path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.08.07/Mon/nightly.txt
blob: 7a4fce285cfce6b6a69b4414f63dc9bcef57845c (plain)
<img alt="Nightlybuild" title="Nightlybuild" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />The Nightly Build, compiling the day's headlines:

*	Last week I mentioned the Devorak keyboard layout, but now I've discovered yet another alternative to QWERTY -- the [Colemak layout][3]. I agree with the commenter at [Metafilter][4], where I stumbled across the Colemak: "I predict that in 800 years time when all humans live as .hum files running on virtual computers in postbiological cyberspace, our virtual keyboards will still use the QWERTY layout." Old habits die hard.

[3]: "Like Dorvak, only better"
[4]: "Colemak keyboard layout"

*	From the Pew Internet Project & American Life Project's [latest research][2]: "More than half (55%) of all of online American youths ages 12-17 use online social networking sites." People get paid to tell us that?

[2]: "55% of online teens use social networks"

*	Macworld: The Prequel. Today there's too much hype, too many predictions and too much positive press, [remember when things really sucked][1]?

[1]: "Wired 1997: 101 Ways to Save Apple"

*	Second Life is now [open source][5].

[5]: "CNN: Second Life to go open source"

*	Like porn spam, the [idea of a .xxx domain suffix][6] for porn websites just doesn't seem to die.

[6]: "BBC: Proposal for porn domain revived"