path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/07.23.07/Wed
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-Every wonder why your website loads slower than others? Wonder no more. Yahoo has released an [excellent little add-on for the Firefox extension Firebug][1] which analyzes a web page’s performance and offers optimization tips.
-The extension, cleverly dubbed YSlow, adds another pane to the Firebug interface and offers up a bunch of easy to browse options including load times for each page element, both with empty and full caches, as well as various tips, and options.
-Obviously YSlow requires both Firefox and [Firebug][2].
-Yahoo has put up an FAQ about each of the tips, which range from the reasonably well know -- put your Javascript includes at the bottom of the page -- to the less practical option of using a content delivery network (which is generally very expensive).
-Other suggestions offered by YSlow include:
->* Make Fewer HTTP Requests
-* Add an Expires Header
-* Gzip Components
-* Put CSS at the Top
-* Make JavaScript and CSS External
-* Reduce DNS Lookups
-Although not directly related to performance optimization, there's a really handy view under the "Inspect" tab which lets you see HTML and CSS by element. Hover your cursor over a page element and you'll see not just the HTML, but also all the CSS rules being applied. Also useful is an option to view all styles in one screen, which can be a godsend if your page loads several different CSS files.
-Naturally nothing is perfect and YSlow isn't going to work on every page. For instance, it passes GMail with flying colors, but that's largely because the initial page just loads some Javascript and little else.
-Still for the average user looking to test and potentially optimize their site, YSlow is fantastic addition to the Firebug toolkit.
-[via [Digg][3]]
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-At some point in college I signed up for a few art classes and discovered what I already suspected -- I have no talent in that realm. Which is why there are sites like [Iconfinder][1] to help even the most graphic design backward among us find attractive icons for websites and wherever else you need to use them.
-There are of course many sites devoted to icons, but Iconfinder has a nice clean, easy to use interface and returns a plethora of options to suit nearly every taste and design.
-You can search for specific icons and then narrow your results by size or just browse through the most popular options via a tag cloud.
-Every result has handy links to download and, most importantly, the licensing terms of the icon. A random sampling from a series of searches turned up mainly GPL licenses with a few LGPLs as well, which means they're free to use.
-[via [CyberNetNews][2]]
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-Intel has announced that it will open-source its cross-platform 2.0 (TBB) template library, which is designed to make it easier for programmers to build applications which utilize multi-core processors.
-Most high-end computers (and even many mid-range) ship with multi-core processors, but many popular software packages aren't written to take advantage of the potential speed gains of two processors.
-While the short-term effect of [Intel's announcement][1] will mean little to the average consumer, in the long run the TBB code could enable developers to begin offering more application with multi-core support -- which means better performance for users.
-Intel has previously contributed code to the Linux kernel and developed some drivers which are open source, but today's announcement is the first time Intel has open-sourced a private commercial offering. It is also Intel's largest open-source project.
-With TBB Intel would clearly like to be the standard tool for writing multi-threaded code and the tool is already popular with C++ programmers so now that it's open source its appeal will likely spread within the open source community.
-TBB 2.0 is processor, OS and compiler independent and will be offered under the GPL v2.
-Intel tells [Ars Technica][2] that the company is evaluating the GPL v3, but has yet to make a decision about formally adopting it.
-There's a [new website][3] set up for the open-source portion of TBB 2.0, but Intel will also continue selling a commercial version which is identical, but includes support from Intel.
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-The remarkable hacker NerveGas and the team at #iphone-shell have managed to find a way to get Dropbear SSH up and running on the iPhone through a bit of [command line trickery][1]. This means you can now install outside apps over SSH. NerveGas and others have already built Apache, Python and other open source apps for the iPhone.
-As NerveGas writes, the hack works by "overwriting an existing binary on the system with chmod, and then calling it with the appropriate arguments to set permissions. The result is a fully functional SSH setup."
-Fully functional SSH is huge; it effectively means you can move any file or program and execute them via the command line. NerveGas and others have [posted some binaries][2] for python and apache and here's some direct links to various command lines tools you can install on your iPhone:
->* <a href="">grep</a>
-* <a href="">ed</a>
-* <a href="">vim</a>
-* <a href="">curl</a>
-* <a href="">chmod</a>
-* <a href="">ps</a>
-* <a href="">ifconfig</a>
-* <a href="">netcat</a>
-Perhaps the most interesting application of this newfound functionality is the installation of a new SOCKS server to tether your iPhone to your laptop. Now admittedly using EDGE to browse from a laptop is probably going to drive you to fits, but at least it's now possible to use your iPhone's network access via your computer.
-Here's a video demonstration:
-<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
-And here's the tutorial on how to [get it working][3].
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-Just in case you had any doubts about the popularity of streaming internet TV, Joost has revealed that they now have [more than one million users][2] -- and keep in mind that the service is still a private beta.
-While we think [Miro offers a superior application][3], Joost certainly has the competition on the ropes when it comes to content. The site continues to add [new channels][1] almost weekly, the latest partnership brings National Lampoon's content to Joost viewers.
-One interesting thing about these numbers is that in my (admittedly somewhat limited) testing I haven't noticed the service getting any slower, which is pretty impressive considering the nature of the service.
-Even Joost co-founder Niklas Zennström admits that as the user base grows, ensuring speedy delivery of content will probably be the sites biggest challenge.
-Joost should be out of its limited beta test phase later this year, though now specific date has been given.
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-The One Laptop Per Child Foundation's XO computer may not seem like something that's going to revolutionize computing as we know it, but it may end up doing just that. Although it's bright green and white design screams looks like some demented cross between an early iMac and a Fisher Price toy, the machine boasts some impressive specs.
-The primary area in which in XO may change our expectations for even the most high-end computers is power consumption.
-Although I haven't personally used an XO, Jim Rapoza of eWeek recently sat down with one at the OLPC offices and came away impressed:
->Put simply, the XO is one of the most revolutionary computer systems that I've seen in some time. The entire time I was looking at the XO, I was thinking, why can't my new expensive laptop do this? The technologies that the OLPC's XO are introducing could go a long way towards changing the face of future systems, especially in the area of power consumption.
-Typically, when idling, today's computers use around 14 watts of energy (that's the maximum allowed by the Energy Star requirements). The XO on the other hand uses just 1 watt when idling.
-To pull that off the OLPC team used a very low power display, which somehow still manages to be bright and full color and offers a black and white mode when used in direct sunlight.
-The battery life is also impressive. The XO can use two different batteries, the traditional nickel metal hydride or a newer design which relies on lithium iron phosphate. Because the XO uses an average of just 2 watts and the battery boasts a 20 watt hour charge, the XO can go for 10 hours on a single charge.
-A third standout area for the XO is another battery drainer -- wifi. But thanks to the "wireless mesh" technology (the "rabbit ear" antennas you've seen on the sides of the XO's screen) in the XO, the wireless connection draws just .8 watts of power.
-And then there's the software. The XO runs Sugar, a variant of Fedora Linux optimized for simple applications and learning games.
-While some aspects of the interface strike me as overly simplistic, even for children (in my experience kids are quite adept at learning to use computers and don't need a dumbed down interface with huge icons), there are some novel approaches as well.
-The most interesting of the applications mentioned in Rapoza's review is the "Journal" app, which essentially replaces your standard hierarchical file browser. Rather than folders, Journal allows for tag and even temporal organization and navigation.
-Journal tracks and tags your file and application habits based on time. And while it boast some standard stuff like tag-based navigation, it also allows for time-based navigation -- did you write something interesting on Tuesday, but don't remember where you saved it? Just jump back to the Tuesday group and there it is, ready to go.
-Intriguing to say the least. I highly recommend giving Rapoza's review a read and while it may seem an unlikely source given its emphasis on children, we'd love to hear your thoughts about ways the XO might change the game for laptops.
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-Wesabe, the personal finance tracking site has [launched a toolbar extension][2] for Firefox users. The Firefox extension makes adding and updating your Wesabe account much easier and will do background syncs any time you use Firefox and are logged in through the toolbar.
-We [looked at Wesabe][1] last year when it launched and came away fans of the money management site, in spite of our lack of money to manage.
-And the new [Firefox toolbar][3] makes the site even easier to use. Rather impressive are the options for getting your back account to send data to Wesabe. According the video below, Wesabe records and stores a small script to grab your bank data if you bank doesn't offer an easy way to export.
-Since the vast vast majority of banking sites are antiquated pieces of crap, this means you can effectively stop using them. For instance I have a credit card at a bank that insists I use Internet Explorer despite the fact the it isn't even offered on the OS I use.
-As for security, if you trust the site, the toolbar isn't adding anything to the mix that the site doesn't already do and if you're really curious, the toolbar is open source so you can peak at the code if you like.
-The demo video below gives a nice overview of the toolbars main features:
-<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
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