path: root/old/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/06.11.07/Mon/leaopard joke.txt
blob: 05a4b8d3c5365006fd82fa6b373f938d3df0f1d9 (plain)
<img alt="Leopard" title="Leopard" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />Steve Jobs WWDC keynote is just a few minutes away and we'll have live coverage for you right here on Compiler so be sure to stay tuned. Predictions have been rampant in the last few days about what his Jobsness will reveal this morning.

I'll refrain from weighing in myself, but I thought I would point out a prediction I agree with: the brushed metal interface is history. Expect all of leopard's interface to utilize the sort of muted grey windows and toolbars that iTunes and some other apps have switched to in the last year.

For a humorous spin on where Brushed Metal is headed, have a read through John Gruber's hilarious post over at Daring Fireball entitled: [An Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal Interface Theme Shows Up for the WWDC Preview Build of Mac OS X Leopard][1]. And okay, maybe hilarious is stretching it a bit, but if you're a Mac nerd it should make you smile.

[1]: "An Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal Interface Theme Shows Up for the WWDC Preview Build of Mac OS X Leopard"