path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/11.27.06/Fri/reboot.txt
blob: ad279e8bb253f2a7bea07f8cdb9ff8ae56bf6f35 (plain)
<img alt="Any_key_3" title="Any_key_3" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />Holy copyright madness Batman! (wait, does Robin own exclusive rights to that sentence structure?) Anyway, here your reboot:

*	U.S. companies will have to [track all e-mail, IM and other electronic documents][1] created by their employees thanks to new federal laws that take effect today. The rules will require companies involved in federal litigation to show all "electronically stored information." Even better, making backups by re-burning a CD-RW could be considered "virtual shredding." 

[1]: "Law requires Companies to track e-documents"

*	Here's a shocker: Movie Studios are demanding that [Apple add more restrictive DRM][2] before they will sell their movies through iTunes. Among other things the studios want Apple to "reduce the number of devices that can use a film downloaded from iTunes." 

[2]: "Movie studios want more DRM"

*	On the brighter side of the DRM fight, Russian site [AllofMP3 is fighting back][3] against the U.S.-Russia trade deal which essential calls for the demise of AllofMP3. A lawyer for AllofMP3 told Ars Technica, "Legality is not decided by a legislative branch or an executive branch. It's decided by a court." It's nice to see AllofMP3 fighting the good fight, but personally I'd just head to the Bahamas, no legal hassles, better weather...

[3]: "Ars Technica on AllofMP3"

*	And finally, more good copyright news: [The Internet Archive][5] has [won an exemption from the Digital Millennium Copyright Act][4] which will allow them to continue archiving the internets.

[5]: "The Internet Archive"