path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/07.30.07/Wed
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-One Giant Leap For Microformats
-The Google Maps team announced yesterday that the popular mapping service will [now support the hCard microformat][1] in search results. The hCard microformat is a way of encoding address information which makes it easier to export address/contact info into other applications.
-Now when you search for a business in Google Maps your browser can recognize the address and contact information in the page, and make it easy to transfer it to an address book or phone.
-For Firefox users there's a there are two add-on that offer microformats support, <a href=""> Operator</a> or <a href="">Tails</a>. If you're an IE or Safari user, the microformats wiki has some <a href=""> bookmarklets</a> that enable those browsers to grab and pass on hCard info or convert it to GMail address.
-Also, if you've got some form of Google Maps on your own site, you can do so by making a few slight changes to your HTML. For more info on microformats, [see our earlier tutorial][3] or head over to the [official site][4].
-Google Maps may not be the first to embrace microformats, but it is definitely one of the largest services and should significantly increase the public's exposure to the usefulness of microformats.
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-Apple has released the first iPhone update with fixes for [vulnerabilities in Safari][2], WebCore and WebKit. The update is available through iTunes when the iPhone is connected.
-IPhone 1.0.1 doesn't add any new features but the update for Safari 3 on the iPhone addresses the serious flaw brought to light shortly after the iPhone was released. The vulnerability gives a website the ability to allow cross-site scripting.
-By combining a flaw in Safari with HTTP redirection malicious site could use JavaScript from one page to modify a redirected page which would allow cookies and pages to be read or arbitrarily modified.
-The patch also addresses another issue in Safari which could lead to arbitrary code execution if you visit a maliciously crafted web page.
-The WebCore fix is for an issue very similar to that of Safari and also allows cross-site requests. The WebKit patch address a vulnerability involving look-alike characters in a URL which could used to trick users into visiting a malicious site which could then be used to execute arbitrary code.
-The researchers who discovered the flaws in Safari were set to reveal the details at the annual Black Hat Conference later this week. Fortunately for users, Apple managed to push out this set of patches before that happened.
-For those with hacked iPhones, the update appears to wipe your mods, but various reports claim that Jailbreak still works and I had no problems using iFuntastic even after applying the update (be sure to [grab the latest version][1] though, I can't vouch for earlier versions).
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-Microsoft's MacBU team has rolled out an updated beta of their format converters which feature added compatibility with Microsoft Office's OOXML format documents. Mac users now have a few more options for [working with OOXML formats][1] in Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac and Microsoft Office v. X for Mac.
-The new version of the converter can convert the following Office Open XML file formats:
->* Word Document (*.docx)
-* Word Macro-Enabled Document (*.docm)
-* PowerPoint Presentation (*.pptx)
-* PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx)
-* PowerPoint Template (*.potx)
-The converter is still in beta and may not work perfectly, but until the next version of Office for Mac arrives, this is your best solution (unless you want to use OpenOffice's converters).
-The update announcement cautions users to "review the file carefully to make sure that it contains all of the information that you expect," after conversion.
-Microsoft's MacBU has also released a new [beta version of Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac][2], which allows you to interact with Windows machines over a network connection.
-Version 2.0 of Remote Desktop Connection Client is a Universal Binary and features a number of improvements including better support for Windows Vista, support for multiple sessions, an improved user interface and more.
-At the moment Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac 2.0 is only available in English, and supports only US English keyboards.
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-The iPhone wasn't the only Apple updated yesterday, the company also [released a security update for OS X][1] which addresses no less than a dozen issues and there's a new version of the Safari 3 beta which fixes the same issues [mentioned in the earlier iPhone update][2].
-Security Update 2007-007 fixes a number of known vulnerabilities in a variety of OS X components including Core Audio, WebKit, WebCore, bzip2, CFNetwork, Core Audio, cscope, gnuzip, Kerberos, mDNSResponder, PDFKit, PHP, Quartz Composer and samba.
-While a few of those are actual Apple software, the majority are open source tools used by OS X, which is something Apple has not been good about updating. For instance some the PHP issues addressed have been public since March and the Samba flaw has been known since May.
-The WebCore WebKit and updated Safari 3 beta all fix the same [vulnerabilities that affected the iPhone][2].
-Perhaps the most serious of these patches is the fix for mDNSResponder, which, if left unpatched, can lead to attackers executing arbitrary code via a buffer overflow vulnerability.
-Security Update 2007-007 is available via Software Update or [from the Apple site][4]. The [Safari 3 beta update][3] is also available through Software Update or it can be downloaded [here][4].
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