path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.14.07/Thu
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-As part of Google's recent and significant [search overhaul][1], there's a new Google Labs project that allows curious users to try out experimental Google Search features before they're rolled out on the main search page. [Google Experimental][2], as the new section is called, currently features four handy new ways to use the search engine.
-The first feature we'll explore is the new Timeline and Maps views. Timeline allows you see results on a timeline. Google extracts key dates for your search and displays them chronologically (screenshots after the jump).
-Maps view does the same thing but plots significant places on Google maps.
-Obviously both timeline and map views work best for searches related to things with either historical or location contexts such as people, companies, events and places.
-If you find yourself using either of these features on a regular basis there's some new search operators that allow you go directly to either view, just append <code>view:timeline</code> or <code>view:map</code> to the end of your search parameters.
-Of the two I think the maps visualization will end up being the most interesting, especially as geodata continues to infiltrate the metadata structure of the web. For instance, this search maps results for the phrase [Wired Magazine][3].
-At the moment the results range from San Francisco (our home office) to 2005's Wired NextFest in Chicago, neither of which are particularly astounding.
-But imagine if Wired were to add some metadata in our posts that allowed Google to index the location each article was filed from -- the results would be a global map index of Wired stories, which would be an interesting visual way to explore the site (or any other site with similar data).
-Taking this idea a bit further you can combine the <code>view:map</code> operator with the <code>site:</code> operator to get a visual representation of all Wired stories that [mention a specific location][4]. In that link I've searched for all stories that mention a location and contain the search term "Firefox."
-Note that this also highlights some flaws in Google's technology since a mention of the the fact that Firefox was once called Phoenix causes Google to associate that result with the city in Arizona. Clearly the Maps view has some kinks to work out.
-Google hasn't announced any formal plans for the new experimental search visualizations, but some kind of standardized geo format information in the sitemaps protocol strikes me a logical way to tell Google about location data relevant to each page of a site.
-[1]: "Google To Add Embedded Videos to Default Search Results"
-[2]: "Google Experimental"
-[3]: "Google Maps Search: Wired Magazine"
-[4]: \ No newline at end of file
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-The last of the beta features in Google's new [Experimental][3] section is a slight interface tweak that adds some hand links to the left or right hand side of the search results page. None of the additional information is anything you can't access by some other means, but the simplified navigation makes it easier to do so.
-The left-hand search navigation bumps the traditional search results column over to make room for links to various related searches as well as context sensitive alternative searches like Images, Blogs and more.
-The right-hand search navigation is a slightly less feature rich version of the left-hand navigation, but, obviously, on the right hand side of the page.
-The main difference between the two is that the right-hand version lacks a "more" option and displays fewer "related" search options.
-Neither of these interface tweaks are radical, but if you frequently find yourself doing related searches or moving between the various Google search categories, these links will make that task a bit quicker.
-Be sure to see our previous coverage of the new [Maps and Timeline searches][2] and the [keyboard navigation][1] options.
-[1]: "Google Experimental: Keyboard Navigation For Search Results"
-[2]: "Google Experimental: Maps View Adds Geo Context To Searches"
-[3]: "Google Experimental"
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-Next up in our continuing look at the new features available via [Google Experimental][2] is the keyboard navigation experiment. The beta version of [keyboard navigation][1] adds GMail-like keyboard shortcuts to the Google Search results page.
-When using the new shortcuts page you'll see an arrow icon to left of the active result and you can scroll up and down through the results, as well as jump in and out of the search box and open links all without leaving the keyboard (screenshots after the jump).
-The keyboard shortcut navigation options are summarized in the table below.
-<table style="text-align:left; padding: 5px;" border="0">
-<tr><td><code>J</code> </td><td> Selects the next result.</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>K</code> </td><td> Selects the previous result.</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>O</code> </td><td> Opens the selected result.</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>Enter</code> </td><td> Opens the selected result.</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>/</code> </td><td> Puts the cursor in the search box.</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>Esc</code> </td><td> Removes the cursor from the search box.</td></tr>
-Unfortunately this feature isn't as easy to get to as the [Timeline and Maps tools][3] with their operator shortcuts. In order to land on the keyboard beta page you'll have to go through the Google Experimental page or append the param <code>&esrch=BetaShortcuts</code> to the end of your search URL.
-So far I haven't been able to locate one, but this seems like the perfect place for a new Google Search plugin for Firefox.
-All that's necessary is to take the existing Firefox Google Search tool and modify it so that it appends the above param to the URL. If you run across such a thing be sure to let us know.
-The biggest downfall to the new shortcuts is that they don't seem to follow the preference setting to open results in a new window. A quick glance at the code shows that the links carry a <code>target=nw</code> which means at least some of the page is aware of the new window setting. Unless someone can explain otherwise I would call that a bug.
-Still, for keyboard junkies like myself, the new options are a godsend. Hopefully Google will sort out a way for the open command to respect the new window setting in the near future.
-Be sure to check out the previous Google Experimental coverage of [Maps and Timelines][3].
-[1]: "keyboard Shortcuts"
-[2]: "Google Experimental"
-[3]: "Google Experimental: Maps View Adds Geo Context To Searches" \ No newline at end of file
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