path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/08.20.07/Wed
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-It used to be if you panned up in Google Earth you saw pixelated sky and clouds, but no more, now the heavens are just a mouse click away. Google Earth has [unveiled][4] a new feature dubbed Google Sky, that brings constellations, star maps, Hubble telescope imagery and more.
-The new layers can be found in the latest version of Google Earth where you'll see a new button "Switch between Sky and Earth" in the toolbar.
-Sky layers are listed in the left side menu and include options like, Constellations, Backyard Astronomy, Hubble Showcase, The Moon, The Planets, User's Guide to Galaxies and Life of a Star. There's even some animations of planetary orbits.
-All in all the new Google Sky in an astounding amount of data packed into an easy to navigate interface -- well worth upgrading the Google Earth 4.2.
-But Google Earth doesn't have its head entirely in the clouds, there's two other noteworthy new layers. The first is Google Books, which mines the Google Books project data for geographical references and overlays Google Earth with little book icons which bring up the quotes and citation information.
-The [Google Lat Long Blog][2] describes it thusly:
->For example, let's say that you're interested in Detroit, Michigan. After flying there in Google Earth, you'll find that one of the book icons is for "The Writings of Thomas Jefferson." Clicking on the book icon brings up the pop-up balloon with the following text snippet:
->"With respect to the unfor-tunate loss of Detroit and our army, I with pleasure see the animation it has inspired through our whole country, ..."
-Regrettably, due to an overlap in place-names between the U.S. in Europe many of the books included clearly aren't referring to the areas Google's algorithms think they are (see screenshot below).
-But wait, that's not all. There's also a new [live traffic overlay][5] which draw on the same data used in Google Maps [recently unveiled traffic features][1]. Once you’ve turned on the traffic overlays, you'll have links to real-time traffic and conditions in select cities.
-Both the books and traffic overlays are available in previous versions of Google Earth, but for the Google Sky features you'll need to upgrade to the latest version.
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-The iPhone has received another small update, which brings the current software up to version 1.0.2. The latest update includes in the illuminating words of Apple: "Bug Fixes." No further details are available.
-To update just connect your iPhone and fire up iTunes which will offer to download and install the new software.
-But keep in mind that, as with the previous update, v1.0.2 validates the current iPhone software, which means if you've installed any cool hacks you'll be forced to do a complete restore, wiping out the hacked functions. On the bright side all the hacks seem to still function, which means Apple isn't actively blocking them, at least so far.
-Another gotcha to watch out for -- make sure you download or otherwise back up any images you've taken with the iPhone's camera before you restore otherwise they'll be lost.
-As for what the update does, no one seems to have identified anything noteworthy, which may well be why Apple hasn't said anything.
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-Google Maps is now offering some YouTube-style embed code which finally gives non-programmers an easy way to add maps to nearly any webpage. The [new code][1] can be found under the "Link to this page" option at the top of any map on the site.
-The resulting map is fully interactive with pan and zoom controls as well as map, satellite and hybrid view options. Each embedded map also contains a link back to the original Google Maps page. The embedded maps can be customized to any size and if you have markers on your map, they will show up in the embedded version as well.
-The only catch is that the Google Maps code uses an iFrame to load content which doesn't work on nearly as many sites as YouTube's Flash embed code. Many hosted pages -- like MySpace -- often don't allow content that use iframes, which means this new embed code isn't going to help you.
-Still, for many, this opens up a whole new way to use maps. Previously embedding Google maps in your page required some programming skills and you needed to register for an API key, which prevent casual users from embedding maps in blogs and other places.
-Interestingly, Yahoo, which uses Flash for the latest version of its mapping service, and could -- at least theoretically -- offer an embeddable Flash movie that would work anywhere, thus far hasn't offered anything of the kind.
-Here's an example of the the Google Maps embed code in action:
-<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=",-122395523,9473187990209702968&s=AARTsJrTuwtWb_DgPWxhe8cEbXUX5taOhA&ll=37.790727,-122.3913&spn=0.02374,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe><br/><a href=",-122395523,9473187990209702968&ll=37.790727,-122.3913&spn=0.02374,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=A&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left;font-size:small">View Larger Map</a>
-[Sidenote for the nerds amoung us: if you look at the code below you'll see the URL that the iframe is pulling in, with a little cut-n-paste you can create a link to a pure map page [like this][2].]
-[2]:,-122395523,9473187990209702968&ll=37.790727,-122.3913&spn=0.02374,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=A&source=embed \ No newline at end of file
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-The Pirate Bay has made good on its promise to bring back the wildly popular bittorrent site -- Suprnova is indeed [back up and running][2] with some one million torrents already in its database.
-Interestingly, where most torrent sites include a quick link to download popular torrent clients, the newly re-launched Suprnova offers a link to download your torrent via BitLet, which we looked at a while back.
-BitLet is a Java-based in-browser torrent client that makes it easy for the uninitiated the download a torrent and BitLet is certainly getting some high profile exposure thanks the Suprnova.
-As part of the relaunch there's also a new site, [Suprbay][3], which is hosting a sort of cross-site forum for both Suprnova and Pirate Bay fans.
-As is typical of them, the Pirate Bay team is never one to let a press release out without some choice words for the music industry. The relaunch of Suprnova [includes the following taunt][1]:
->This is how it works. Whatever you sink, we build back up. Whomever you sue, ten new pirates are recruited. Wherever you go, we are already ahead of you. You are the past and the forgotten, we are the internet and the future. y'arr!
-[3]: \ No newline at end of file
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-Google is rolling out a new ad scheme for YouTube videos which the company claims is far more effective than the ads currently in use. The new YouTube ads, which have been running in limited test form for several months, feature a semi-transparent animated "overlay" at the bottom of the player window.
-The ads show up for about 10 seconds and clicking inside the ad box will insert an "in-video" ad over the top of the current movie. If you decide to watch the ad the original video is paused until the ad finishes or you dismiss it with the close button.
-For the time being Google says the adverts will be limited to the videos produced by Youtube's various content partners -- user-generated content will remain ad-free.
-Arguably much of YouTube's popularity stems from the fact that it was fast and had no ads, which Google seems to recognize given its hesitation to put ads in user uploaded content. So while your movies may be safe for now, don't expect that to last forever.
-However, were Google to begin running ads in user videos, it seems likely that users could expect some sort of revenue sharing model similar to those offered by other video hosting sites that insert ads into your content.
-Another thing that may cause Google some pause when adding ads to user clips is that advertisers could find their content running inside clips they don't want to be associated with -- something that recently plagued Facebook's ad service.
-In other YouTube news, Google is now using YouTube as the primary source of video included in Google News. Bringing YouTube content from partners like CBS into Google News is part of Google's continued efforts to integrate the video service with other Google offerings.
-[via [NYTimes][1]]
-[1]: \ No newline at end of file