path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/07.16.07/Wed
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-[Farecast][2], the airfare search site that predicts the best time to buy your tickets, has partnered with MSN to provide predictions for [MSN Travel users][1]. The front page of MSN Travel has been redesigned to accommodate the new widget which is featured just below the "top deals" from MSN's
-The MSN Farecast widget is fully integrated into the main MSN Travel site though clicking through to search a destination will redirect you to Farecast's own domain. However despite the URL, the page retains the MSN Travel navigation bar and looks like it's part of MSN.
-Having saved a bundle of money of air travel this summer thanks to Farecast, I highly recommend it if you're thinking about purchasing air tickets.
-The only thing Farecast seems unable to include in its predictions are random one-day sales by particular airlines, and of course not every airport will generate predictions, but for major travel routes it's tough to beat.
-For the ultimate in air travel savings you could use Farecast in conjunction with [Yapta][3] to track your tickets after purchase and ensure that, if the price does go down, you can get a refund with a minimum of effort.
-[via [Mashable][4]]
-[3]: "Yapta: A Smarter Way To Travel"
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-Mozilla has pushed out a new version of Firefox 2 that includes a patch for the high-profile vulnerability that allows attackers to use Internet Explorer to [trick Firefox into executing remote code][1].
-There has been much debate over whether the vulnerability was Firefox's fault or IE's fault, but arguably both browsers were at fault since neither one escaped or sanitised the URLs being passed.
-Whatever the case, Firefox has patched things from its end.
-Several other security fixes are included in Firefox -- the [release notes][2] have more information and specific fixes can be viewed [here][3].
-Firefox can be downloaded from the Firefox product page.
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-The Participatory Culture Foundation has released the first public beta of Miro, formerly known as Democracy Player. We've looked and Democracy Player a [couple][2] of [times][3] in the past and come away impressed and the new Miro release continues to build on the solid past of Democracy Player.
-Along with a visual makeover, some new icons and a new channel browsing interface, the first release of Miro features improved keyboard shortcuts for easier use with remote controls as well as a number of bug and stability fixes.
-For a complete list of changes, check out the [Miro blog][1], here's few of the highlights:
-* Keyboard shortcuts on all platforms. This should allow remote controls to be configured to control Miro.
-* Improved system tray functionality on Windows, including a context menu.
-* Added a new ‘report a bug’ menu item.
-* Adds as a search engine.
-Overall the new Miro continues to build on what Democracy Player started and trumps Joost, at least in terms of application and desktop interface, though Joost does offer more "premium" content if that's your thing.
-Miro is well on its way to becoming my favorite way to grab web-based television content.
-I'm also happy to report that the [issue with hidden .DS_store files][3] showing up in your watched folders on the Mac has been solved.
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-An anonymous hacker claims to have created a worm that targets Intel versions of Mac OS X. An unidentified researcher, using the moniker [Information Security Sellout][1] claims that s/he has developed the framework of a worm that [exploits a vulnerability in mDNSResponder][2], which is part of Apple's Bonjour network configuring service.
-Apple recently patched mDNSResponder in a security update but InfoSec Sellout claims the patch did not address the flaw that this particular worm is targeting.
-The worm, named Rape.osx by its author, is thus far unreleased and [the author tells ComputerWorld][3] that he will notify Apple of the vulnerability at some point.
-However, as with many others, the author is reportedly tired of claims that OS X is more secure than other operating systems. "I do believe in being responsible and working with vendors," the author tells ComputerWorld, "but I also feel that some vendors need to be treated like children and learn lessons the hard way."
-He goes on to add that "Apple has a very long way to go when dealing with security issues in their products."
-While that's true (and really, what vendor doesn't have a long way to go when it come to security?), given the manner of announcing the worm and lack of details available, the announcement smacks of a bit of Mac fan-boy baiting.
-Still, when and if the exploit is detailed and confirmed, it should serve as a wake-up call to Apple users who missed the last dozen or so wake-up calls -- no operating system is without flaws and vulnerabilities.
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