diff options
author | luxagraf <sng@luxagraf> | 2021-02-18 16:57:58 -0500 |
committer | luxagraf <sng@luxagraf> | 2021-02-18 16:57:58 -0500 |
commit | 7955e5c2cee8a9856d4b24394533a4a160a82943 (patch) | |
tree | 3b94f6affbc486cbc7f813087ee23da745d27d6b /.vimrc | |
parent | edf5ea512762e02604ea5ba43db53ad3d4e07f83 (diff) |
vim: added some abbreviations to my vimrc, got rid of some plugins
Diffstat (limited to '.vimrc')
-rw-r--r-- | .vimrc | 141 |
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 114 deletions
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ filetype off set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() Bundle 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' -Bundle 'ervandew/supertab' +"Bundle 'ervandew/supertab' Bundle 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' @@ -26,13 +26,10 @@ Bundle 'francoiscabrol/ranger.vim' Bundle 'junegunn/fzf' Bundle 'junegunn/fzf.vim' Bundle 'chengzeyi/fzf-preview.vim' -Bundle 'alok/notational-fzf-vim' -Bundle 'dhruvasagar/vim-dotoo' -"Bundle 'tpope/vim-speeddating' +Bundle 'ervandew/supertab' call vundle#end() filetype plugin indent on "}}} -" " Basic stuff {{{ set encoding=utf-8 set scrolloff=3 @@ -56,57 +53,54 @@ set backspace=indent,eol,start set path+=** set wildmenu let mapleader = "," +set clipboard=unnamedplus +set completeopt+=menuone +set completeopt+=noselect "save things when we turn our back autocmd BufLeave,FocusLost * silent! wall " save things all the time: - let g:auto_save = 1 let g:auto_save_in_insert_mode = 0 "}}} - " Abbreviations {{{ " easier markdown links: let @a ='Sr%a()h' let @s ='Sr%a(){: rel=nofollow}17h' + " email signature: let @c ='icheers
Scott Gilbertson
sng@luxagraf.net ' -let @w ='icheers
Scott Gilbertson
scott_gilbertson@condenast.com' - +let @w ='icheers
Scott Gilbertson
wired@scottgilbertson.net' let @t ='iThank you for your help.
' let @h ="iHello, my name is Scott Gilbertson and and I am a product writer with WIRED's Gear team. I am reaching out because we're working on an article about " -let @b ='tag=w050b-20' -let @n ='tag=wirednl-20' let @d ='<div class="cluster">
<span class="row-2">
</div>' " get rid of line breaks in paragraphs let @p ='g/^./ .,/^$/-1 join' +iab <expr> @d strftime("%Y-%m-%d") +iab <expr> @w 'cheers
Scott Gilbertson
<https://www.wired.com/author/scott-gilbertson/>' +let @w ='icheers
Scott Gilbertson
<https://www.wired.com/author/scott-gilbertson/>' " }}} " Convenience mappings {{{ "for rewrapping things when composing email map <leader>q gq} -"uppercase words -nnoremap <leader>up :%s/\<./\u&/g<cr> -"Lowercase words -nnoremap <leader>down :%s/\<./\l&/g<cr> - "conver to emdash nnoremap <leader>- :%s/ -- /—/g<cr> +nnoremap <leader>it /\vit's\|its <cr> -nnoremap <leader>t TlistToggle<cr> - -nnoremap <leader>cd :lcd %:p:h<cr> +nmap <leader>i :%s/
//g +nmap <leader>p :%s/\#\#\# /###/g +imap jj <Esc> +vmap <silent> <leader>r <esc>:'<,'>:w !espeak &> /dev/null <CR> " sane spelling options nnoremap <leader>sp :set spell! spelllang=en_us spell?<CR> set spellfile=~/.vim/dict.add map <silent> <C-U> ]s map <silent> <C-I> z= -"quicker way to get to the thesaurus: -inoremap ;t <c-x><c-t> -nnoremap ;m :%s/
$//<cr> + "Let's just leave the whole w out of it shall we. noremap <C-h> <C-w>h noremap <C-j> <C-w>j @@ -149,10 +143,6 @@ inoremap <left> <nop> inoremap <right> <nop> nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk -" Make os x clipboard work -set clipboard=unnamedplus - - " Visual mode pressing * or # searches for the current selection " Super useful! From an idea by Michael Naumann @@ -161,7 +151,7 @@ vnoremap <silent> # :call VisualSelection('b')<CR> "yank a line, not a line and some more nnoremap Y y$ -nnoremap <leader>it /\vit's\|its <cr> + " Fuck you, help key. noremap <F1> :checktime<cr> inoremap <F1> <esc>:checktime<cr> @@ -174,9 +164,6 @@ nnoremap zh mzzt10<c-u>`z " Easier linewise reselection of what you just pasted. nnoremap <leader>V V`] -" HTML tag closing -inoremap <C-_> <space><bs><esc>:call InsertCloseTag()<cr>a - " Select (charwise) the contents of the current line, excluding indentation. " Great for pasting Python lines into REPLs. nnoremap vv ^vg_ @@ -211,44 +198,16 @@ nnoremap <leader><space> :noh<cr> " Tab Completion -------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ set wildmode=list:longest,list:full set wildignore+=*.o,*.obj,.git,*.rbc,*.class,.svn,vendor/gems/* +let g:minisnip_trigger = '<A-Tab>' "}}} - - - -"Trying ranger -"function! RangeChooser() -" let temp = tempname() -" " The option "--choosefiles" was added in ranger 1.5.1. Use the next line -" " with ranger 1.4.2 through 1.5.0 instead. -" "exec 'silent !ranger --choosefile=' . shellescape(temp) -" if has("gui_running") -" exec 'silent !xterm -e ranger --choosefiles=' . shellescape(temp) -" else -" exec 'silent !ranger --choosefiles=' . shellescape(temp) -" endif -" if !filereadable(temp) -" redraw! -" " Nothing to read. -" return -" endif -" let names = readfile(temp) -" if empty(names) -" redraw! -" " Nothing to open. -" return -" endif -" " Edit the first item. -" exec 'edit ' . fnameescape(names[0]) -" " Add any remaning items to the arg list/buffer list. -" for name in names[1:] -" exec 'argadd ' . fnameescape(name) -" endfor -" redraw! -"endfunction -"command! -bar RangerChooser call RangeChooser() +"mucomplete +"let g:mucomplete#enable_auto_at_startup = 1 +"let g:mucomplete#completion_delay = 1 +"let g:mucomplete#cycle_with_trigger = 0 nnoremap <leader>nt :<C-U>Ranger<CR> + " Backups ----------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ set backup " enable backups @@ -273,19 +232,8 @@ endif set backupskip=/tmp/*,/private/tmp/*" " }}} -"Thesaurus -set thesaurus+=/home/lxf/.mthesaur.txt -"}}} -" Notes (AKA NValt in Vim){{{ -" NValt style searching with Ack to quicklist -command! -nargs=1 Nvs :Ack -i -n "<args>" $NOTES_DIR -command! -nargs=1 Ngrep vimgrep "<args>" $NOTES_DIR/*.txt|:cw -"noremap <leader>n :Ngrep -noremap <leader>v :Nvs -" }}} " Filetype stuff {{{ " -autocmd! BufRead,BufNewFile *.org setlocal filetype=dotoo augroup ft_vim au! au FileType vim setlocal foldmethod=marker @@ -380,19 +328,6 @@ augroup END noremap zE <Nop> " }}} " Plugins {{{ -"Ctrl P {{{ -"nnoremap <leader>r :CtrlPMRU<cr> -"nnoremap <leader>m :CtrlPBuffer<cr> -"nnoremap <leader>. :CtrlP<cr> -"nnoremap <leader>w :CtrlP ~/writing/wired/<cr> -"nnoremap <leader>a :CtrlP app/<cr> -"nnoremap <leader>d :CtrlP $HOME/notes/<cr> -"nnoremap <leader>l :CtrlP $HOME/writing/luxagraf/<cr> -let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { - \ 'dir': '\v[\/]\.(git|hg|svn|venv|site|static)$', - \ 'file': '\v\.(pyc|so|dll)$', - \ } -"}}} "FZF {{{ let g:fzf_preview_window='right:60%' let g:fzf_history_dir = '~/.local/share/fzf-history' @@ -413,34 +348,8 @@ let g:nv_search_paths = ['~/notes', '~/writing/luxagraf/', '~/documents/bookmark " SimpylFold Python folding plugin {{{ let g:SimpylFold_docstring_preview = 0 "}}} -" make YCM compatible with UltiSnips (using supertab) -let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = ['<C-n>', '<Down>'] -let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = ['<C-p>', '<Up>'] -let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = '<C-n>' - -nnoremap <silent> <c-s> :NV<CR> let g:markdown_fold_style = 'nested' -nmap <leader>i :%s/
//g -nmap <leader># :%s/### /###/g - -imap jj <Esc> -vmap <silent> <leader>r <esc>:'<,'>:w !espeak &> /dev/null <CR> - -xnoremap "+y y:call system("wl-copy", @")<cr> -nnoremap "+p :let @"=substitute(system("wl-paste --no-newline"), '<C-v><C-m>', '', 'g')<cr>p -" Capital Quick first letter of a word or a regain -nmap <leader>t :set opfunc=dotvim#titlecase<CR>g@ -xmap <leader>t :<C-U>call dotvim#titlecase(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0)<CR> -nmap <leader>T :set opfunc=dotvim#titlecase<Bar>exe 'norm! 'v:count1.'g@_'<CR> - -let g:dotoo#agenda#warning_days = '30d' -let g:dotoo#agenda#files = ['~/documents/org/*.org'] -let g:dotoo#capture#refile = expand('~/documents/org/refile.org') - -" Write To File As Sudo -nnoremap <leader>sudo :w !sudo tee > /dev/null % - " POSIX Commands nmap cd :cd <C-R>=expand('%:h')<CR> @@ -451,3 +360,7 @@ nnoremap <leader>k :bprevious<CR> xnoremap "+y y:call system("wl-copy", @")<cr> nnoremap "+p :let @"=substitute(system("wl-paste --no-newline"), '<C-v><C-m>', '', 'g')<cr>p nnoremap "*p :let @"=substitute(system("wl-paste --no-newline --primary"), '<C-v><C-m>', '', 'g')<cr>p + + + + |