path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.29.07/Wed
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-CBS announced late yesterday that they have snapped up the popular music site for a reported $280 million. But fear not fans, the site will retain the present management team and its own separate identity.
-CBS's interest in the site stems from the community of users that has built up over the years, and according the [blog post on the deal][1], CBS will not mess with the site.
-"CBS understands the vision, the importance we place on putting the listener in charge, the vibrant and vocal community, the obsession with music stats, and our determination to offer every song ever recorded," writes's Richard Jones.
-And to alleviate user fears about a major media company suddenly having access to user data, Jones adds, "don't panic." He goes on to assure users that "the openness of our platform and our approach to privacy won’t change."
-As for potential changes for users, Jones doesn't reveal any specific changes, but does point out that with CBS behind them, will have more clout in negotiating deals with record companies.
- has existing partnerships with record labels like EMI and Warner, but so far hasn't made any aggressive moves toward selling music through the site. Although no announcements have been made it seems reasonable to assume that that may change with CBS at the helm.
-As for CBS's interest in, CBS Chief Executive Leslie Moonves says in a [press release][2] about the deal, "their demographics also play perfectly to CBS' goal to attract younger viewers and listeners."
-[1]: " Acquired By CBS"
-[2]: "CBS Corporation Acquires" \ No newline at end of file
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-Mozilla will give a $100,000 grant to the Participatory Culture Foundation, the developers behind the Democracy Player media aggregator. [Democracy Player][3], which will soon be renamed [Miro][1] to avoid confusion about its purpose, is a mashup of RSS, media player and torrent client functionality.
-Mozilla says that the grant came about in part because the Participatory Culture Foundation shares a number of ideological goals with Mozilla, but also because Democracy/Miro uses some Mozilla technology.
-The Participatory Culture Foundation's mission statement reads, "we think free, open-source, open standards internet TV is our best shot at a solution" to the contentious world of internet video, which matches quite closely with Mozilla's own goal of providing "choice and innovation on the internet," as Seth Bindernagel of Mozilla [writes on his blog][2].
-Hopefully the investment will help Democracy Player raise its visibility somewhat since thus far it has largely been flying under the radar. See our [review of the latest version of Democracy Player][4] for more info.
-[1]: "Miro"
-[2]: "Mozilla grant to PCF"
-[3]: "Democracy Player"
-[4]: "New 'Watched Folders' Turn Democracy Player Into Media Hub" \ No newline at end of file
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-It's the end of the line for Firefox 1.5. Later today Mozilla will release the final security update and bug fix for the now deprecated browser. Although it isn't currently available, the final version,, should be on [this page][2] later today.
-The last version of 1.5 will also reportedly include a mechanism that prompts users to upgrade to 2.0. Better late than never I guess.
-Firefox 2.0 will also be updated this afternoon with over a hundred bug fixes (including 2 memory leaks). Version will be [available from Mozilla][1] sometime later today.
-So long Firefox 1.5, it was nice knowing you.
-Also of note, [the fifth alpha for Firefox 3][3] should be available for testing this Friday and will likely include the new [Places][4] bookmark management tools.
-[1]: "Firefox"
-[2]: "Firefox 1.5 Final"
-[3]: "Firefox 3 release schedule"
-[4]: "Developers Say New Places Feature Makes Firefox 3 Faster" \ No newline at end of file
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-Google Maps has unveiled yet another feature, Google Mapplets, which are a mashup of mashups. Mapplets are a bit like Google gadgets applied to Maps. For now the feature is limited to a [developer preview][3], where you'll notice a new tab next to the MyMaps tab.
-The Google Maps [API documentation][2] describes the new Mapplets feature:
->Mapplets are mini-webpages that are served inside an IFrame within the Google Maps site. You can put anything inside this mini-webpage that you can put into a normal webpage, including HTML, Javascript, and Flash. Google provides a Javascript API that gives the Mapplet access to services such as manipulating the map, fetching remote content, and storing user preferences.
-Essentially Mapplets are a mashup of existing mashups. Rather than tracking down various Google Mashups like [Chicago Crime][4], you can now pull that data directly into Google Maps and access it along with all the normal Google Maps features.
-To get started you can choose from any of the thirty mashups currently in the [Mapplets directory][1].
-You could, for example, do a real estate search powered by Google Base and then combine it with crime statistics and earthquake information and more to discover where you really want or don't want to live, depending on your temperament.
-Because you can activate numerous Mapplets at the same time, you can see information like movie show-times, nearby restaurants and even measure the distance between the two all in a single view.
-Behind the scenes, the new features rely on KML and Atom languages and Google has proposed some format changes for both that would allow attribution and URLs for the content providers.
-Since the main reason many people don't use these various mashups is that they're spread all over the web the new centralized page should be helpful for developers looking to gain a wider audience.
-Combine that with the attribution and back-link proposals and some of the companies whose whole business model revolves around Maps don't seem so crazy after all.
-Google has also released video of Thai Tran, Product Manager at Google Maps, demonstrating the new features:
-[3]: "Maps Preview"
-[1]: "Google Mapplets"
-[2]: "What Are Mapplets"
-[4]: "Chicago Crime Map"
-<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> \ No newline at end of file
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-At midnight last night Apple took the wraps off its new DRM-free iTunes Store component. The newly released iTunes 7.2 update allows the preview and purchase of what Apple is calling "iTunes Plus" music -- DRM-free tracks from EMI and other labels.
-ITunes 7.2 is available through the Software Update pane in OS X's System Preferences or can be downloaded [directly from the site][1]. The update is for both Mac and Windows PCs (screenshots after the jump).
-To see iTunes Plus songs you'll need to head into your account setting and enable the option to show available DRM-free songs.
-A few quick searches for the new $1.29 songs reveal that the listings are far from complete. In fact, the Beastie Boys listing pictured below, shows that just 30 of the available 144 song catalogue are available as DRM-free downloads.
-Presumably Apple will be rolling out more iTunes Plus tracks in the coming weeks.
-If you head into iTunes' entry in the Help Viewer you'll see an updated section for the new options, including instructions on how to upgrade previous purchases to the new iTunes Plus format.
->The first time you buy an iTunes Plus song, you specify whether to make all future purchases iTunes Plus versions (when available). You can change this setting by accessing your account information on the iTunes Store.
->If you already have iTunes Store purchases that are now available as iTunes Plus downloads, you may upgrade your existing purchases. To do so, visit the iTunes Store and follow the onscreen instructions.
-Be sure to also have a look at our [Cult of Mac blog][2] for additional coverage.
-[2]: "Cult of Mac"
-[1]: "Download iTunes 7.2" \ No newline at end of file
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-Mapquest has rolled out a new application programming interface (API) for ActionScript 3.0 developers. The new API is MapQuest's first native API for Flash (and Apollo) and should allow for complex web apps to take advantage of ActionScript 3's speed improvements.
-For the initial beta phase [the new API][4] will be available only as a commercial offering, though MapQuest will reportedly offer a limited free version later this year.
-Interesting to note that Google's recently announced street level view appears to using Flash as well and Yahoo Maps offers a Flash API, though it uses the older ActionScript 2.0 language.
-The new API uses native ActionScript 3 which offers a faster runtime environment compared to previous versions and the availability of the API inside the Flex builder application should make it easier for developers easier to build apps and mashups using MapQuest's services.
-There's a nice sample application that [overlays golf course data][3] and another that shows [address book contacts][2]. While both are fairly fast, many may find the pointless animation reminds them of Flash's darker days. So far there don't seem to be any demos utilizing Adobe's new Apollo platform.
-While MapQuest is still the leader in map search traffic, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are all nipping at its heals and given that all three offer their APIs for free I don't imagine it will too long before one of them overtakes MapQuest.
-[via [O'Reilly Radar][1]]
-[1]: "Where 2.0: Mapquest API Announcement"
-[2]: "Mapquest Addressbook demo"
-[3]: "Oobgolf course finder"
-[4]: "MapQuest's new API for Adobe ActionScript" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.29.07/Wed/qt.txt b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.29.07/Wed/qt.txt
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-If you use Apple's Software Update to download the new iTunes update you'll notice there's also an update available for Quicktime which marks the second Quicktime has been updated this month. Earlier in the month Apple released an update to [address the flaws found during last month's Hack A Mac contest][1].
-Today's release [addresses two flaws in Quicktime][2] both related to how Quicktime interacts with Java. One of the flaws will allow for remote code execution and the other will expose sensitive user data.
-Both flaws require a user to visit a site containing a maliciously crafted Java applet.
-The updates are recommended for all users on both Windows and Mac. And while you're at it make sure that you've got the previous update installed since the security firm Secunia said earlier this month that only about a third of users have downloaded that patch.
-[1]: "Apple Patches Quicktime, Security Firm Still Not Happy"
-[2]: "Security Update (QuickTime 7.1.6)" \ No newline at end of file