path: root/app/builder
diff options
authorlxf <>2022-05-14 16:38:07 -0400
committerlxf <>2022-05-14 16:38:07 -0400
commitbb3973ffb714c932e9ec6dd6a751228dc71fe1d3 (patch)
tree6fa32f9392ad2ec32271349b86a4c1388fd6ba95 /app/builder
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'app/builder')
4 files changed, 579 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/builder/ b/app/builder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/builder/
diff --git a/app/builder/ b/app/builder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..532deea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+import os
+from math import ceil
+from decimal import Decimal
+from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
+from django.test.client import Client
+from django.template.loader import render_to_string
+from django.template import Context
+from django.urls import reverse
+from django.apps import apps
+from django.conf import settings
+from jsmin import jsmin
+class _FileWriter(object):
+ """
+ Given a path and text object; write the page to disc
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path, text_object, ext='html', filename='index', site=''):
+ site = Site.objects.get(domain=site)
+ base_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJ_ROOT, site.domain)
+ self.path = '%s%s' % (base_path, path)
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.path):
+ os.makedirs(self.path)
+ fpath = '%s%s.%s' % (self.path, filename, ext)
+ self.write(fpath, text_object)
+ def write(self, fpath, text_object):
+ f = open(fpath, 'wb')
+ f.write(text_object)
+ f.close()
+ def compress_js(self, filename, text_object):
+ path = '%s%s.min.js' % (self.path, filename)
+ compressed = jsmin(text_object.decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8')
+ self.write(path, compressed)
+class BuildNew():
+ def __init__(self, model, app, site=''):
+ = Site.objects.get(domain=site)
+ self.model = apps.get_model(model, app)
+ self.get_model_queryset()
+ self.client = Client()
+ def build(self):
+ self.build_list_view()
+ self.build_detail_view()
+ def get_model_queryset(self):
+ return self.model.objects.filter(status__exact=1)
+ def write_file(self, path, text_object, ext='html', filename='index'):
+ self.writer = _FileWriter(path, text_object, ext=ext, filename=filename,
+ def get_pages(self, qs, paginate_by):
+ return int(ceil(Decimal(qs.count()) / Decimal(paginate_by)))
+ def build_list_view(self, base_path='', qs=None, paginate_by=10):
+ """
+ Archive Page builder that actually crawls the urls
+ because we need to be able to pass a request object to the template
+ """
+ if not qs:
+ qs = self.get_model_queryset()
+ pages = self.get_pages(qs, paginate_by)
+ for page in range(pages):
+ if int(pages) > 1:
+ path = '%s%s/' % (base_path, str(page + 1))
+ url = '%s%s/' % (base_path, str(page + 1))
+ else:
+ path = base_path
+ url = base_path
+ print(path)
+ response = self.client.get(url, HTTP_HOST='', follow=True)
+ if page == 0:
+ self.write_file(base_path, response.content)
+ self.write_file(path, response.content)
+ def build_year_view(self, url, paginate_by=99999):
+ years = self.get_model_queryset().dates('pub_date', 'year')
+ for year in years:
+ year = year.strftime('%Y')
+ qs = self.model.objects.filter(
+ status__exact=1,
+ pub_date__year=year
+ )
+ self.build_list_view(
+ base_path=reverse(url, kwargs={'year': year, }),
+ qs=qs,
+ paginate_by=paginate_by
+ )
+ def build_month_view(self, url, paginate_by=99999):
+ months = self.get_model_queryset().dates('pub_date', 'month')
+ for m in months:
+ year = m.strftime('%Y')
+ month = m.strftime('%m')
+ qs = self.model.objects.filter(
+ status__exact=1,
+ pub_date__year=year,
+ pub_date__month=month
+ )
+ if qs.exists():
+ self.build_list_view(
+ base_path=reverse(url, kwargs={'year': year, 'month': month}),
+ qs=qs,
+ paginate_by=paginate_by
+ )
+ def build_detail_view(self):
+ '''
+ Grab all the blog posts, render them to a template
+ string and write that out to the filesystem
+ '''
+ for entry in self.get_model_queryset():
+ url = entry.get_absolute_url()
+ path, slug = os.path.split(entry.get_absolute_url())
+ path = '%s/' % path
+ # write html
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.write_file(path, response.content, filename=slug)
+ # write txt
+ response = self.client.get('%s.txt' % url)
+ self.write_file(path, response.content, ext='txt', filename=slug)
+ def build_feed(self, url_name):
+ """
+ Not called, but available for subclassing
+ """
+ url = reverse(url_name,)
+ path, slug = os.path.split(url)
+ slug, ext = os.path.splitext(slug)
+ response = self.client.get(url, HTTP_HOST='')
+ self.write_file('%s/' % path, response.content, ext=ext.split(".")[-1], filename=slug)
+class Build():
+ def write_file(self, path, text_object, ext='html', filename='index'):
+ """
+ Given a path and object intended to be a webpage, write the page the
+ disc
+ """
+ path = '%s%s' % (settings.FLATFILES_ROOT, path)
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ fpath = '%s%s.%s' % (path, filename, ext)
+ file = open(fpath, 'wb')
+ file.write(text_object)
+ file.close()
+ if ext == 'js':
+ from jsmin import jsmin
+ fpath = '%s%s.min.%s' % (path, filename, ext)
+ compressed = jsmin(text_object.decode(encoding='UTF-8'))
+ with open(fpath, 'wb') as js_file:
+ minified = js_file.write(compressed.encode('utf-8'))
+ js_file.close()
+ def build_archive_pages(self, qs=None, base_path='', paginate_by=10):
+ """
+ Archive Page builder that actually crawls the urls
+ because we need to be able to pass a request object to the template
+ """
+ if qs is None:
+ qs = self.get_model_querset()
+ c = Client()
+ pages = ceil(Decimal(qs.count()) / Decimal(paginate_by))
+ for page in range(int(pages)):
+ path = '%s%s/' % (base_path, page + 1)
+ url = '/%s%s/' % (base_path, str(page + 1))
+ page_url = base_path + '%d/'
+ response =, {'page_url': page_url, 'page': int(page), 'builder': True}, HTTP_HOST='')
+ if page == 0:
+ self.write_file(base_path, response.content)
+ self.write_file(path, response.content)
+class BuildAll(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ BuildWriting().build()
+ BuildPhotos().build()
+ BuildProjects().build()
+ BuildMap().build()
+ BuildWritingFeed().build()
+ BuildSitemap().build()
+ BuildPages().build()
+ p.write_files()
+class BuildWriting(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ self.build_detail_pages()
+ self.build_writing_archives()
+ self.build_country_archive_pages()
+ self.build_region_archive_pages()
+ self.build_homepage()
+ self.build_404()
+ self.writing_year_archives()
+ self.writing_month_archives()
+ def get_model_querset(self):
+ model = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'entry')
+ qs = model.objects.filter(status__exact=1)
+ return qs
+ def build_detail_pages(self):
+ '''
+ Grab all the blog posts, render them to a template string and write that out to the filesystem
+ '''
+ qs = self.get_model_querset()
+ for entry in qs:
+ c = {
+ 'object': entry,
+ }
+ t = render_to_string('details/entry.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ path = '/jrnl/%s/' %(entry.pub_date.strftime("%Y/%m").lower())
+ slug = '%s' %(entry.slug)
+ self.write_file(path, t, 'html', slug)
+ s = render_to_string('details/entry.txt',c).encode('utf-8')
+ self.write_file(path, s,'txt', slug)
+ def build_writing_archives(self):
+ qs = self.get_model_querset()
+ self.build_archive_pages(qs, 'jrnl/')
+ def build_region_archive_pages(self):
+ model = apps.get_model('locations', 'Region')
+ blog = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'entry')
+ regions = model.objects.all()
+ for c in regions:
+ qs = blog.objects.filter(status__exact=1,'-pub_date')
+ path = 'jrnl/%s/' % (c.slug)
+ self.build_archive_pages(qs, path)
+ def build_country_archive_pages(self):
+ model = apps.get_model('locations', 'Country')
+ blog = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'entry')
+ countries = model.objects.filter(visited=True)
+ for c in countries:
+ qs = blog.objects.filter(status__exact=1, location__state__country=c).order_by('-pub_date')
+ path = 'jrnl/%s/' % (c.slug)
+ self.build_archive_pages(qs, path)
+ def writing_year_archives(self):
+ entry = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'entry')
+ years = entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'year')
+ for year in years:
+ year = year.strftime('%Y')
+ qs = entry.objects.filter(status__exact=1, pub_date__year=year).order_by('pub_date')
+ c = Context({'type': 'year', 'year': year, 'object_list': qs})
+ t = render_to_string('archives/writing_date.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ fpath = 'jrnl/%s/' % (year)
+ self.write_file(fpath, t)
+ def writing_month_archives(self):
+ entry = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'entry')
+ months = entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'month')
+ for m in months:
+ year = m.strftime('%Y')
+ month = m.strftime('%m')
+ month_name = m.strftime('%b')
+ month_full_name = m.strftime('%B')
+ qs = entry.objects.filter(status__exact=1, pub_date__year=year,
+ pub_date__month=month).order_by('pub_date')
+ c = Context({'type': 'monthly', 'year': year, 'month': month_full_name, 'object_list': qs, })
+ t = render_to_string('archives/writing_date.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ fpath = 'jrnl/%s/%s/' % (year, month)
+ self.write_file(fpath, t)
+ def build_homepage(self):
+ obj = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'homepagecurrator').objects.get(pk=1)
+ recent = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'entry').objects.filter(status__exact=1)[:4]
+ template = obj.template_name
+ c = Context({'homepage': obj, 'recent': recent, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL})
+ t = render_to_string(template, c).encode('utf-8')
+ self.write_file('', t)
+ def build_404(self):
+ c = Context()
+ t = render_to_string('404.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ self.write_file('', t, 'html', '404')
+class BuildPhotos(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ self.build_photo_archive_pages()
+ self.build_detail_pages()
+ self.build_js()
+ def build_photo_archive_pages(self):
+ qs = apps.get_model('photos', 'PhotoGallery').objects.all()
+ self.build_archive_pages(qs, 'photos/', 18)
+ def build_detail_pages(self):
+ qs = apps.get_model('photos', 'PhotoGallery').objects.all()
+ for photo in qs:
+ c = Context({'object': photo, 'MEDIA_URL':
+ t = render_to_string('details/photo_galleries.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ path = 'photos/galleries/%s/' % (photo.set_slug)
+ self.write_file(path, t)
+ def build_js(self):
+ fpath = '%sdesign/templates/js/leaflet-providers.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT
+ leaflet_providers_js = open(fpath, 'r').read()
+ fpath = '%sapp/photos/photos.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT
+ photos_js = open(fpath, 'r', encoding='UTF8').read()
+ js = leaflet_providers_js + photos_js
+ self.write_file('media/js/', js.encode('utf-8'), 'js', 'photos')
+class BuildProjects(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ self.build_project_archive()
+ self.build_project_details()
+ self.build_project_data()
+ self.build_gifs()
+ self.build_np_basejs()
+ def get_projects(self):
+ all_proj = []
+ proj = apps.get_model('projects', 'Project').objects.get(pk=2)
+ row = {'slug': proj.slug, 'name': proj.model_name}
+ all_proj.append(row)
+ return all_proj
+ def build_project_archive(self):
+ qs = apps.get_model('projects', 'Project').objects.filter(status__exact=1).order_by('-pub_date')
+ c = {'object_list': qs, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL,
+ t = render_to_string('archives/projects.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ self.write_file('projects/', t)
+ def build_project_details(self):
+ projects = self.get_projects()
+ for proj in projects:
+ model = apps.get_model('projects', proj['name'])
+ if proj['name'] == 'NationalParks':
+ qs = model.objects.filter(visited__exact=True).order_by("-date_visited_begin")
+ else:
+ qs = model.objects.filter(status__exact=1)
+ c = {
+ 'object_list': qs,
+ }
+ t = render_to_string('details/%s.html' % (proj['slug'].split("/")[1]), c).encode('utf-8')
+ path = 'projects/%s/' % (proj['slug'].split("/")[1])
+ self.write_file(path, t)
+ """
+ not sure how to handle projects really, the above doesn't work and
+ if I just keep writing if/else statements that gets messy, so I guess
+ functions it is.
+ """
+ def build_gifs(self):
+ qs = apps.get_model('projects', 'AnimatedGif').objects.all()
+ for gif in qs:
+ c = {
+ 'object': gif,
+ }
+ t = render_to_string('details/gifs.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ path = 'projects/gifs/%s/' % (gif.slug)
+ self.write_file(path, t)
+ def build_project_data(self):
+ model = apps.get_model('projects', 'NationalParks')
+ for park in model.objects.filter(visited__exact=True):
+ path = 'projects/data/natparks/'
+ json = park.mpoly.json
+ self.write_file(path, json.encode('utf-8'), 'json',
+ def build_np_basejs(self):
+ fpath = '%sdesign/templates/js/leaflet-providers.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT
+ leaflet_providers_js = open(fpath, 'r').read()
+ fpath = '%sapp/projects/natparks.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT
+ natparks_js = open(fpath, 'r').read()
+ js = leaflet_providers_js + natparks_js
+ self.write_file('media/js/', js.encode('utf-8'), 'js', 'natparks')
+class BuildSitemap(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ c = Client()
+ response = c.get('/sitemap.xml', HTTP_HOST='')
+ self.write_file('', response.content, 'xml', 'sitemap')
+class BuildWritingFeed(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ qs = apps.get_model('blog', 'entry').objects.filter(status__exact=1).order_by('-pub_date')[:20]
+ c = Context({'object_list': qs, 'SITE_URL': settings.SITE_URL})
+ t = render_to_string('feed.xml', c).encode('utf-8')
+ fpath = '%s' % ('rss/',)
+ self.write_file(fpath, t, 'xml')
+class BuildPages(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ model = apps.get_model('pages', 'page')
+ pages = model.objects.all()
+ for page in pages:
+ c = Context({'object':page,'SITE_URL':settings.SITE_URL, 'MEDIA_URL':settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL})
+ t = render_to_string(["details/%s.html" % page.slug, 'details/page.html'],c).encode('utf-8')
+ s = render_to_string('details/page.txt',c).encode('utf-8')
+ fpath = '%s' %(page.slug)
+ self.write_file('', t, 'html', page.slug)
+ self.write_file('', t, 'txt', page.slug)
+class BuildMap(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ qs = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'entry').objects.filter(status__exact=1)
+ cl = apps.get_model('locations', 'Country').objects.filter(visited=True).exclude(name='default')
+ rl = apps.get_model('locations', 'Region').objects.all()
+ rtl = apps.get_model('locations', 'Route').objects.all()
+ c = Context({
+ 'object_list': qs,
+ 'country_list': cl,
+ 'region_list': rl,
+ 'route_list': rtl,
+ })
+ t = render_to_string('archives/map_data.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ fpath = '%sdesign/templates/js/leaflet-providers.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT
+ leaflet_providers_js = open(fpath, 'r').read()
+ js = leaflet_providers_js + t.decode(encoding='utf-8')
+ self.write_file('media/js/', js.encode('utf-8'), 'js', 'mainmap')
+ c = Context({
+ 'country_list': cl,
+ 'region_list': rl,
+ 'route_list': rtl,
+ })
+ t = render_to_string('archives/map.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ self.write_file('', t, "html",'map')
+# Back up entries to markdown text files which are then stored in dropbox and git
+class EntryBak(Build):
+ def get_model_querset(self):
+ model = apps.get_model('jrnl', 'entry')
+ qs = model.objects.filter(status__exact=1)
+ return qs
+ def write_file(self, path, text_object):
+ file = open(path, 'wb')
+ file.write(text_object)
+ file.close()
+ def build_writing_bak(self):
+ qs = self.get_model_querset()
+ for obj in qs:
+ c = Context({'object': obj, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL})
+ path = "%szbak/posts/%s_%s.txt" %(settings.PROJ_ROOT, (obj.pub_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").lower()), obj.slug)
+ t = render_to_string('details/entry-bak.txt', c).encode('utf-8')
+ self.write_file(path, t)
+class BuildBooks(Build):
+ def build(self):
+ self.build_detail_pages()
+ self.build_book_archive_pages()
+ def build_book_archive_pages(self):
+ qs = apps.get_model('books', 'Book').objects.all().order_by('-read_date').select_related()
+ print(qs)
+ self.build_archive_pages(qs, 'books/', 18)
+ def build_detail_pages(self):
+ qs = apps.get_model('books', 'Book').objects.all().order_by('-read_date').select_related()
+ for book in qs:
+ c = Context({'object': book,})
+ t = render_to_string('details/book.html', c).encode('utf-8')
+ path = 'books/'
+ slug = '%s' % (book.slug)
+ self.write_file(path, t, 'html', slug)
diff --git a/app/builder/ b/app/builder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8512f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+class Sanitizer(object):
+ blacklisted_tags = []
+ blacklisted_attributes = []
+ blacklisted_protocols = []
+ def __init__(self, tags=None, attributes=None, protocols=None):
+ if tags:
+ self.blacklisted_tags = tags
+ if attributes:
+ self.blacklisted_attributes = attributes
+ if protocols:
+ self.blacklisted_protocols = protocols
+ def strip(self, content=None):
+ """Strip HTML content to meet standards of output type.
+ Meant to be subclassed for each converter.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ content -- subset of an HTML document. (ie. contents of a body tag)
+ """
+ if not content:
+ content = self.content
+ return content
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml")
+ self.strip_tags(soup)
+ self.strip_attributes(soup)
+ output = soup.body.decode_contents()
+ return output
+ def strip_tags(self, soup):
+ if self.blacklisted_tags:
+ [x.extract() for x in soup.find_all(self.blacklisted_tags)]
+ def strip_attributes_extra(self, node):
+ pass
+ def strip_attributes(self, soup):
+ if not (self.blacklisted_attributes or self.blacklisted_protocols):
+ return
+ for node in soup.body.find_all(True):
+ attributes = node.attrs.keys()
+ if not attributes:
+ continue
+ for attr in self.blacklisted_attributes:
+ if attr in attributes:
+ del node.attrs[attr]
+ self.strip_attributes_extra(node)
+ if 'href' in attributes:
+ protocol = node['href'].split(':')[0]
+ if protocol in self.blacklisted_protocols:
+ del node['href'] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/builder/ b/app/builder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af9bfaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from django.shortcuts import render
+from django.template import RequestContext
+#from builder.base import BuildWriting, BuildWritingFeed, BuildMap, BuildPhotos, BuildProjects, BuildSitemap
+#from import archive_builder, detail_builder, home_builder, rss_builder, map_builder
+from import BuildPages, BuildHome
+from import BuildJrnl, BuildFieldNotes, BuildSrc, BuildGuide
+#from import lttr_builder
+def do_build(request):
+ section = request.GET.get('id', '')
+ context = {}
+ if section == 'builddetails':
+ context = {'message': 'Writing Jrnl Permalinks to Disk'}
+ p = BuildJrnl("posts", "post")
+ p.build_latest()
+ p.build_detail_view()
+ elif section == 'writingarchives':
+ context = {'message': 'Writing Jrnl Archives to Disk'}
+ BuildJrnl("posts", "post").build_arc()
+ elif section == 'buildrss':
+ context = {'message': 'Writing RSS to Disk'}
+ BuildJrnl("posts", "post").build_feed("jrnl:feed")
+ elif section == 'homepage':
+ context = {'message': 'Writing index to Disk'}
+ BuildHome("pages", "homepage").build()
+ elif section == 'pages':
+ context = {'message': 'Writing Pages to Disk'}
+ BuildPages("pages", "page", '').build()
+ elif section == 'lttr_archive':
+ context = {'message': 'Writing newsletter archives to Disk'}
+ #lttr_builder()
+ return render(request, 'admin/message.html', context)