path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.11.07/Wed
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-Google has quietly updated its Custom Search Engine tools, allowing users to create dynamic search engines that update searched domains on the fly. When you add a URL to your custom search engine, [the new tools][4] will also search any linked sites found on the page.
-While it was possible to achieve this back when [Google launched the Custom Search Engine tools][2], you would have had to add each additional domain by hand and then update it every time you updated your page.
-With the update Google does the hard work for you, spidering out your search to include any domain linked from your URL and it periodically updates itself to discover any additional URLs added to the page.
-As the [Google Blog post][1] suggests, this is especially handy for people with large directories of links, for instance, a blog roll:
->if you have a blog or a directory-like site and don't feel like listing all of the URLs you want to search across, you can leave the work to us. With this new feature we'll automatically generate and update your CSE for you.
-The feature should be handy both for bloggers look to create an easy "other sites" feed or perhaps creating custom search engine that mines a bit deeper.
-Say, for instance, you're a blogger looking for more background a story, you can create a search engine that starts with your favorite link directory and then expands to search any pages linked to from that site. This allows you to potentially locate the source of a story rather than just the link scraper sites that bring it to your attention.
-[via [Google Operating System][3]]
-[1]: "Custom Search on the fly"
-[2]: "Google Announces Customized Search Engines"
-[3]: "Super-Powerful Custom Search Engines"
-[4]: "Google Coop: Custom Search Engines" \ No newline at end of file
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-Flickr went multi-national yesterday, adding seven additional languages: French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Traditional Chinese.
-[The update][1] hasn't changed the layout of the site at all, in other words it's still one large site with all the photos in a single system, but you may notice an additional param in the urls specifying your default language.
-To set your default language just login and you'll see links at the bottom of almost any page that will set your language preferences (via a cookie).
-In addition to main site language preferences, the Flickr Forum and Help by Email features have also gained international language support and there are new tools to create localized descriptions of your groups.
-As you might expect the Flickr uploader also features additional language support. So far an updated Windows uploader is available with the Mac version said to be arriving soon.
-In all the new language support is a welcome addition and makes those rotating welcome messages on your Flickr homepage less of an empty gesture.
-[1]: "Bienvenue! Welcome! 歡迎! Willkommen! Benvenuto! 반갑습니다! Seja bem-vindo(a)! Bienvenido!" \ No newline at end of file
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-Google Video is exposing your username and password when you post videos through the provided webform on Google Video.
-It would seem that [Google Video][2] sends your username and password *as cleartext* over the http protocol rather than using the more secure https. This means that nearly anyone can grab your login information when you share videos or post them to your MySpace page or blog.
-The issue was reported earlier this morning on [Search Engine Roundtable][1], which explains how to replicate the hack.
->Want to see for yourself? First, install the [Live HTTP Headers Firefox add-on][3]. Then, go to Google Video. When you click on Post to MySpace, you get a link [like this][4] in a popup window. On this window where you input your username and password, go to the Firefox Tools menu > Live HTTP Headers. What you see is your username and password in plain text.
-SERoundtable demonstrates with MySpace, I followed their instructions, but ran it against my Typepad account and it does indeed reveal the username and password (blacked out in the screenshot below).
-Hopefully Google will address the problem in the very near future since it's a very amateur web programming mistake, but there's no telling how many people might be harvesting the data in the mean time.
-[1]: "Google Video Flaw Raises Privacy Concerns by Exposing Usernames and Passwords"
-[2]: "Google Video"
-[3]: "Live HTTP headers"
-[4]: \ No newline at end of file
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-Lack of search remains the ban of many a Google Reader fan, but with the introduction of the new offline mode, Blogger Raúl Ochoa has come up with a [Greasemonkey script][2] that provides a stopgap solution until Google can get its act together.
-There's a couple of serious limitations, namely that you'll need a Greasemonkey and Google Gears capable browser and the search is limited to the last 2000 items since that's all that Google Gears indexes.
-But it's definitely the easiest solution I'm aware of for adding (albeit limited) search capabilities to Google Reader.
-And Ochoa says he's looking into ways to use a true fulltext search (at the moment the search relies on a "LIKE" query) as well as some way to "maintaining a database table with all the Google Reader items, and not only the ones that are synchronized with Google Reader."
-Perhaps, Google will someday figure out a way to add search to Google Reader, but in the mean time if you're desperate for a solution this one works.
-Note though that Ochoa's script doesn't work with [Jon Hicks' Google Reader theme][3]. The search box shows up, but won't accept input.
-[found via [Lifehacker][1]]
-[1]: "Add search to Google Reader with Google Reader Gears Search"
-[3]: "Make Google Reader More Mac-like"
-[2]: "Google Reader Gears Search" \ No newline at end of file
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-Yesterday was Microsoft's patch Tuesday and the company issued a number of security updates for both Windows Vista and XP users. June's release contains 6 new bulletins, 4 of which are listed as critical.
-Together [the six patches][1] fix fifteen vulnerabilities found in a variety of Windows programs including Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Vista.
-While previous patches have been issued for Vista, yesterday's release marks the first time Microsoft has had to patch a flaw introduced by code in Vista. Pervious Vista patches applied to problems with legacy code. The [MS07-032 update][2] applies to Vista systems only and addresses a vulnerability in setting Access Control Lists, which could allow "information disclosure," as the Microsoft advisory puts it.
-Perhaps the most serious flaw in June's batch of patches is a fix for a critical flaw in the SSL libraries used by Windows, which can be exploited via IE. The SSL vulnerability also affect non-Microsoft browsers like Firefox and Opera which call the SSL libraries included in the OS.
-To update your system turn on the automatic update feature or head to the Microsoft Update site and downloading the patches by hand.
-[1]: "June 2007 Monthly Security Bulletin Release"
-[2]: "Vulnerability in Windows Vista Could Allow Information Disclosure"
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-Zoho just rolled out a significant upgrade to its database tool, Zoho Creator, which features a much improved interface complete with drag-and-drop functionality and a new script building tool that allows users to create complex queries without learning the Deluge script language.
-[Creator 2.0][1], as the company calls the new version, is aimed at providing MS Access-like database functionality to users who may not understand all the intricacies of relational database management.
-The new point-and-click and drag-and-drop actions do indeed make creating forms for data input fairly easy, though Zoho's claims about the new drag-and-drop script editor may be slightly exaggerated.
-Yes it's easy to add code to process your form data and perform other actions, but it still helps to have a general understanding of Zoho's Deluge scripting language.
-Luckily Zoho has some nice online help materials and tutorials.
-And don't think that just because Zoho Creator 2.0 has added a pretty new interface that the application lacks flexibility, there's still plenty of power under the hood and you can always write scripts by hand to accomplish more complex tasks.
-Zoho Creator 2.0 also adds some additional new features that bring it up to speed with other apps in the Zoho suite, like the ability to share applications with other Zoho users, new ways embed applications in your website and the ability to export your data in multiple formats.
-To mark the release Zoho has posted the following video which gives users an overview of the new features and demonstrates how to get started using the app:
-<embed src="" quality="best" scale="exactfit" width="400" height="300" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
-Setting up a new form:
-Adding new fields to your database input form is drag-and-drop simple:
-Once form elements are added, users can edit the elements values, attach scripts and more
-The new script editing interface, also with drag-and-drop functionality.
-Interface for editing script elements.
-Scripting in "free-flow" mode allows you to write your own scripts if you're familiar with the language already.
-[1]: "Zoho Creator"
-[3]: "Intro to Deluge scripting" \ No newline at end of file
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