path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.15.07/Mon/elsewhere.txt
blob: a6b97eb6e899456dbe6d83146d5b26b67eadb571 (plain)
<img alt="Wiredblogs" title="Wiredblogs" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" /> Elsewhere on Wired:

*	Over on Cult of Mac Leander Kahney has an awesome rundown on why people still [prefer the Newton][1] to even the potential of the iPhone.

[1]: "Apple Newton Versus iPhone"

*	Wired Science brings news of a development in which a pox could possibly be used to [kill cancerous cells][2].

[2]: "Using a Pox to Kill Cancer"

*	My personal fav of the day, Gadget Lab has has a post about [tires infused with essential oils][3]. Imagine if you will... monster truck rallies with a hint of lavender and jasmine in the air...

[3]: "Kumho's Scented Tires"

*	Table of Malcontent isn't [wearing pants][4].

[4]: "Improv Everywhere's No Pants! Subway Ride"