path: root/old/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/11.06.06/Thu/reboot.txt
blob: c7c5fc4ae1b889d6e8bfe2666531752ed3d0e912 (plain)
<img alt="Any_key_3" title="Any_key_3" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />The morning reboot you ordered has arrived sir:

*	Google has fessed up to [accidentally sending out some e-mail containing the Kama Sutra mass mailing worm][1]. The official statement begins, "On Tuesday evening, three posts were made to the Google Video Blog-group that should not have been posted." Mmmhmm.

*	And in other Google News, Mashable is reporting that [Google Video is being sued][2] for copyright infringement. The announcement comes straight from Google, but so far there are no details beyond that.

*	MagiQ Technologies claims to have [developed an unbreakable encryption scheme][3] that exploits Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle to generate cypher keys. While that sounds good, I can't help thinking that unsinkable ships sounded good at one point too.

*	And finally in TSIA category: [Microsoft To Give A Cut Of Every Zune Sold To The Recording Industry -- Though It's Not Clear Why][4]

[1]:,127788-c,worms/article.html "Google emails Kama Sutra worm"
[2]: "Google Video Sued"
[3]: "Unbreakable Encryption?"
[4]: "Microsoft To Give A Cut Of Every Zune Sold To The Recording Industry -- Though It's Not Clear Why"