path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.30.07/Tue/24flickr.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.30.07/Tue/24flickr.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.30.07/Tue/24flickr.txt b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/04.30.07/Tue/24flickr.txt
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-Since the [demise of Life magazine][3], fans of the "Day in the Life" series have been left hanging, but fear not, the internet will pick up the slack. Grab your SLRs photo-hounds because Flickr has announced a "[24 hours of Flickr][1]" event to document life on the planet as seen through the eyes of Flickr users.
-The event will take place May 5th beginning at 6AM Pacific time, though you will be able to submit photos until the 21st, which should give you plenty of time to post process and clean up your images.
-And it might be a good idea to put some effort into those images since, in addition to posting your photos on the site, your pictures could end up in print. Flickr plans to release a companion "24 Hours of Flickr" book, pulling select photos from the group -- just like the old Life series, more or less.
-To participate you need to be a Flickr member and join the "[24flickr][2]" group.
-[1]: "24 hours of Flickr"
-[2]: "24flickr"
-[3]: "Time Retires Life Magazine And Puts 10 Million Images Online" \ No newline at end of file