path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/08.06.07/Thu/blueprint.txt
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-Web designers, it's the moment you've been waiting for -- a CSS grid framework. If you've been wanting to use grids with your CSS-based designs, but don't want to spend the time (and do all the math) that well-done grids require, you need to checkout [Blueprintcss][1].
-Blueprintcss is a CSS "framework," which features an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing.
-There may well be other thing out there advertising themselves as CSS frameworks, but I haven't seen any that amounted to much more than a template system. Blueprintcss is not a template system, it's a class structure you can apply to nearly any design -- think of it as the skeleton around which you can arrange your own designs.
-For more on the background of Blueprint, check out [this interview][3] with creator Olav Frihagen Bjørkøy.
-There's a few limitation, the first being that your overall container element needs to be 960px wide -- in other words liquid layouts are not possible, though that is a planned enhancement.
-The other drawback is that at the moment Blueprintcss is bit under-tested (some elements didn't seem to render right in IE6 when I played around with it) and probably not suited for production site without some tweaking. But the code is freely available and if nothing else it jump starts your projects considerably.
-In addition to the grid helpers, Blueprintcss features a typographic baseline and some very nice font choices -- though of course you can always customize everything to your liking.
-[via [Daring Fireball][2]]
-[3]: \ No newline at end of file