path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.30.07/Mon
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-Apple recently [released a software update][3] designed to address performance issues with Macbook and Macbook Pro batteries. The battery update can be found by running Software Update or can be [downloaded directly from the Apple site][1].
-Apple says the update should be run on all MacBook and MacBook Pros purchased between February 2006 and April 2007, but claims that the performance issues do not present a safety risk. "You may continue to use your current battery," says the Apple update page.
-However, the page also lists some symptoms, which might necessitate the replacement of your battery. The qualifying symptoms of an affected battery are:
-* Battery is not recognized causing an "X" to appear in the battery icon in the Finder menu bar.
-* Battery will not charge when computer is plugged into AC power.
-* Battery exhibits low charge capacity/runtime when using a fully charged battery with a battery cycle count (as shown in System Profiler) of less than 300.
-* Battery pack is visibly deformed.
-If you experience any of the above, it's time to head to an Apple store or authorized Apple repair center, where you can new battery, free of charge, even if your MacBook or MacBook Pro is out of warranty.
-While it's nice to see Apple finally address a widespread issue, I ran across [a thread in the Apple forums][2] where some users have reported problems with the update. Given that my Macbook is my main work machine, I haven't applied the update yet. But I also haven't had any problems with the battery and I'm a firm believer in the old adage "if it ain't broke..." -- YMMV.
-And there's certainly no hurry, the new battery program extends repair coverage to up to two years from the date of purchase.
-[2]: "Macbook Pro Battery Update 1.2 Issues"
-[1]: "Macbook/Macbook Pro Battery update"
-[3]: "MacBook and MacBook Pro Battery Update"
-[4]: "Flickr: swollen macbook pro battery" \ No newline at end of file
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-Mozilla has reached another milestone in the development of Firefox 3, releasing another alpha build over the weekend. As with the previous alpha releases, Gran Paradiso Alpha 4 is intended primarily for the developer community and is not yet ready for prime-time.
-Alpha 4 brings a number of new enhancements to Firefox 3, which we [outlined yesterday][1]. While most of the new feautres are behind-the-scenes improvments which are not immediately obvious to the casual user, there is one exception -- speed.
-Alpha 4 is the fastest version of Firefox yet, though how much of that is a result of running the browser with no extensions, versus actual speed increase is open to debate.
-Behind the scenes the new Gecko 1.9 rendering engine does bring speed boosts in page load time and disabling the extensions in Firefox 2 still didn't match the speed of Gran Paradiso. In my testing (done using a Macbook 2 GHz, 1 G RAM, running OS X and Windows with cable internet connection) pages snapped up with almost no lag at all.
-Mac users will probably see the biggest speed gains in the coming Firefox 3 since all the interface elements in next version will use Cocoa widgets. However, there seems to be some confusion as to what this means.
-For the record, "native Cocoa widgets" refers to things like scrollbars, buttons in the various panels, and other browser UI elements. It **does not mean** that form elements on the page will use OS X-style buttons and lists.
-In fact the newly native Cocoa widgets look no different than the Carbon widgets (see screenshots below) used in Firefox 2; the difference is they render faster, providing Mac users with a much needed speed boost.
-Other than speed gains, the most noticeable new feature is a completely redesigned Page Info panel. The Page Info panel has been condensed and re-organized, as well as adding some new features like the ability to set cookie and security permissions on a per page basis (which is possible in Firefox 2, but only via add-ons).
-Previous the Get Info panel was subdivided into "forms," "links," and "media" tabs, but those three have now been condensed into one tab, "media" which allows quick and easy access to all the image assets on a page.
-Interestingly, external stylesheets, Javascript and other files previously listed in the "links" tab appear to no longer be available.
-Alpha 4 also introduces a new crash reporting mechanism named Breakpad that should help Firefox developers get better feedback. On the Mac side, it's also worth noting that Breakpad can peacefully co-exist with OS X' built in crash reporter.
-Two new features we were really looking forward to, didn't end up making the final build of Alpha 4. Growl notifications were disabled at the last minute since they still have too many bugs, and Places, a new History and Bookmarks manager, is only partially included.
-For the daring, the Mozilla wiki has instructions on how to [create a build of Alpha 4 with Places fully enabled][2].
-As with any alpha build there are still [a number of known issues][3] and Gran Paradiso is not recommended for daily use. Still, the new milestone shows Firefox 3 is making steady progress toward a final release.
-[1]: "Firefox 3 Alpha 4 Arrives, New Roadmap Details Emerge"
-[2]: "Places Builds"
-[3]: "Alpha 4 Known Issues" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.30.07/Mon/photoshopflaws.txt b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.30.07/Mon/photoshopflaws.txt
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-Photoshop isn't high on most people's list of ways to hijack a computer, but that doesn't mean it's immune to security risks. Two new flaws have recently been found in venerable photo editing program, including one that allows the execution of arbitrary code.
-The latest vulnerability, according to Secunia, a security research firm, is caused by a [boundary error in the PNG Photoshop Format Plugin][1]. The flaw has been confirmed in CS2 and is believed to affect the new CS3 as well.
-That news comes on heals of an announcement last week that a flaw in the way Adobe Photoshop handles Bitmap files leaves it open to [exploitation via malicious BMP files][2].
-Technically these exploits are not limited to Photoshop, but affect any Adobe product using the plug-ins. Secunia reports that that the BMP exploit has been tested in the wild, but the PNG remains thus far only theoretical.
-Still, since Adobe has not released any patches yet, Secunia recommends that users not open untrusted .bmp or .png files.
-[1]: "PNG File Handling Buffer Overflow"
-[2]: "Adobe Photoshop Bitmap File Handling Buffer Overflow Vulnerability " \ No newline at end of file
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