path: root/old/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/11.13.06/Thu/untitled text
blob: 0ffa0bad5b94b8a8056d73d70f32b77505faf200 (plain)

*	[Microsoft, Yahoo and Google have agreed on a standardized format for sitemaps][1]. The structure, currently [available at][6], allows web masters to install an XML file on their servers that all three engines can use to track site updates.

*	Google has added a new feature to Google Calendar that allows you to search public events. The search feature helps you find out what's happening in your area.

*	[ officially relaunched][2] itself yesterday, with some nice new features for bands. The site now offers bands a profile page, 100 MB of audio storage and unlimited video hosting. [via [Mashable][3]]

*	[Skype has released a new beta version its Mac software][5] with support for SMS and conference-calling. Skype 2.5 also lets you leave messages for offline users. It still doesn't have all the features of the Windows-only Skype 3.0, but it's getting there.

*	Rumor: A number of news agencies are [reporting that production of the ever elusive Apple iPhone][4] has been contracted out to Hon Sio a Taiwanese manufacturing company. Rumor also claims that the iPhone will be sold unlocked. But just who is this "Rumor," That's what I'd like to know.

[1]: "Microsoft, Yahoo and Google unite"
[2]: ""
[3]: "Mashable on"
[4]: " on the Apple iPhone"
[5]: "Skype 2.5 beta"
[6]: ""