path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.15.07/Mon/nightly.txt
blob: 20101a3dcedb8916bc9c7765602cb38d1fbde8d6 (plain)
<img alt="Nightlybuild" title="Nightlybuild" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />The Nightly Build:

*	Mark Cuban's Dallas Mavericks franchise has [launched][1] a wiki designed to, "be a collaboration between the Mavs and their fans, with the goal being to document every game the Mavs have played." It'll be interesting to see if this catches on.

[1]: "Mavs Launch Mavswiki.Com"

*	According to [Apple Insider][2] "Core 2 Duo-based Mac owners who want to unlock next-generation 802.11n wireless technologies hidden inside their computers will first have to fork a few bucks over to Apple." The 802.11n enabler patch will cost $4.99. Certainly $4.99 per person can't mean much to Apple, why not just give it away?

[2]: "Apple to impose 802.11n unlocking fee on Intel Mac owners"

*	Footnote, Inc. has [announced an agreement][4] to digitize selected records from the vast holdings of the National Archives. 4.5 million pages are already online and waiting for your annotations. 

[4]: "National Archives Records available on Footnote"

*	Linux doesn't get enough coverage on this blog and I think it's high time we changed that. I just spent the last half hour [listening to the Linux Action show podcast][3] and decided that the Monkey Bites Linux love must spread. As of yet I have no plan, but in the mean time give the show a listen.

[3]: "The Linux Action Show! Podcast"