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-Bandwidth throttling and traffic shaping are nothing new in the world of ISPs, but rumors are making the rounds that Comcast is taking it to the next level with regards to bittorrent.
-TorrentFreak is claiming that Comcast users are finding their torrent uploads throttled whenever they connect to non-Comcast users, which means you can't seed torrents outside the network. It would seem that only seeding peers is being prevented, most users are able to upload to others as long as their download is still going, but once the download is finished the upload is throttled.
-Michael mentioned this on Friday and says that he's noticed it getting worse in the last couple of months. I don't have Comcast so I can't say one way or the other. Here's what TorrentFreak has to say:
->Unfortunately, these more aggressive throttling methods can't be circumvented by simply enabling encryption in your BitTorrent client. It is reported that Comcast is using an application from Sandvine to throttle BitTorrent traffic. Sandvine breaks every (seed) connection with new peers after a few seconds if it's not a Comcast user.
-A commenter on the TorrentFreak post raises another interesting point, with regard to Comcast in particular:
->Comcast sells internet access. They also sell video subscriptions, charging extra for on-demand and PPV movies.
-If I'm paying to DL a movie from a legal subscription service that uses the bittorrent protocol, and it's blocked, that's anticompetitive behavior designed to get me to use Comcast's services instead of the competitors.
-I'm not a lawyer so I can't say for sure if that's the case, but I included it here because it isn't something I've seen brought up before.
-It's no secret that ISPs don't like bittorrent or other traffic-clogging peer-to-peer technologies. The ISPs argument runs something like this: just because you pay for a connection at 3mbps doesn't mean you can use whatever protocols you want and potential clog the network for other users by using all 3mbps.
-Of course, the natural reaction from many people has been: actually I thought that's exactly what I was paying for. Many users feel the burden of handling the traffic is on the ISPs who, the argument says, need to ensure that the network can handle the traffic.
-In an ideal world, I'd tend to agree with that logic, but the truth is most networks simply could not handle the amount of traffic that would result from widespread torrent usage. Which is why ISPs are up in arms about services like Joost or the BBC's new internet video options.
-Others would argue that ISPs are a business and are free to charge and shape traffic as they see fit.
-And that's the heart of the debate -- should internet access be treated as a private enterprise with the market dictating what sort of traffic shaping is acceptable or should it be treated more like a public utility such as water service?
-It's always a lively debate, so feel free to jump in and have your say. Also if you're a Comcast customer and have seen your torrent's throttled let us know about it. \ No newline at end of file
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-Back when the hackers first broke into the IPhone and managed to get [Apache and Python installed][6], we knew it was only a matter of time before someone installed one of our favorite web frameworks -- Django. And yes it has been done, with [Flickr photos to prove it][1].
-Jacob Kaplen Moss, Python guru and one of the [developers behind Django][5], got the framework installed and used Django's inspectdb to [load the iPhone's call log][4] into the Django admin application. Inspectdb is a handy Django tool that basically reverse engineers an existing database structure and then creates a Django application using that information.
-And to prove you don't need to be a Django developer to pull this off, it's worth noting that another Django user, Jay Baird, also has some [photos of Django running on an iPhone][2].
-For the moment you'll have to content yourself with the Flickr images as it doesn't seem that anyone has posted a tutorial on the process (if you know of one, stick it in the comments and I'll update this post).
-Here's a few hints though, based on my own digging around: First off you're going to need Jailbreak and then install Apache and Python (presumably mod_python as well which I haven't been able to find anyone who's done that... perhaps they're running Django under WCGI).
-Next you'll need to install Django and point your browser to localhost to make sure it worked. Then if you want to pull out the call data you'll need to find the iPhone's CoreData files, which, as I understand it, are essentially SQLite databases. Once you have those, run Django's inspectdb function and you've got a web interface capable of viewing and editing anything on the iPhone.
-While Jacob's call data application isn't particularly useful, the fact that you can get Django up and running on an IPhone certainly is -- imagine locally hosted iPhone webapps without the speed drag of the EDGE network. That's an iPhone webapp we can finally get behind.
-I imagine similar efforts are underway in the Rails world and other web frameworks, be sure to let us know in the comments.
-[via the [Django Roundup][3]]
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-Continuing its string of branded version of Firefox, Mozilla is set to release a "Campus Edition" aimed at students headed back to school. Firefox Campus is a little different that the previous branded versions we've covered (notably [AllPeers][6] and [EBay][5]) in that there's no specific company involved, rather the campus edition of Firefox comes bundled with a number of add-ons students might find helpful.
-The featured add-on in the campus edition are [Zotero][7], [FoxyTunes][8] and [StumbleUpon][9]. Zotero is a research tool which helps collect, manage and cite research sources while FoxyTunes lets you control various media players from within Firefox.
-The StumbleUpon toolbar seems of dubious usefulness for students, though it is no doubt an excellent time waster and a fun way to find random, engaging websites.
-The campus edition page should be [available for download][11] sometime later today.
-While the student bundle is primarily a PR move on Mozilla's part, and a good one at that, we can't help thinking they left out some of the more useful plugins for students.
-For instance, [Research Word][2] gives Firefox a handy contextual menu item to look up words and phrases in a variety of sources. Select the word to lookup and right-click the selection to access definitions from Wikipedia, Google Definitions, IMDb and more.
-For the science majors there's [Biotech][1], which offers some links and tools for people wanting to research the field of Biotechnology.
-Other cool tools for students include [Diigo][3], a web highlighter and sticky note extension and the [Sirsi Library System][4] add-on which is great if your university or school uses the Sirsi Library System.
-[via [Digg][10]]
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-Brad Fitzpatrick, creator of LiveJournal and OpenID among others, posted an interesting look at what he call [the social graph][1] -- a decentralized means of handling social data. As we hinted in our [call for an open social network][2], the tools to pull this off simply don't exist.
-Fitzpatrick writes: "Unfortunately, there doesn't exist a single social graph (or even multiple which interoperate) that's comprehensive and decentralized. Rather, there exists hundreds of disperse social graphs, most of dubious quality and many of them walled gardens."
-And end users are increasingly sick of registering and re-declaring their friends on every new social networking site. And rightly so, there has to be a better way.
-Fitzpatrick outlines the steps necessary to begin building an open network and even claims to have working prototypes of some elements. But even he knows it won't be easy.
->The world won't switch en masse to anybody's "social networking interop protocol", pet XML format, etc. It simply won't happen. This must all work supporting any and all ways of data collection, change notification, etc. Cute new protocols and XML/YAML/JSON formats for cooperative sites will help (and have already started to be deployed with a few early cooperative sites), but by and large, most sites won't be cooperative at first, and some (e.g. MySpace) might not ever ever support this. This is going to happen one site at a time and without everybody speaking the same protocols.
-But perhaps the most interesting part of his plan is that he wants to create a non-profit and open source software "which collects, merges, and redistributes the graphs from all other social network sites into one global aggregated graph."
-The centralized data would then be made available to other sites (or users) via both "public APIs (for small/casual users) and downloadable data dumps, with an update stream / APIs, to get iterative updates to the graph (for larger users)"
-He goes on to say that while this server needs to be centralized in the beginning it also need to "ensure that the design is such that others can run their own instances, sharing data with each other. Think '<a href="">git</a>', not '<a href="">svn</a>.'"
-One of the complaints in about my Facebook article was that many people assumed I meant you should open up and share your data with the world, which is not at all what we mean here. However because public data is easiest to work with that's generally where the concept takes off. As Fitzpatrick notes:
->The social graph contains a combination of public nodes, private nodes, public edges, and private edges. The focus is only on public data for now, as that's all you can spray around the net freely to other parties. While focusing on public data doesn't solve 100% of the problem, it does solve, say, 90% of the problem at 10% of the complexity. Private data can be added later, perhaps at a higher layer. For now, only public data.
-There's also no need to get rid of sites like Facebook, MySpace and other networks. Though, as Fitzpatrick notes this is far more likely to begin with smaller sites.
->There are both cooperative sites and uncooperative sites. Almost universally every small site I've talked to wants to cooperate, realizing their graphs are incomplete and that's not their speciality... they just need the social graph to do their thing. They don't care where it comes from and they don't mind contributing their relatively small amount of data to making the global shared graph better.
-I would interested to see what prototypes Fitzpatrick has come up with, but so far he doesn't have anything publicly available. I'd also be interested to know what Compiler readers think about this plan -- is it a good idea? Does it solve the main problems of isolated social networks? Let us know your thoughts.
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-Adobe has announced a new version of its ubiquitous Flash media player with support for H.264 video, the compression component of MPEG 4 which is also found in HD media like Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. Along with the H.264 support, Flash Player 9 will also support High Efficiency AAC (HE-AAC), which Adobe claims allows audio tracks to be encoded at lower bit rate without sacrificing quality.
-The new Flash Player 9, dubbed Moviestar, will also take advantage of hardware acceleration in graphics cards and dual-core processors for improved performance -- particularly in fullscreen playback.
-The new version of Adobe Flash Player 9 will be available as a beta later today on Adobe
-Labs. The final version is set to arrive "later in the fall," according to Adobe.
-With Flash already the de facto standard for online video -- it powers YouTube and other video sharing sites -- the addition of H.264 support could make high resolution video a reality on the web.
-Since Moviestar will be integrated into other Adobe other products like AIR (and apps built with AIR) and the upcoming Adobe Media Player, there's a good chance we'll soon see H.264 video flooding the market. Apple's Quicktime media player also supports H.264 encoding.
-With H.264 encoding already available in Adobe's desktop video editing software -- Premiere Pro and After Effects -- the company is clearly hoping to deliver video creators with a complete workflow, from camera all the way to the web. John Loiacono, senior vice president of Creative Solutions at Adobe, writes in a press release that Adobe wants to "allow creatives and developers to produce video and rich-media once, and then deploy that content across the widest array of distribution and playback environments."
-With Apple's new iMovie '08 frustrating many long-time video users who see the new version as a significant step backwards, Adobe could be poised to grab some people in the burgeoning "prosumer" video production market.
-For the rest of us, who content ourselves with being video consumers, the addition of H.264 to Flash Player 9, means that soon YouTube videos might not look so bad on that HD TV after all. \ No newline at end of file
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-GrandCentral has taken some heat in last few days for informing a limited number of users that their phone number will change on August 25. The e-mail some users received from GrandCentral cites "quality standards" as the reason behind the change, but for a company whose slogan is "one number for life" forcing number changes is bound to raise people's ire.
-In GrandCentral's defense, the service loudly proclaimed itself as a beta and openly warned users not to use their numbers for critical services. GrandCentral says the change effected 434 unlucky users.
-Here's GrandCentral's response to the recent number changes and customer complaints:
->(1) One of our smaller underlying carriers (which we had been using prior to the Google acquisition), which had been reliably providing similar services for years (and provided numbers and connectivity to lots of other providers) sent us a notice that they'd be exiting certain markets and disconnecting some phone numbers in 30 days. This caught us by surprise and although we were not happy about this, there was no way we could stop them from doing this.
->(2) We immediately began porting all of these numbers to a one of our larger carrier partners and we were able to get nearly all of these numbers ported successfully.
->(3) Unfortunately, 434 phone numbers could not be ported over.
->(4) Once we found this out, we immediately sent an email to these users letting them know that we had to change their numbers to another one in the same area code and we automatically added these numbers to their accounts. We provided a direct email link to help them with any issues or concerns they may have, let users choose alternative numbers more to their liking, and offered any other assistance that would help them.
-We review a lot of beta software, though we try to also point out the beta status in our reviews, but with many sites (GMail comes to mind) carrying the beta label far past the point of critical mass, sometimes it's easy to forget that beta really does mean things can go wrong and the software or web service really is "not ready for prime time use."
-For instance, The Consumerist writes: "we have recommended GrandCentral before, and we use it ourselves; but for Google to change user's phone numbers without consent defeats the entire purpose of GrandCentral."
-While that's true, and no doubt the move has done some serious damage to GrandCentral's image, it also goes to show how often we all ignore the beta warnings in a rush to embrace useful new services. \ No newline at end of file
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-HandBrake, the multithreaded DVD to MPEG-4 ripper/converter, has been updated for Mac OS X and Windows. The new version, HandBrake v.09, features a redesigned interface on both platforms with the Windows version featuring a complete, ground-up rewrite. Curiously missing from the update is any mention of the Linux version, which appears to still be stuck at v.08.
-HandBrake's specialty is one-click conversion of DVDs to iPod and AppleTV compatible formats like MPEG4.
-Other changes [listed on the HandBrake site][3] include:
->* User experience is improved through a re-envisioned Mac interface and a Windows interface that’s been rebuilt from the ground up.
-* Picture quality is improved through better image scaling, better deinterlacing, new filters for denoising, deblocking, inverse telecine, and new presets devoted to high quality settings.
-* Speed improvements due to updated copies of x264 and ffmpeg. This includes improved multi-threaded encoding for the iPod.
-* Compatibility is improved through new presets for devices like the iPhone and PSP. As well, HandBrake now supports DTS as an audio source and has limited support for .VOB and .TS file containers as input. Most excitingly, HandBrake can now output to the Matroska (MKV) file container.
-* Stability has been improved due to countless bug fixes. (Including audio drop and mp2 issues). HandBrake also has optional support for MP4 files larger than 4 gigabytes.
-For complete details about all the changes, see the [HandBrake Timeline][1].
-HandBrake is indispensable for the heavy iPod video user and the update adds some welcome features in addition to those listed above. Particularly nice is a ability to set a default preset, which means you can set up your preferred conversion preferences and HandBrake will automatically apply them the next time you rip a movie.
-HandBrake is a must have for iPod video and AppleTV fans and the new update brings more the enough improvements -- recommended for all users, grab it from the [HandBrake site][2].
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-The EFYTimes has posted a great interview with Linux founder Linus Torvalds with questions pulled from the Linux community around a the world. Torvalds is never one to shy from bold statements, in fact in the interview he mentions that he like "making strong statements, because I find the discussion interesting."
-But surprisingly this interview is fairly tame, with the notable exception of the discussion around the GPL v3 which Linus doesn't seem to like, saying "in the absence of the GPLv2, I could see myself using the GPLv3. But since I have a better choice, why should I?"
-However, despite a shortage of fireworks, the interview is a nice peak behind the scenes of kernel development and the Linux community in general. Here's some brief excerpts of some more notable questions, though I would encourage readers to click through and read them in context as well.
->Q: Linux is free of cost and secure; yet, it has failed to become popular among desktop users. What are the reasons behind this? And what are your suggestions to make Linux more popular among the masses?
-Linus: I think that's just mainly an issue of inertia. It's really hard to make people change their behavior, and you shouldn't expect it to happen overnight. Linux has made huge inroads over the years, and if I actually think back how things were ten years ago -- where we are today is just incredible. And I think that will continue, just because open source really ends up being good for everybody.
-So I think a lot of it ends up being about education, in the sense of making people aware of the choices, and while that won't necessarily make people change on its own, it means that eventually they, at least, won't be afraid of Linux (because they've heard of it), and they might try it. And no, not everybody will be ready to switch, but I think we've seen that a lot of people do end up enjoying the advantages of open source.
->Q: Is having so many distros a good or bad idea? Choice is fine, but one does not need to be pampered with choices. Instead of so many man hours being spent in building hundreds of distros, wouldn't it be easier to get into the enterprise and take on the MS challenge if people could come together and support fewer distros (1 for each use maybe)? What's your view on that?
-Linus: I think having multiple distros is an inevitable part of open source. And can it be confusing? Sure. Can it be inefficient? Yes. But I'd just like to compare it to politics: 'democracy' has all those confusing choices, and often none of the choices is necessarily what you 'really' want either, and sometimes you might feel like things would be smoother and more efficient if you didn't have to worry about the whole confusion of voting, different parties, coalitions, etc.
-But in the end, choice may be inefficient, but it's also what keeps everybody involved at least 'somewhat' honest. We all probably wish our politicians were more honest than they are, and we all probably wish that the different distros sometimes made other choices than they do, but without that choice, we'd be worse off.
-Q: ''Is this what computers have become,'' is the famous question Nokia has started asking in its N-series campaign. Is there any technology roadmap to make Linux rule the market of the next wave of computing devices, i.e., handhelds and mobiles?
-Linus: I do think that if there is something that will displace the traditional desktop computer, it will be mobile computing. Whether it will be just laptops (still the same basic architecture, just mobile), or the smaller handheld that will take over, I don't know.
-But it's definitely an area where Linux has the undeniable advantage of scaling across a much wider spectrum than any other operating system (i.e., Linux is on about 75 per cent of the top-500 supercomputers at the same time as it's being used by Nokia and Motorola in a cell phone form factor).
-Q: The soon to be released Windows Longhorn is touted to be Microsoft's answer to the Linux threat, as Windows NT was for Novell in the 90s. Are there any improvements planned in Linux, keeping the technology advancements of Longhorn in mind?
-Linus: I actually don't worry about MS at all. Their strength is in their marketing, and in the (obvious) market share they have. They've never been all that interesting from a 'technical' angle. And since all I personally care about is the technology, I don't end up being all that interested in what MS does.
-Q: What do you think about Microsoft's efforts to sign cross-licensing deals with Linux distros like Novell, Xandros and Linspire? How is this going to affect the development of the kernel?
-Linus: I don't really have a hugely strong opinion on it. Business is business, and I don't get involved with it; I worry about the technology. Yes, software patents are certainly worrisome, but I also tend to think that people just overreact a bit whenever MS is involved, and that some of the shrill reactions on the Internet have been a bit over the top.
-Let's see what happens.
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-Skype is finally back online after a massive two-day outage which began on Thursday, August 16th and rendered the VoIP service useless for an estimated 220 million users. As we [reported on Friday][1], Skype has denied charges that the outage was the result of an attack, but the company delayed an official explanation until today.
-According to Skype the outage was caused by a massive number of users restarting their machines, which flooded the Skype network with login requests. Skype blames the restarts on Windows Update, presumably large numbers of users rebooting after installing this month's "Patch Tuesday" [Windows patches][2].
-However, while the restarts may have triggered the problem, they were not in fact the problem. The issue that caused to outage was Skype's own software. According to a [statement on the Skype blog][3]:
->The high number of restarts affected Skype’s network resources. This caused a flood of log-in requests, which, combined with the lack of peer-to-peer network resources, prompted a chain reaction that had a critical impact.
->Normally Skype’s peer-to-peer network has an inbuilt ability to self-heal, however, this event revealed a previously unseen software bug within the network resource allocation algorithm which prevented the self-healing function from working quickly. Regrettably, as a result of this disruption, Skype was unavailable to the majority of its users for approximately two days.
-Skype has apologized for the outage, but it remains to be seen how the disruption will effect user's faith in the service.
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-Wikipedia is undeniably the most readily available encyclopedia, not to mention the fact that it's free, but despite being readily available it isn't always available -- no internet access, no wikipedia. Which is why Wikipedia periodically dumps its content so you can load it on your laptop and have a local copy.
-But building a local copy is a time consuming process involving the need for a local database and server set up. If you want to build a search index on that database it can take several days -- surely there's a better way.
-In fact, now there is. Wikipedia fan Thanassis Tsiodras has come up with a much more efficient way of installing and indexing a local Wikipedia dump. As tsiodras writes:
- Wouldn't it be perfect, if we could use the wikipedia "dump" data JUST as they arrive after the download? Without creating a much larger (space-wize) MySQL database? And also be able to search for parts of title names and get back lists of titles with "similarity percentages"?
-Why yes it would. And fortunately Tsiodras has already done the heavy lifting. Using Python, Perl, or Php, along with the Xapian search engine and Tsiodras' package, you can have a local install of Wikipedia (2.9 GB) with a lightweight web interface for searching and reading entries from anywhere.
-Complete instructions can be found [here][2]. I should note that this does require some command line tinkering, but the size and speed more than warrant wading through the minimal code necessary to get it up and running.
-Also, if you're a big Wikipedia fan, be sure to check out [our review of WikipediaFS][3] from earlier this year.
-[via [Hackzine][1]]
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-Zoho Writer, part of the popular Zoho Office suite, is now offering offline support. For the time being [offline mode in Zoho Writer][1] is limited to read-only mode, but Zoho says it's working on adding more features, including offline editing capabilities, "in the coming weeks."
-Zoho Writer's new offline functionality is built with Google Gears so users will need to have the [Google Gears browser plugin][4] installed. Once the plugin is running an option will appear in the Zoho menu to "Go Offline." The offline features work with Internet Explorer 6+ and with Firefox 1.5+.
-By default Zoho Writer will download fifteen documents, though clicking the arrow next to the "Go Offline" option will let you increase that number up to twenty five. The documents downloaded are determined by your sort order.
-Once the documents are downloaded you'll be redirected to the offline url. To access the offline content direct when you aren't connected to the internet, just point your browser to [][1]. The offline work screen contains a link back to the online version.
-One of the frequent concerns from people using online office tools like the Zoho suite or Google Docs and Spreadsheets is that, without an Internet connection, they aren't accessible. But as this Zoho announcements demonstrates, tools like Google Gears are quickly removing the access limitations of online apps.
-While Zoho's offline functionality is currently limited and thus not all that useful, when offline editing capabilities are added Zoho will be well ahead of Google Docs and Spreadsheets and leaps and bounds beyond desktop offerings for those that value portability and collaborative editing.
-As for how Zoho managed to beat Google's own office suite to the market with offline functionality (albeit limited) using Google's own tools -- it's anybody's guess. Zoho says it plans to support and contribute to the open source [Google Gears project][5].
-Google Gears, which we [wrote about back in May][3] when it launched, enables online software services like Zoho Writer to be used offline by adding the online component and its associated data to an offline cache on your PC. Google Reader features offline functionality through Google Gears.
-For more details on the Zoho Writer offline functionality and to see how it works, check out the video from Zoho:
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