diff options
authorluxagraf <>2023-06-05 08:41:59 -0500
committerluxagraf <>2023-06-05 08:41:59 -0500
commitc92bebd38b3a5c8db5a35a2052a38912ce99257a (patch)
parente7e7825f604bad7dfc2b9127071e79b49e86c0ba (diff)
tweaked newsboat setup and changed trackpad number in openbox autostart
3 files changed, 1532 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/.bash_history b/.bash_history
index 402f2f3..031d59c 100644
--- a/.bash_history
+++ b/.bash_history
@@ -40233,3 +40233,1531 @@ ranger shownotes/
cd .dotfiles/
+cd ~/lux/ && v
+rsync -avvz -K ~/ \ --copy-links \ --exclude-from '/home/lxf/.rsync-exclude-weekly' \ --link-dest=/mnt/backup/week.1 \ /mnt/backup/week.0/
+yt qury6w7D3Ds
+cd ~/lux/ && v
+fdisk -l
+sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdd1 /mnt/card
+sudo umount /mnt/card
+rsync -avvz -K ~/ \ --copy-links \ --exclude-from '/home/lxf/.rsync-exclude-weekly' \ --link-dest=/mnt/backup/week.1 \ /mnt/backup/week.0/
+sudo umount /mnt/backup
+fdisk -l
+sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdc1 /mnt/backup
+rsync -avvz -K ~/ \ --copy-links \ --exclude-from '/home/lxf/.rsync-exclude-weekly' \ --link-dest=/mnt/backup/week.1 \ /mnt/backup/week.0/
+sudo umount /mnt/backup
+fdisk -l
+sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdc1 /mnt/backup
+rsync -avvz -K ~/ \ --copy-links \ --exclude-from '/home/lxf/.rsync-exclude-weekly' \ --link-dest=/mnt/backup/week.1 \ /mnt/backup/week.0/
+ranger /mnt/backup/
+rsync -avvz -K ~/ \ --copy-links \ --exclude-from '/home/lxf/.rsync-exclude-weekly' \ --link-dest=/mnt/backup/week.1 \ /mnt/backup/week.0/
+cd ~/wired/ && v wired.txt
+v scratch.txt
+lxc exec lxf -- su - lxf
+cd ~/sites/ && v
+pac -Syu
+yay -Syu
+xinput --list
+xinput set-prop 12 "libinput Click Method Enabled" 0 1
+xinput set-prop 11 "libinput Click Method Enabled" 0 1
+xinput set-prop 11 "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1
+v .xinitrc
+v .config/openbox/autostart
+sudo /opt/vivaldi-snapshot/update-ffmpeg
+fdisk -l
+sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdc1 /mnt/backup
+sudo mount -o rw /dev/sda1 /mnt/backup
+rsync -avvz -K ~/ \ --copy-links \ --exclude-from '/home/lxf/.rsync-exclude-weekly' \ --link-dest=/mnt/backup/week.1 \ /mnt/backup/week.0/
+cd .dotfiles/
+cd ~/bin/
+ga sw
+ga tmuxsh/
+gc -m"added tmux fzf scripts"
+w3m -B
+yt YrnAKmXPCPg
+yt T6LqnLB7JzQ
+yt t5kLy97u3OI
+git push
+git clone ssh://lxf/~/annex.git
+git clone ssh://lxf/home/lxf/annex.git
+rm -rf annex/
+git clone ssh://lxf/home/lxf/annex.git
+cd annex/
+git annex init
+pac -S git-annex
+git annex init
+git annex add *.mp4
+git annex add John\ Michael\ Greer\ Discusses\ Enchantment\ and\ Social\ Cohesion\ in\ America\ In\ The\ Early\ 21st\ Century\ \[YrnAKmXPCPg\].webm
+git commit -m "added a video."
+git push origin master git-annex
+git annex sync origin --content
+git annex
+git annex|less
+ssh lxf
+git annex direct
+git annex unlock
+git annex direct
+git annex find --unlocked
+git annex lock
+cd notes/
+v .git/config
+ga .
+gc -m"added new notes"
+git push
+cd ~/documents/
+diff notes/recipes/ documents/recipes/
+vimdiff notes/recipes/ documents/recipes/
+diff -r notes/recipes/ documents/recipes/
+diff -qr notes/recipes/ documents/recipes/
+vimdiff notes/recipes/backpacking-recipes-new.txt documents/recipes/backpacking-recipes-new.txt
+vimdiff notes/recipes/buttermilk-biscuits.txt documents/recipes/buttermilk-biscuits.txt
+cd bin/
+cd ~/.dotfiles/bin/
+cd ~/bin/
+ga fonts/
+gc -m"added fonts to bin instead of documents"
+ssh lxf
+git push
+df -h
+vimdiff notes/recipes/corn\ bread.txt documents/recipes/corn\ bread.txt
+diff -qr notes/recipes/ documents/recipes/
+vimdiff notes/recipes/gluten\ free\ waffles.txt documents/recipes/gluten\ free\ waffles.txt
+diff -qr notes/recipes/ documents/recipes/
+vimdiff notes/recipes/thai\ beef\ slaw\ wraps.txt documents/recipes/thai\ beef\ slaw\ wraps.txt
+cd documents/reading\ notes/
+for f in *; do mv "$f" $(echo $f | tr ' ' '-'); done
+mv rn-man\'s-search-for-meaning.txt mans-search-for-meaning.txt
+mv rn-the-joyous-cosmology-adventures-in-the-chemistry-of-consciousness-\(alan-watts\).txt the-joyous-cosmology-adventures-in-the-chemistry-of-consciousness.txt
+chmod * chmod 664
+chmod 664 *
+mv rn-one-acre-homestead-\(mcdonald\,-sara-simmons\).txt one-acre-homestead.txt
+mv {rn-,}prometheus-rising.txt
+mv rn-the-geography-of-time-.txt the-geography-of-time.txt
+mv {rn-,}the-pleasures-of-walking.txt
+mv {rn-,}the-information-diet.txt
+cd notes/
+ga saved_articles/
+ga reading
+git mv reading reading\ notes
+git mv reading\ notes reading-notes
+git mv reading-notes reading
+git mv saved_articles saved-articles
+gc -m"renamed some things"
+git push
+cd notes/
+git mv The\ invisible\ rainbow.txt reading/
+git mv psql\ dump\ and\ restore.txt tech/
+git mv maslow\ the\ further\ reaches\ of\ human\ nature.txt reading/
+ga maslow\ the\ further\ reaches\ of\ human\ nature.txt
+git mv maslow\ the\ further\ reaches\ of\ human\ nature.txt reading/
+ga .
+gc -m"moved a few things around"
+git push
+chmod 664 *
+chmod 744 *
+chmod 755 *
+chmod 664 *
+chmod 744 recipes
+chmod 744 saved-articles
+chmod 744 tech
+chmod 744 reading
+cd reading/
+chmod 664 *
+cd ../tech/
+chmod 664 *
+cd ../saved-articles/
+chmod 664 *
+cd ../recipes/
+chmod 664 *
+ga .
+cd recipes/
+chmod 744 5\&10
+ga .
+gc -m"fixed permissions on notes"
+git push
+git mv Grinding\ in\ the\ bus\ is\ getting\ worse.\ It\ happens\ when\ I\ hit\ a\ bump\ now\ I\ think\ maybe\ we\ should\ stop\ .txt bus-grinding-notes.txt
+git mv \@someday.txt someday.txt
+ga .
+gc -m"couple of renames"
+git push
+rclone sync -cP notes/ backblaze:lxfnotes/
+ga todo.txt
+tc -m"sending syncthing code to phone
+tc -m"sending syncthing code to phone"
+gc -m"sending syncthing code to phone"
+git push
+pac -S syncthing
+v .ssh/config
+ssh lxf
+rm -rf Sync/
+cd bin/
+cd ~/books/
+cd ~/documents/
+rm Seeing_Like_Google.txt
+v .config/newsboat/config
+rclone config
+v .config/rclone/
+rclone lsd mayaserver
+rclone lsd mayaserver:
+v .config/rclone/
+rclone lsd mayaserver:
+v .config/rclone/
+rclone lsd mayaserver:
+v .config/rclone/
+rclone lsd mayaserver:
+v .config/rclone/
+rclone lsd mayaserver:
+v .config/rclone/
+rclone lsd mayaserver:
+rclone lsd -vv mayaserver:
+v .config/rclone/rclone.conf
+rclone lsd -vv mayaserver:
+rclone config
+v .config/rclone/rclone.conf
+rclone lsd -vv mayaserver:
+openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -days 3650 -out csr.pem
+openssl genrsa -out example.key 2048
+ll .ssh/
+rm privkey.pem
+v example.key
+v .config/rclone/rclone.conf
+rclone lsd -vv mayaserver:
+rclone lsd mayaserver:
+v .ssh/config
+rclone sync -cP books mayaserver:books
+ssh lxf
+rclone sync -cP documents/ backblaze:lxfdocs/
+rclone sync -cP audio/ backblaze:lxfaudio/
+rclone sync -cP books/ mayaserver:reclone/books/
+rclone sync -cP books/ mayaserver:rclone/books/
+ssh lxf
+v .aliases
+cd notes/
+ga todo.txt
+ga janet-douglas-seer.txt
+ga menu-breakfast.txt
+gc -m"added some new notes"
+git push
+yt RGXh19xWAVM
+cd pictures/
+mkdir photos
+cd photos/
+git init
+git-annex init "Photographs"
+rm -rf photos/
+git clone ssh://lxf/home/lxf/photos.git
+git annex info
+cd photos/
+git annex info
+echo "*.ARW annex.numcopies=2" >> .gitattributes
+echo "*.DNG annex.numcopies=2" >> .gitattributes
+echo "*.RAF annex.numcopies=2" >> .gitattributes
+ranger pictures/
+echo "*.JPG annex.numcopies=2" >> .gitattributes
+echo "*.xmp annex.largefiles=nothing" >> .gitattributes
+git-annex add .
+git commit -m "Added photos from washburn as a test"
+cd pictures/photos/
+v .config/rclone/config
+v .config/rclone/
+chmod +x bin/git-annex-remote-rclone
+git annex initremote backblaze type=external externaltype=rclone target=acd prefix=git-annex chunk=50MiB encryption=shared mac=HMACSHA512 rclone_layout=lower
+ln -s ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf .
+rm rclone.conf
+ln -s ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf .rclone.conf
+cd pictures/photos/
+git annex initremote backblaze type=external externaltype=rclone target=acd prefix=git-annex chunk=50MiB encryption=shared mac=HMACSHA512 rclone_layout=lower
+ssh lxf
+git-annex sync --content
+rclone list
+v ~/.rclone.conf
+git annex initremote backblaze type=external externaltype=rclone target=acd prefix=photoannex chunk=50MiB encryption=shared mac=HMACSHA512 rclone_layout=lower
+git annex initremote backblaze type=external externaltype=rclone target=backblaze prefix=photoannex chunk=50MiB encryption=shared mac=HMACSHA512 rclone_layout=lower
+git-annex list
+git annex sync
+git-annex list
+git annex whereis
+git annex info
+git annex webapp
+pac -S syncthing-gtk
+yay -S syncthing-gtk
+syncthing-gtk &
+yay -S syncthing-tray
+git annex sync --content
+ranger pictures/
+cd pictures/pictures/
+git annex info
+yay -S syncthingtray
+syncthingtray &
+cd /home/lxf/pictures/lxf-phone/
+diff pictures/lxf-phone/OpenCamera/ pictures/2023lxfphone/
+cd pictures/inbox/
+reraw washburn .
+rsync -vv ../2023/05_washburn/ ../pictures/2023/05_washburn/
+rsync -vv 2023/05_washburn/ pictures/2023/05_washburn/
+rsync -vv pictures/2023/05_washburn/ pictures/pictures/2023/05_washburn/
+rsync -avv -K pictures/2023/05_washburn/ pictures/pictures/2023/05_washburn/
+cd pictures/pictures/2023/05_washburn/
+git annex status
+git annex add .
+git annex status
+git annex sync
+git annex info
+ranger pictures/
+ssh lxf
+syncthingtray &
+v .config/openbox/autostart
+git annex sync --content
+git annex info
+git annex status
+git status
+git annex add .
+git commit -m"added new photos from corrinne's phone"
+cd 2023/
+ln -s ../pictures/2023/05_washburn .
+cd pictures/pictures/
+ll 2023/
+mv ../2023/05_driving-to-washburn .
+git-annex add .
+git commit -m"added photos of driving to washburn"
+git annex sync
+git annex fsck
+git status
+git annex info
+git annex copy --to=origin
+git-annex push force origin
+git push --force origin
+v .git/config
+git push --force origin
+git annex info
+cd inbox/
+mv inbox inbox old
+mv inbox inboxold
+git clone ssh://lxf/~/annex/inbox.git
+cd inbox
+git annex config --set annex.largefiles 'largerthan=100kb and not (include=*.txt)'
+git annex add .
+gc -m"added a few videos"
+git sync
+git annex sync
+cd inbox/
+git annex copy --to=origin
+v .ssh/config
+cd pictures/pictures/
+vim .git/config
+ssh lxf
+ssh lxf
+ranger notes/
+cd notes/
+ga .
+gc -m"added notes on how leisure an ease are glorified because they keep you dependant"
+git push
+git-annex webapp
+v .ssh/config
+pac -S abook
+yaya -S abook
+yay -S abook
+yay -Rns abook
+ll .dotfiles/.config/
+ll .config/
+cd .config/
+rm -rf khard/
+ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.config/khard .
+cd .config/
+mv vdirsyncer vdirsyncerold
+ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.config/vdirsyncer .
+rm vdirsyncerold/
+rm -rf vdirsyncerold/
+vdirsyncer sync lxf_contacts
+pac -S vdirsyncer
+vdirsyncer sync lxf_contacts
+vdirsyncer discover lxf_contacts
+pass generate
+pass edit
+vdirsyncer discover lxf_contacts
+vdirsyncer sync lxf_contacts
+pac -S khard
+ll .contacts/
+v .config/khard
+v .config/vdirsyncer
+.. .contacts/
+cd .contacts/
+ll 02f674f8-c83d-d9f8-886e-05422d143cb4/
+v .config/khard
+khard edit
+v .config/khard
+khard edit
+khard delete
+vdirsyncer sync lxf_contacts
+pac -S khal
+vdirsyncer sync lxf_calendar
+vdirsyncer discover lxf_calendar
+ll -a
+mv .calendars/ .calendarsold
+vdirsyncer discover lxf_calendar
+khal calendar
+v .config/khal/config
+khal calendar
+khal list 2023-10-10
+khal printformats
+khal list 09-01-2023
+vdirsyncer sync lxf_calendar
+khal list 09-01-2023
+khal calendar
+khal help
+khal printcalendar
+khal printcalendars
+khal list 09-01-2023
+khal list today 09-01-2023
+khard edit
+khard edit
+khard delete
+khard new
+khard edit
+vdirsyncer sync lxf_contacts
+git annex copy --to=backblaze
+cd .password-store/
+v .git/config
+pass git commit
+pass git push
+v .password-store/.git/config
+pass git push
+git clone ssh://lxf/~/annex/pass.git
+v .password-store/.git/config
+pass git push
+cd inbox/
+pass git push
+git push
+cd ~/.password-store/
+git push
+v pass/.git/config
+diff ~/.password-store/ ~/pass/
+cp -r .password-store/ ~/pass/
+cd pass/
+git pass status
+pass git status
+gc -m"added new password"
+git push
+pass git push
+ls 2023/
+git annex status
+git annex info
+cd bin/
+vim .git/config
+ga git-annex-remote-rclone
+gc -m"added git annex remote rclone tool"
+git push
+rm -rf annex/
+sudo rm -rf annex/
+cd documents/
+grep -nr hestia
+grep -nr hestia .
+grep -nr hestia ~/notes/
+git clone ssh://lxf/~/annex/dics.git
+git clone ssh://lxf/~/annex/docs.git
+cd docs/
+ls -lah
+git annex config --set annex.largefiles 'largerthan=100kb and not (include=*.txt)'
+git annex add
+git commit -m"added some test files"
+git push
+git annex sync
+git annex sync --content
+git annex add .
+git annex sync
+cd sites/
+v .git/config
+cd docs/
+v .gitignore
+cd inbox/
+git annex infor
+git annex info
+git annex copy Paul\ Kingsnorth\ on\ \'The\ Machine\'\ and\ More\!\ \[R0YiaMtvXJk\].webm -to=origin
+v notes/tech/git-annex-photo-workflow.txt
+cd pictures/pictures/
+git annex whereis 2023/05_driving-to-washburn/2023-05-20_131028_driving-to-washburn.RAF
+git annex sync --content
+ranger pictures/pictures/
+cd pictures/pictures/
+git annex unlock
+git annex lock
+git annex add .
+git annex mv reference/cell-salt-reference-chart.pdf .
+git annex move reference/cell-salt-reference-chart.pdf .
+git mv reference/cell-salt-reference-chart.pdf .
+git annex status
+gc -m"added folders"
+git annex sync
+git annex copy Paul\ Kingsnorth\ on\ \'The\ Machine\'\ and\ More\!\ \[R0YiaMtvXJk\].webm --to=origin
+cd inbox/
+source .aliases
+ls -lh
+ls -l
+cd .dotfiles/
+git log -S'git'
+git log -S'khal'
+ll bin/
+cd pictures/pictures/
+v .git/config
+v .aliases
+ssh lxf
+cd docs/
+ga status
+ga info
+git annex sync --content
+mv documents/ documentsold
+mv docs documents
+v documents/.git/config
+ssh lxf
+mnew maya
+cd documents
+git mv cell-salt-reference-chart.pdf reference/
+gc -m"moved a chart to reference
+ga sync
+ga sync --content
+cd documents
+gc -m"moved bash cheatsheet to notes"
+git annex info
+git annex describe
+git annex describe 74e07b93-4135-4b6b-a3ef-69aa171215cc lxf@athena:~/documents
+git annex info
+git annex describe 2a2e0e96-2ebc-4b81-8882-ea4860837140 lxf@maya:~/documents
+git annex info
+v .aliases
+v .bashrc
+ssh lxf
+cd inbox/
+git annex sync
+git annex pull SHAKEDOWN\ sailboat\ sea\ trial\ \[s5KXSuwtp6o\].webm
+git annex get SHAKEDOWN\ sailboat\ sea\ trial\ \[s5KXSuwtp6o\].webm
+git annex sync
+yt KUrMiDmUmBw
+git annex get SHAKEDOWN\ sailboat\ sea\ trial\ \[s5KXSuwtp6o\].webm
+cd ~/documents
+git annex sync
+ga info
+git annex sync
+ga info
+ssh lxf
+yt SkqIMQteDsY
+cd documents
+tree .git/objects/
+pac -S aspell
+pacman -Qe | awk '{print $1}' > installed-current.txt
+vimdiff installed-current.txt .dotfiles/apps.txt
+yay -Qe | awk '{print $1}' > installed-current.txt
+v installed-current.txt
+source .bashrc
+spell tempt
+aspell -a
+pac -S aspell-en
+spell tempt
+spell fumble
+aspell -a
+spell berucracy
+cd .dotfiles/
+v .git/config
+git pull
+v .git/config
+git pull
+v .bashrc
diff --git a/.config/newsboat/config b/.config/newsboat/config
index 63da899..f8315df 100644
--- a/.config/newsboat/config
+++ b/.config/newsboat/config
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ttrss-mode "multi"
ttrss-login "admin"
ttrss-password "hyperrealtranslinguis@34zaq"
ttrss-url ""
-save-path ~/notes/saved_articles/
+save-path ~/notes/saved-articles/
# vim-like navigation
bind-key j down
diff --git a/.config/openbox/autostart b/.config/openbox/autostart
index 4fa25b8..4444240 100644
--- a/.config/openbox/autostart
+++ b/.config/openbox/autostart
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ nm-applet &
clipmenud &
urxvt &
mpd &
+syncthingtray &
xset r rate 251 25 &
xset -b
xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape'
-xinput set-prop 12 "libinput Click Method Enabled" 0 1
-xinput set-prop 12 "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1
+xinput set-prop 11 "libinput Click Method Enabled" 0 1
+xinput set-prop 11 "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1
feh --bg-fill ~/pictures/desktops/boat2.jpg