path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.14.07/Fri
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-As part of Google's recent search improvements, [Google Book Search][1] is now offering results from books that haven't yet been digitized. The new content means that in addition to the millions of digitized, searchable books in the index, bookworms now have access to millions more.
-The new results show up inline with the old digitized results and clicking thorough to the "About This Book" page will list, if available, a summary, links to reviews of the book and, most notably, links to find the book via your local library.
-The libraries portion of the results will hand you off to WorldCat, a library catalogue search engine. WorldCat will show nearby libraries that stock the book you're after, though, since not all libraries participate in WorldCat, you results may vary somewhat depending on your location.
-WorldCat does a pretty good job of guessing your location (presumably based on IP address), but you can always enter a different address.
-Google Book Search also provides links to purchase books through Amazon and other online retailers.
-Not all the books will have review links or references, but where possible the new features allow you to get a pretty good idea of whether or not a book is relevant to what you're after.
-Here's a couple of samples searches: [<cite>Austerlitz</cite> by W.G. Sebald][2] which shows the summary features and [Frank Stanford's <cite>The Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You</cite>][3], which is slightly more obscure and hence shows a less informative results page.
-One curious thing in these results, Sebald, the author of <cite>Austerlitz</cite>, died in car accident in 2001 yet Google Book Search lists him as still being alive -- nothing is perfect I suppose.
-In addition to the new non-digitized content, Google Book Search has also announced that it has signed on its first French-language library for its book search project. The Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne, Switzerland, will open its stacks to Google and make much of its extensive catalogue available -- including books by prominent French authors like Victor Hugo and Honoré de Balzac.
-[1]: "Google Book Search"
-[2]: "Austerlitz By Sebald, Winfried Georg"
-[3]: "The Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You By Frank Stanford" \ No newline at end of file
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-<img border="0" src="" title="Democracy_logo" alt="Democracy_logo" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px; float: right;" />Democracy, the open source, web-enabled video player, is set to release a new version and would like the public's help [testing the first final release candidate][2].
-The new Democracy Player 0.9.6-rc0 includes some nice new features like the ability to watch any folder on your computer for new videos, resume playback functionality, more keyboard shortcuts and better Windows Vista compatibility.
-The watched folder features is particularly nice for those that frequently download movies from sources Democracy doesn't track. Just set your movie to download to a folder and then tell Democracy to watch that folder and whenever it finds new videos they'll show up in the Democracy Player.
-I don't know that it qualifies as a bug exactly, but I did have one small quibble with the new watched folder feature. On Mac OS X the watched folder believes that .DS_Store files are new movies, when in fact they're just hidden system files that live in every folder.
-For the time being you can tell Democracy to skip these files and they won't be listed in your new movies section, but it would be nice to see the Player handle hidden files a little better from the get go.
-If you've never used Democracy, have a look at [our review from last year][1]. Democracy's standout features is still the integrated search tool for querying YouTube, Google Video, BlogDigger and Yahoo Video all at once.
-As for the stability I didn't have any problems, but keep in mind that this is pre-release software so exercise the usual cautions.
-[1]: "Democracy Gets My Vote"
-[2]: "Help Test Democracy Player 0.9.6 Release Candidate" \ No newline at end of file
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-The recently redesigned Google Search page violates the companies own design suggestions by failing to gracefully degrade for users without Javascript-enabled browsers. The new links at the top left of the page are an entirely Javascript-driven interface element, turn off Javascript and they disappear completely.
-As the [Google Operating System blog][2] points out, this violate Google's own suggestion for webmasters which read:
->Use a text browser such as Lynx to examine your site, because most search engine spiders see your site much as Lynx would. If fancy features such as JavaScript, cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML, or Flash keep you from seeing all of your site in a text browser, then search engine spiders may have trouble crawling your site.
-Obviously google isn't trying to optimize the homepage for its own spiders, but the lack of a graceful downgraded solution for browsers without Javascript (5-10% of web users depend on what stats you want to believe) is surprising especially since they're really just links.
-Even the drop-down menu for the "More" option could easy be handled with CSS in those cases where Javascript was not available. Given that fact that almost all Google services (even GMail) offer some sort of stripped down HTML-only option, it's downright embracing that the primary search page can't do the same.
-Hopefully the Javascript only navigation is simply and oversight and Google will offer an alternative solution in the near future.
-[1]: "Google To Add Embedded Videos to Default Search Results"
-[2]: "No JavaScript, No Google Navigation" \ No newline at end of file
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-When Microsoft announced it was [releasing the Dynamic Language Runtime behind .Net][1] as part of its Silverlight platform, the team behind Mono, an open source implementation of .NET vowed to release an experimental Linux-based Silverlight browser plug-in by the end of the year. Today the team announced that it has Microsoft's IronPython with the DLR working on Mono.
-IronPython is an implementation of the Python programming language, targeting .NET developers which allows them to use Python to manipulate .NET framework objects.
-The announcement, which comes just sixteen days after the DLR was released, represents an important milestone for the Mono developers.
-As the [Vista Small Talk blog points out][3], today's announcement means that IronPython can now run:
->* in the Silverlight browser plugin
-* natively on Windows Vista
-* on Windows XP with WinFx
-* on Linux, BSD, and OSX with Mono
-Other DLR-based languages like IronRuby, VBx, and more should theoretically be portable as well which is good news both for developers and Microsoft, who is looking to build an active developer community around its new Silverlight platform.
-[via [O'Reilly Radar][2]]
-[1]: "Microsoft's Silverlight Gunning For Flash"
-[2]: "Mono Now Supports IronPython"
-[3]: "IronPython Running on Mono" \ No newline at end of file
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-Picasa Web Albums, the photo sharing site from Google, has released a new Flash-based slideshow feature. The slideshows can be embedded in nearly any page, making it easy to share them with friends.
-Unfortunately [the new slideshows][1] are lackluster at best -- small and a bit ugly. A giant Picasa logo in the lower right corner will obscure a good sized portion of your image and make the entire thing seem more like a viral ad campaign than a feature.
-There's no impressive new features or functionality compared to competing offerings and frankly at least half a dozen other web services already offer similar services that look considerably better.
-Of course if you're a Picasa user the new slideshows, while far from perfect are pretty much the online easy option.
-If you happen to know a bit of Javascript though, you'd probably be better off creating one of the nice Ajax based slideshows courtesy of the [Google Ajax Feed API][2]. There's even a nice [hello world example][3] to get you started.
-[1]: "Oh, the places you'll go...."
-[2]: "AJAX Slide Show"
-[3]: "Slideshow Hello World" \ No newline at end of file