path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/07.16.07/Mon/ibm.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/07.16.07/Mon/ibm.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 17 deletions
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-Last week IBM announced that it would be [releasing a public beta of AIX 6.1][2], the next upgrade to the company's Unix-based server OS. The open beta for AIX 6 can be downloaded [directly from IBM][1].
-The public beta is part of IBM's attempt to bring the open source philosophy to the OS level and, presumably, drum up a little publicity and possible developer interest in the little used AIX OS.
-While the beta is free and available to anyone who accepts the license terms, IBM will not be offering support for the pre-release versions of AIX 6.1. Instead a note on the site directs users to a web forum where they can [discuss issues and possible solutions][3] with fellow users.
-New features in AIX 6 include security and virtualization enhancements. Notable items listed on the IBM page include:
->* Workload Partitions -- software based, virtualization designed to reduce the number of operating system images that have to be managed when consolidating workloads.
-* Role Based Access Control -- improved security and manageability by giving admins greater flexibility when granting user authorization and access controls.
-* System Director Console for AIX -- new tool for accessing the System Management Interface via a browser with no web server required.
-[1]: "AIX beta download"