it can pull up some sites that are very similar to what you might be looking for, however, it's anything but random.
-The most interesting part of the new search tool is that Google will tell you why it chose the recommendations it did, and even offers more links to things you've searched for previously.
-Almost like [radical transparency][3] from a search engine.
-[1]: "Google releases StumbleUpon competitor"
-[2]: "Searching without a query"
-[3]: "What would radical transparency mean for Wired?"
-[4]: "Wikipedia: AIBO" \ No newline at end of file
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-Last month Listening Post reported on the [demise of the Online Guitar Archive][1] a sheet music/tablature repository for musicians. And while the [International Music Score Library Project][2] (IMSLP) won't help rock guitars learn the nuances of Frank Zappa's solos, it does boast an impressive collection of classical sheet music, including public domain scores as well as scores donated by composers willing give away their music charts.
-Although I just found it today, the IMSLP has actually been around for over a year and in that time the site has managed to build up an impressive archive of PDF-format sheet music.
-The IMSLP website appears to be running mediawiki software, or in any case it's set up like a wiki which means if you've got some public domain sheet music, or are willing to give away you're own compositions, you can scan and upload them to the site.
-Be sure to check the [current events][3] page before uploading anything, that way you'll avoid duplicating the efforts of other members and you can of course add your own listing of scanning projects to let others know your plans.
-Okay so the IMSLP doesn't really take the sting out of losing the Online Guitar Archive, but at least it shows that there some publishers and artists out there that love music more than they love profit and that's always encouraging.
-And for all the budding young Django Reinhardts, there are still some guitar tab sites located outside the U.S. that offer plenty of downloads, but you'll have to find them on your own.
-If anyone knows of something similar to the International Music Score Library Project, but for other genres (say Jazz) let us know.
-[1]: "Music Publishers Crack Down on Guitar Tabs"
-[2]: "International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)"
-[3]: "International Music Score Library Project: Current Events" \ No newline at end of file
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-After almost a year of inactivity, the developers of Transmission, an open source, lightweight bittorrent client for Mac and Linux have [released a new version][1]. The new release features bug fixes for all the known issues with the previous version as well as some nice new features.
-For Mac users the new version, Transmission .70 requires OS X 10.4 or greater, though previous versions of Transmission are still available for those not using the latest version of OS X.
-I've never had any problems with the previous version of Transmission so I can't comment on the bug fixes, but some of the additional features are quite nice.
-I especially like the ability to limit bandwidth by torrent and, while I don't know what I'd use it for, there's also the ability to schedule bandwidth limits -- could be handy for people whose bandwidth is being throttled by Comcast.
-There's also a new minimized list view which shows just the progress bar for those that have dozens of torrent files running at once.
-The torrent inspector window features a number of new stats and info including a list of connected IPs and percentage stats by peer.
-The new icon is nice and when switching apps with Cmd+Tab Transmission will show your upload and download speeds in the icon (see screenshot below).
-While the majority of the new features, particularly the interface changes and additions are limited to OS X version, Transmission can also be compiled on Linux, heck there's even a version for BeOS.
-For a complete list of changes and to download the new version head over to the [Transmission site][1].
-[1]: "Transmission" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.16.07/Thu/ubuntu.txt b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.16.07/Thu/ubuntu.txt
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-With a turnaround time that must make Cupertino and Redmond green with envy, Canonical has officially [launched the new version][6] of its popular [Ubuntu Linux][5].
-Seems like just the other day we told you about the last version of Ubuntu, but amazingly enough yet another new version has arrived. Feisty Fawn, as the latest Ubuntu is know, is now out of beta and [available for download][2].
-The main Ubuntu page still hasn't been updated for the release, but if you head directly to the download page you'll find the various disc images are ready to download.
-Along with Ubuntu there's typically a release of Kubuntu and and Edubuntu, which use the same code base but, in case of Kubuntu use KDE and Edubuntu, focus on education. Downloads for both [Kubuntu][1] and [Edubuntu][3] can be found on their respective download pages.
-Feisty Fawn brings a number of notable enhancements to the Linux desktop including a new Windows desktop migration tool. When installing Ubuntu next to Windows in a dual boot, the migration tool can detect that and import bookmarks, files and more, making it easier to migrate from Windows.
-The latest version of Ubuntu also features easy-to-install multimedia codecs. To get around legal restrictions in various countries the Feisty team has implemented some guided install wizards for those wanting to add codecs.
-The other noteworthy feature of the new release is a revamped wireless tool by the name of Avahi. When joining a wireless network, Avahi automatically discovers publicly available machines on that network making it easy to access printers, music and more.
-If you're an Ubuntu user, head over and grab an image of Feisty Fawn and for those who've been thinking about switching to Linux, there's no time like the present and Ubuntu remains a great easy-to-use distro for those looking to dip a toe in the Linux waters.
-For more information on future development, including a roadmap for the next release of Ubuntu, be sure to [check out our earlier coverage][4].
-[1]: "Kubuntu 7.04"
-[2]: "Ubuntu 7.04"
-[3]: "Edubuntu 7.04"
-[4]: "Ubuntu Unveils Roadmap For Version 7.10"
-[5]: "Ubuntu homepage"
-[6]: "Canonical Launches Latest Ubuntu Desktop 7.04" \ No newline at end of file
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-A Compiler Reader by the name of Azor informs us that the Ubuntu server is currently almost crippled. When I checked a few minutes ago the front page was just a list of mirrors. While that's a great testament to the popularity of Ubuntu and user's eagerness to upgrade to today's release, it makes downloading something of a pain.
-But don't worry, we have alternatives. Using The Google earlier today, I stumbled across the [Ubuntu torrent files][1]. In addition to today's release, there's torrents for just about every version of Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu. So, in the interest of giving the Ubuntu site a rest, why not grab a torrent and use your favorite torrent client to download something wholesome and legal for once?
-All these files have an info hash included so you can verify that what you downloaded is actually Ubuntu. And be sure to scroll down to the new version (7.04). There's also links to torrents for the server version as well as Xubuntu.
-The torrent page loads in almost no time at all and my Kubuntu download currently has around 50 peers and is currently downloading at 65 KB/s -- much better than the web option.
-[1]: "Ubuntu torrents" \ No newline at end of file