path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.16.07/Tue
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-The U.S. Copyright Royalty Board has upheld a rate increase for internet broadcasters, which many webcasters, including the popular [Pandora music service][2], will force them to close up shop.
-In yesterday's hearing the CRB reaffirmed last month's decision to force webcasters to pay an annual fee plus 12 percent of their profits to SoundExchange, the industry's royalty collection agency.
-The new rates are four times higher than what satellite radio pays and traditional broadcast radio doesn't pay the fees at all.
-National Public Radio, which led the appeal on behalf of smaller broadcasters, has called the CRB's decision an "abuse of discretion."
-For more coverage be sure to check out Eliot's [write up on Listening Post][4].
-With the CRB avenue essentially exhausted, it would seem that the death of Pandora and others in imminent. But in light of the CRB's decision, a number of internet broadcasters have banded together and are trying to petition congress to step in.
-In an email to subscribers over the weekend Pandora founder Tim Westergren writes of the Save Internet Radio campaign:
->Hi, it's Tim from Pandora,
->I'm writing today to ask for your help.  The survival of Pandora and all of Internet radio is in jeopardy because of a recent decision by the Copyright Royalty Board in Washington, DC to almost triple the licensing fees for Internet radio sites like Pandora. 
->In response to these new and unfair fees, we have formed the SaveNetRadio Coalition, a group that includes listeners, artists, labels and webcasters.  I hope that you will consider joining us. 
->Please sign our petition urging your Congressional representative to act to save Internet radio: [][3] 
->Understand that we are fully supportive of paying royalties to the artists whose music we play, and have done so since our inception.  As a former touring musician myself, I'm no stranger to the challenges facing working musicians.  The issue we have with the recent ruling is that it puts the cost of streaming far out of the range of ANY webcaster's business potential. 
-If you're a fan of internet radio and think that the DRB's decision is unfair for web broadcasters, head over to the Save Internet Radio site and [sign the petition][3]. To contact your representatives directly, you can look up their [contact info on the site][1].
-[1]: "Contact Your Representatives"
-[2]: "Pandora"
-[3]: "Sign Save internet Radio Petition"
-[4]: "Copyright Royalty Board Upholds 'Disastrous' Royalty Rates" \ No newline at end of file
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-I've long been confused as to whether I should put environment variable in my ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file. As it turns out I'm not the only one who can't keep these straight. Luckily for you and I, a blogger by the name of Josh Staiger is not so lazy he can't be bothered to type man bash.
-Staiger's post is almost two years old and I don't remember how I stumbled across it, but as with most things *nix there haven't been any major changes lately.
-Here's Staiger's explanation of the difference between the two files:
->According to the bash man page, .bash_profile is executed for login shells, while .bashrc is executed for interactive non-login shells.
->What I take this to mean is that when I login when using a console, either physically at the machine or using ssh, .bash_profile is executed.
->However, if I launch a terminal within a windowing system such as KDE, launch the Emacs *shell* mode, or execute /bin/bash from within another terminal then .bashrc is executed.
-If keeping the two straight is just too much effort, Staiger points out that most people tend edit the files so one calls the other. That way you can keep all your variables in one place without having to keep track of which file is used by which shell type. To enact this sort of trickery you'll need to open .bash_profile and uncomment the following lines:
- if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
- source ~/.bashrc
- fi
-Those lines may not be there on some flavors of *nix, for instance they we're there on my OS X machine, but adding them in seems to work. Let me know if you have problems. \ No newline at end of file
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-Comedian Will Ferrell is trying his hand at the internet. Will Ferrell and Adam McKay's production company Gary Sanchez Productions has launched a comedy video site named [][1].
-FunnyOrDie is more or less like HotOrNot for comedy clips, after watching a clip users can either vote for or against it. Popular clips move up in the rankings and the rest go off to "die."
-Some the clips features big names in comedy including [this hilarious clip of Will Ferrell][4] dealing with an angry landlord, and other pieces are user generated. Unfortunately the site doesn't seem to understand the notion of embeddable clips.
-Ferrell and McKay are using their alter ego, [Gary Sanchez][2], as a mouth piece for the site. Sanchez says that videos starring Hollywood heavyweights will appear regularly in the featured section of FunnyOrDie, but "the meat and cabbage of the site will be the real peoples."
-If nothing else FunnyOrDie's new investment from Sequoia Capital -- the same venture capital firm behind YouTube -- will hopefully lead to more Will Ferrell content making its way to the web and that's never a bad thing.
-via [The Hollywood Reporter][3]
-[1]: "Funny Or Die"
-[2]: "The Mystery Of Gary Sanchez"
-[3]: ""
-[4]: "The Landlord" \ No newline at end of file
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-Microsoft has released a new [Windows Media plugin for Firefox][1] which allows you to use Windows Media Player inside the Firefox browser. The new plugin supports Windows XP SP2 and Vista including the 64 bit versions of both OSes.
-Port25, a Microsoft website devoted to interoperability with Linux, is hosting the download. If you visit the [plug-in site][2] at Mozilla, you will be automatically redirected to Port25 to [download and install the plug-in][1]. (screenshots after the jump)
-Some Firefox users have complained that Microsoft is not using the XPI format for extensions, but in fact the .xpi extensions are for add-ons not plugins. As with the Flash plugin for Firefox, the Windows Media Plugin in a .exe file.
-The new plugin addresses the known issues that plagued the previous version and adds Vista support.
-There is however one known issue with the new plugin as noted on the Port25 site:
->There is a known issue if you are using Firefox version on Windows Vista with the installer failing with error code -203. To work around this simply restart Firefox (you will get a notification that Windows Vista will be changing the Firefox compatibility settings) and then install again - the second time should succeed.
-I did not experience this issue in my testing, but if you do let us know is the workaround helps.
-Also note that the plugin is compatible with the 64 bit versions of XP and Vista, but not with the 64 bit version of Firefox.
-Regrettably there is still no plugin for Windows Media 11 on Mac or Linux.
-[1]: "download Windows Media Player for Firefox"
-[2]: "Mozilla plugin site"
-[3]: "Port25" \ No newline at end of file
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-Microsoft has finally released an [update][1] which addresses performance issues with the company's popular email client, Outlook 2007. However the patch is primarily intended for users working with Exchange Server, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a more general fix.
-Many Outlook users who upgraded to 2007 have complained about significant drops in performance. An earlier support center document [addresses issues][2] with Outlook 2007 responding slowly when composing messages, moving messages to folders, deleting items and global searches.
-If you're experiencing any of these issues Microsoft recommends you update Outlook and either delete some mail (?!), split your archives into smaller .pst files, use a filter to the items that you synchronize from Exchange to your .ost file and use online mode profile instead of a cached mode profile.
-But even with the update and following the above tips, Microsoft says the issue may not disappear entirely.
-The problems seem to stem from changes to Outlook 2007 which added new features like an RSS news reader and live search message indexing. Unfortunately the new features seem to have come at the cost of performance, at least in some cases.
-Jessica Arnold, Program Manager for Outlook [tells Computer World][3] that the performance issues stem from the new features. For instance, because RSS feeds are now downloaded and stored in local databases as .pst files, that data, along with email and calendar data, can quickly swell to several gigabytes in size.
-So basically, as long as you don't have much mail, don't read many RSS feeds and rarely use your calendar, you should not have any performance problems using Outlook 2007.
-Those with thousands of messages, RSS feeds and busy schedules might want to hold off on upgrading to Outlook 2007. If it's too late for that, perhaps try the patch and let us know if it helps. I'd also perhaps recommend at least investigating web-based solutions like GMail.
-[1]: "Update for Outlook 2007 (KB933493)"
-[2]: "You may experience performance problems when you are working with items in a large .pst file or in a large .ost file in Outlook 2007"
-[3]: "Microsoft addresses speed issues in Outlook update" \ No newline at end of file
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-If the telecom giants aren't already, the explosion of growth in free 411 services should have them lobbying congress for protective legislation in the near future. Earlier today I ran across yet another free 411 service, [Tellme][2], that joins the growing ranks of free 411 options like those from [Google][4] and [Free411][1].
-Tellme is a little different than the other two since in addition to traditional dialing services and text queries, Tellme also offers a downloadable app for your mobile device.
-To use Tellme voice, simply call 1.800.555.TELL and to text for info send a message to 83556.
-If you'd like to use the new Tellme mobile application you'll need to be with one of the two supported service providers, AT&T or Sprint. You'll also need to make sure your phone is supported, though most reasonably new models are.
-Tellme offers text message replies, links to maps and is of course free. However, usage charges from your provider will apply and in case of the web application these could be hefty depending on your plan.
-[via [Techcrunch][3]]
-Screenshots from the demo video on the Tellme site:
-[1]: "Make Free 411 Calls"
-[2]: "Tellme"
-[3]: "Tellme Launches Free 411 Business Search Service"
-[4]: "Google Voice Local search" \ No newline at end of file
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-I'll confess I was skeptical of Twitter, in fact I don't even have an account, why would people want to know the minutia of my life? But all that was because I failed to see the storytelling potential of the medium. Now that I've discovered the Twitter [zombieattack feed][1], I've come full circle: Twitter rocks.
-Zombie Attack is Twitter stream in which someone is documenting life on the run in a world taken over by zombies.
-Here's a few snips from the stream:
->The trail lead to a cellar, in it was a family of three all dead, near them lays a stack of a newspapers, it seems to be in Japanese.....
->Woke up this morning, and my infected arm has spread expontentially. I don't think I can hide this from Matt much longer.
->They say to keep the wound clean, and keep drinking liquor so it wont spread. They are so good to us, i think we might have found a new home
->My arm has kept me up so i went outside to look at the sky, it is full of stars, is this a sign that things are going to get better?
-As of posting this the feed has 830 friends, which makes me wonder if the book and movie deals will start rolling in for clever Twitter users... Either way it beats the heck out of whatever my friends are doing in their boring zombie-free lives.
-via [Digg][2]
-[[photo credit][3]]
-[1]: "Zombie Attack"
-[2]: "Digg: Zombie Attack"
-[3]: "Flickr: Zombie Mob" \ No newline at end of file