path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.04.07/Fri
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-Continuing the conversation with Mac developers about the [Core Animation features][1] in the upcoming Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), here's Austin Sarner of [MadeBySofa][2].
-MadeBySofa is perhaps best know for its application [Disco][3], which is a disc burning utility with some spectacular eye candy -- it smokes while it burns discs and if you blow into your computer's microphone, the smoke blows across your desktop.
-Also be sure to check out the other interviews with [Wil Shipley of Delicious Monster][4] and [Cabel Sasser of Panic Software][5].
-**Wired News:** First off, do you think developers are going to embrace Core animation (given that doing so would possibly break the backwards compatibility)? I know the TextMate developers have said they plan to drop support for 10.4 in the next version to take advantage of CA (well the text rendering portion anyway, any plans for your software?
-**Austin Sarner:** Overall I do think that developers will be embracing Core Animation over time. Like you said, deciding to do so will make your application Leopard only, so I see it being something that will happen after the bulk of the shareware audience migrates. As for me, there isn't any specific feature in any of my apps that could rely on Core Animation for a drastic upgrade. However, once a bulk of my user base has migrated I will consider enhancing existing animations and other graphics with it.
-**WN:** Is core animation more than just eyecandy? In other words does it provide a way to improve the user experience, whether through better UIs or speed boosts etc?
-**AS:** Core Animation is definitely more than eye candy. Animation in general creates continuity and more direct feedback to a user experience. For instance, when you select an item in the AppleTV, your selection glides into place as opposed to immediately snapping to the next item. Midway through the split second animation, you can neatly cancel out and go in the other direction. In addition to obvious graphical speed boosts, the elegance it can add to a UI is pretty substantial in my opinion.
-**WN:** From the demo video available on the Apple site it would seem that the new tools enable an almost windowless environment, is that true?
-**AS:** While I can't really comment on the actual inner workings of the framework, it seems that with Front Row and Time Machine Apple has opened up to the idea of completely modal experiences when used correctly.
-**WN:** Do you think Apple plans to move away from windows as a metaphor for the workspace?
-**AS:** Definitely not. I think that in some cases a windowless environment makes sense -- when changing the content of all windows on screen (Time Machine) or browsing through a media library from a distance (Front Row), for instance.
-**WN:** And as an extension of the last question, with Apple moving into more devices which run largely windowless UIs (i.e. Apple TV, iPhone) is the windowed application a thing of the past?
-**AS:** I think that windows still have a place in the desktop environment, while more focused devices like those require modal user experiences.
-**WN:** Jobs talked briefly last night at D about the various iPhone UI limitations: no mouse, no pull-down menus and so forth. While those are constraints in the case of the iPhone do you think Apple might be looking to turn them into strengths on the desktop platform?
-**AS:** Again, I do think that the reason a minimal UI like that works on a device like the iPhone is because of the device itself. It's relatively small and when you open it up you generally will want to either make a call, check your email, or do another very specific task. The desktop environment, on the other hand, is entirely about multi tasking.
-**WN:** Is there a new UI paradigm on the horizon and if so what do you think it would look like?
-**AS:** I wouldn't be surprised to see an evolution in consumer software that stresses a more real world style for applications. Garageband, for instance, is a great example of an app that takes the standard interface to the next level by creating a more innovative experience through the UI.
-[1]: "Kiss Boring Interfaces Goodbye With Apple's New Animated OS"
-[2]: "MadeBySofa"
-[3]: "Disco"
-[4]: "Mac App Designers On Leopard: Wil Shipley of Delicious Monster"
-[5]: "Mac App Designers On Leopard: Cabel Sasser Of Panic Software" \ No newline at end of file
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-When it rains... Following two updates for Mac virtualization software, Apple has released an update for Boot Camp, the company's software for running a Windows installation on your Mac. Boot Camp is [still a beta][1] and the usual warnings apply.
-Boot Camp beta 1.3 adds support for the newly released Macbook Pros and features upgraded graphics drivers, an improved installer and some localization fixes.
-I had no problem installing the update, though I should also note that I haven't actually noticed any difference either.
-Upgrading Boot Camp is a little tricky, make sure you read the instructions thoroughly, and check out our [post on the last beta update][2] which has some installation tips as well as some gotchas to watch out for.
-[1]: "Boot Camp public beta"
-[2]: "First Look: Boot Camp Vista Support" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.04.07/Fri/firefox.txt b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.04.07/Fri/firefox.txt
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-Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of Google Maps is cutting a pasting addresses into the search field. The Google Maps search field is a single line input, while most addresses are printed on two lines which means two cut-and-paste operations.
-Unless of course you use Firefox. [Lifehacker][2] has a link to a post in the [Google Maps help group][3] which points out that Firefox can take double (or more) line input with a simple tweak to the about:config file.
-To make this tweak work, visit [about:config][1] and follow these direction:
->Type "about:config" in the location bar. In the "Filter" field type "singleline." You can set the value to 2 for editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines, which will allow pasting of multiple lines to input boxes.
-Naturally the tweak affects all input boxes, not just those in Google Maps. Also note that this should work in any Firefox based browser like, for instance, [Camino][4] or [Netscape Navigator][5].
-[1]: about:config "Firefox about:config"
-[2]: "Paste multiple lines to input boxes"
-[3]: "Another multiline request"
-[4]: "Camino 1.5: New Features And More Speed"
-[5]: "Netscape Navigator 9: The Old Favorite Goes Social" \ No newline at end of file
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-As part of today's articles on [Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)][1] and the upcoming WWDC, I spoke to a number of Mac developers to see what the developer community thinks of Leopard, specifically the [Core Animation features][2] which give programmers a new tool to easily create 3-D animation and interface enhancements.
-Wil Shipley of [Delicious Monster][3], Cabel Sasser of [Panic Software][4] and Austin Sarner of [MadeBySofa][5] gave far longer responses than could fit in the limited space of the article so I thought I'd post the entire interview transcripts here.
-The interview with Shipley is after the jump, Cabel Sasser's responses can be found here and Austin Sarner here.
-Wil Shipley is the brains behind Delicious Library, a Mac media cataloging program, for more info check out the [Delicious Monster][3] site.
-**Wired News:** First off, do you think developers are going to embrace Core animation (given that doing so would possibly break the backwards compatibility)? I know the TextMate developers have said they plan to drop support for 10.4 in the next version to take advantage of CA, any plans for Delicious Monster?
-**Wil Shipley:** Yes, Delicious Library 2 is based entirely around Core Animation and other key Leopard technologies, so our customers are going to have to upgrade their OS if they want to upgrade our program. We had originally planned to make DL2 10.4-based, and worked for a year and a half on that version, but in August of '06 we learned more about Leopard and where it is going, and we simply couldn't say no any longer. We realized any app we released based on Tiger was going to look really pathetic when Leopard came out.
-**WN**Is core animation more than just eye candy? In other words does it provide a way to improve the user experience, whether through better UIs or speed boosts etc?
-**WS:** Absolutely... every time you give developers a chance to do better graphics with less code, you're going to see another revolution in user experience. The revolution coming with Core Animation is akin to the one that came from the original Mac in 1984 -- the Mac said "here's a relatively easy way to add graphics to your user interface" and Core Animation says, "Here's a very easy way to add composited layers and motion to your interface."
-**WN:** The Core animation changes are quite significant and open up some interface possibilities that would have previously been a lot of work... Time Machine for instance has a pretty amazing interface which, from what I understand, is made possible by the new Core animation tools.
-**WS:**I can't speculate on how Time Machine was written, but it's true that we're going to see a whole new world of user interface metaphors with Core Animation. For me, the original Cocoa was about making it really easy to me to construct an interface with sliders and textfields and buttons -- standard widgets. So we saw a whole generation of applications (for NeXTstep, and then later for Mac OS X) that had pretty decent interfaces, because they all used the same widgets and the widgets were pretty and functional.
-What we'll see with Core Animation is a move away from widgets and into direct manipulation. In Delicious Library 2, we're conveying much more information directly on our bookshelf view, instead of using textfields and the like, and similarly we're allowing the user to interact more directly with the books on the shelf, instead of just looking at them and then pressing buttons on another part of a screen to change them.
-Sure, we'll see some pure "eyecandy" applications that kind of abuse Core Animation, but we'll also see more of what are coming to be called the "Delicious Generation" of applications (not a term I coined!), where the entire application is designed from the start to be beautiful and fun while solving whatever problem it solves.
-**WN:** From the demo video available on the Apple site it would seem that the new tools enable an almost windowless environment, is that true?
-**WS:** One thing to remember about Core Animation, or any 'enabling' technology, is that any developer could do all the same effects herself, given enough time and motivation. It's not that Core Animation taps into some magic graphics processor that we didn't know about before, it just makes it extremely easy to use the existing graphics processor in the most efficient way. Which means we get to spend more time making cool interfaces because we are spending less time trying to get, like, anything to draw at all.
-**WN:** Do you think Apple plans to move away from windows as a metaphor for the workspace?
-I am very, very hesitant to speculate on future directions, because people often assume developers have some secret "red phone" where Steve calls us and says, "Hey, Wil, we're going to dump windows as a metaphor in two years, you down with that? Oh, also, did you get those iPhones I sent you?"
-In truth, we wait for the same announcements as everyone else... and I have to wait for my damn iPhone. Which, believe me, is cruelty itself.
-**WN:** As an extension of the last question, with Apple moving into more devices which run largely windowless UIs (i.e. Apple TV, iPhone) is the windowed application a thing of the past?
-I personally think that full-screen applications are becoming more important (especially for Apple) as we see more special-purpose devices -- the Apple TV is supposed to a neat way to watch your shows, the iPhone is too damn small to support windows -- but there will always be a need for windowed applications. Humans are inherently multi-tasking creatures.
-I'm old enough to remember a lot of the early experiments with graphical user interfaces, before the world standardized on the Macintosh model. It's funny to remember all the varieties of metaphors that were attempted back then (e.g. the Andrew Window System from CMU had a "tiled" interface, where windows never could overlap, but instead automatically resized themselves to perfectly fill the screen, and Microsoft Windows used to have windows inside of windows for applications), but I think they all died out for good reasons.
-**WN:** Jobs talked briefly last night at D (The recent All Things Digital conference) about the various iPhone UI limitations: no mouse, no pull-down menus and so forth. While those are constraints in the case of the iPhone do you think Apple might be looking to turn them into strengths on the desktop platform?
-**WS:** Fundamentally it hurts my arms to hold them up to the screen, and I have enough trouble keeping my screen clean as it is, so I don't think I really want a touch-screen computer. I haven't seen the iPhone up-close, but I absolutely think some of the creative solutions Apple has come up with in terms of directly manipulating items on the screen (instead of using widgets) are going to carry over and inspire the Delicious Generation of applications.
-**WN:** Is there a new UI paradigm on the horizon and if so what do you think it would look like?
-**WS:** I think the paradigm is direct manipulation -- just grab your document and "throw" it upwards to get it to scroll, for example, instead of fumbling about for the scroller.
-**WN:** Do you think users are ready to abandon the dominant metaphor of desktop UIs?
-**WS:** I don't think we'll abandon the old way as much as supplement our armory with a whole new arsenal of tools. It's an awesome time to be a Mac developer, and, by extension, a Mac user.
-[2]: "Kiss Boring Interfaces Goodbye With Apple's New Animated OS"
-[1]: "Apple to Show Off Leopard's Claws at WWDC"
-[3]: "Delicious Library"
-[4]: "Panic Software"
-[5]: "MadeBySofa" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.04.07/Fri/vmware.jpg b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.04.07/Fri/vmware.jpg
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-Not to be outdone by the [release of Parallels 3.0][4], VMWare has announced the availability of the fourth beta for VMWare Fusion for Mac, another Mac OS X virtual environment for Windows. Beta 4 features a new tool, dubbed Unity, which integrates Windows application into OS X and offers a new "Launch palette" designed to make switching between OS X and Windows much easier.
-Like Parallels, VMWare Fusion allows Mac users to run Windows in a virtual machine without rebooting or switching OSes. VMWare also offers pre-configured virtual machines including a whole [library of virtual appliances][3] with pre-installed applications and operating systems.
-Beta 4 also [improves on some other areas][2]:
->* Boot Camp improvements — You no longer have to choose between Windows or Mac-run Windows XP with Mac OSX off your existing Boot Camp partition. Beta 4 adds experimental support for Microsoft Vista, greatly improves Boot Camp partition detection, and when you are running the Boot Camp partition in a virtual machine, VMware Fusion automatically updates the Boot Camp partition to use drivers that are optimized for your virtual machine.
-* Improved performance — Virtual machines boot faster and applications launch faster from virtual hard disks. Interactive performance is improved over previous betas and VMware Fusion now uses Apple's multithreaded OpenGL engine for improved performance.
-* Improved user experience — The toolbar is greatly enhanced and is now completely customizable. To make the display less cluttered and easier to use, the virtual hardware buttons have been moved from the toolbar to the status bar. The virtual machine hardware editor is a now sheet attached to the virtual machine you are editing.
-VMWare Fusion for Mac beta 4 is a [free download][1], though you'll have to fill out the registration form.
-[1]: "Download VMWare Fusion"
-[2]: "VMWare Fusion beta 4 release notes"
-[3]: "VMWare Virtual Appliance Marketplace"
-[4]: "Parallels 3.0 Officially Released Bringing 3D Graphics And More" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.04.07/Fri/webmonkeysasser interview.txt b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.04.07/Fri/webmonkeysasser interview.txt
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-Continuing the conversation with Mac developers about the [Core Animation features][2] in the upcoming Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), here's Cabel Sasser of [Panic Software][4].
-Sasser is the co-counder of Panic whose software includes the popular FTP client, Transmit as well as the newly-released Coda, which we [reviewed last month][5].
-Also be sure to check out the other interviews with [Wil Shipley of Delicious Monster][3] and Austin Sarner of MadeBySofa.
-**Wired News:** First off, do you think developers are going to embrace Core animation (given that doing so would possibly break the backwards compatibility)? I know the TextMate developers have said they plan to drop support for 10.4 in the next version to take advantage of CA (well the text rendering portion anyway) any plans for Panic?
-**Cabel Sasser:** I've no doubt that developers will embrace Core Animation -- providing a fast, Apple-maintained way to do the kind of animations we now rely on heavily is a brilliant, and well-welcome idea.
-Ironically, before Core Animation existed, we had created our own set of animation routines, many of which are eerily similar to the work Apple did in Core Animation! Great minds, etc.! So in our case, we'll probably branch to allow our software to be 10.4 compatible -- if you're running 10.5, you'll get the Core Animation version of our transitions, and if you use 10.4, you'll get our custom version. The Core Animation version will probably be much better and smoother.
-**WN:** Is core animation more than just eye candy? In other words does it provide a way to improve the user experience, whether through better UIs or speed boosts etc?
-**CS:** There are innumerable little animations that the user probably never even thinks of -- things like preference pane transitions, or simple sliding panels -- that will all be easier, and possibly better, with Core Animation.
-**WN:** From the demo video available on the Apple site it would seem that the new tools enable an almost windowless environment, is that true? Do you think Apple plans to move away from windows as a metaphor for the workspace? And as an extension of those ideas, with Apple moving into more devices which run largely windowless UIs (i.e. Apple TV, iPhone) is the windowed application a thing of the past?
-**CS:** These are tough questions to answer. I really don't think that the desktop will ever become "windowless" -- windows present a very familiar and natural way to work and multitask, and to radically change it might just mean desktop suicide. You don't multitask on an Apple TV, and you probably don't do a ton of multitasking on an iPhone, but on a desktop you simply need to be able to do many things at once, and for that, you need windows.
-That said, I suspect we'll know more very soon. Sorry I don't have too much conjecture here.
-**WN:** Jobs talked briefly last night at D about the various iPhone UI limitations: no mouse, no pull-down menus and so forth. While those are constraints in the case of the iPhone do you think Apple might be looking to turn them into strengths on the desktop platform?
-**CS:** I personally doubt it. A hand-held phone is a vastly different user experience than a mouse and a keyboard. I really applaud Apple's tenacity to sit down and say "You know what? This is a phone, and it needs to work differently", instead of trying to shoehorn a desktop UI into a mobile form factor. That's why every phone in the world sucks, and why I couldn't be more excited about the iPhone. I have faith that Apple will give each platform the best possible experience -- tailored to that platform.
-**WN:** Is there a new UI paradigm on the horizen and if so what do you think it would look like?
-**CS:** I've joked about having a fixed "sidebar" in future versions of Mac OS X, since virtually every application now has its own little blue landing strip on the left side of the window -- think of the window space you can regain! -- but once I started to actually think about it, I realized that it's an awful idea. ;)
-[2]: "Kiss Boring Interfaces Goodbye With Apple's New Animated OS"
-[3]: "Mac App Designers On Leopard: Wil Shipley of Delicious Monster"
-[4]: "Panic Software"
-[5]: "Coda: An All-In-One Web Developer Tool" \ No newline at end of file