diff options
authorluxagraf <>2016-03-21 19:29:19 -0400
committerluxagraf <>2016-03-21 19:29:19 -0400
commit19c0006134b5cb53fb7ed51d8f63490f8f7d1761 (patch)
parent4585b582a69be734676de102213ff4a69e1c57aa (diff)
added inline image preview to birdsightings changeform and fixed private
gallery pages
8 files changed, 156 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/app/birds/ b/app/birds/
index 472c075..ef394d9 100644
--- a/app/birds/
+++ b/app/birds/
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from django.contrib.gis.admin import OSMGeoAdmin
from birds.models import BirdSighting, BirdAudio, BirdClass, Bird
from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry
+from photos.forms import GalleryForm
def convertll(lat, lon):
pnt = GEOSGeometry('POINT({0} {1})'.format(lon, lat), srid=4326)
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ class BirdAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class BirdSightingAdmin(OSMGeoAdmin):
+ form = GalleryForm
list_display = ('bird', 'location')
list_filter = ('seen_by', 'location',)
fieldsets = (
diff --git a/app/photos/ b/app/photos/
index 9453734..83fbae8 100644
--- a/app/photos/
+++ b/app/photos/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class LuxImageAdmin(OSMGeoAdmin):
fieldsets = (
(None, {
- 'fields': (('image', 'pub_date'), 'sizes', ('title', 'alt'), 'caption', 'point', ('is_public', 'is_video'), ('photo_credit_source','photo_credit_url'))
+ 'fields': (('image', 'pub_date'), 'sizes', ('title', 'alt'), 'caption', 'point', ('is_public', 'is_video'), ('photo_credit_source', 'photo_credit_url'))
('Exif Data', {
'classes': ('collapse',),
@@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ class LuxImageAdmin(OSMGeoAdmin):
-, LuxImageAdmin)
diff --git a/app/photos/ b/app/photos/
index 8ad89f2..03c6f09 100644
--- a/app/photos/
+++ b/app/photos/
@@ -39,8 +39,11 @@ class GalleryForm(forms.ModelForm):
items = []
for image in images:
- (, mark_safe('%sqq%s' % (image.title, image.get_image_name())))
+ (, mark_safe('%sqq%sqq%s' % (image.title, image.get_image_by_size('tn'),
self.fields['images'].choices = items
self.fields['images'].allow_tags = True
diff --git a/app/photos/ b/app/photos/
index 048dd65..6907a25 100644
--- a/app/photos/
+++ b/app/photos/
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ class LuxImage(models.Model):
if size.width <= 800:
return self.get_image_by_size(size)
def get_image_name(self):
return self.image.url.split("original/")[1][5:-4]
diff --git a/design/templates/admin/birds/birdsighting/change_form.html b/design/templates/admin/birds/birdsighting/change_form.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31c9914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/design/templates/admin/birds/birdsighting/change_form.html
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}
+{% load i18n admin_urls admin_static admin_modify %}
+{% block extrahead %}{{ block.super }}
+<script type="text/javascript" src="{% url 'admin:jsi18n' %}"></script>
+{{ media }}
+if (!$) {
+ $ = django.jQuery;
+ $('#id_images').css('width', '500px').css('height', '400px');
+ $('#id_images option').each(function(){
+ $(this).attr('style', 'background: url('+$(this).text().split("qq")[1]+') no-repeat; background-size: 120px 80px; height: 80px; padding-left: 125px; line-height: 80px; margin-bottom: 4px; padding-bottom: 5px;border-bottom: #eee 1px solid;');
+ $(this).html($(this).text().split("qq")[0] + ' &ndash; <a href="/admin/photos/luximage/'+ $(this).text().split("qq")[2]+'/change/">edit</a>')
+ });
+{% endblock %}
+{% block extrastyle %}{{ block.super }}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static "admin/css/forms.css" %}" />{% endblock %}
+{% block coltype %}colM{% endblock %}
+{% block bodyclass %}{{ block.super }} app-{{ opts.app_label }} model-{{ opts.model_name }} change-form{% endblock %}
+{% if not is_popup %}
+{% block breadcrumbs %}
+<div class="breadcrumbs">
+<a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a>
+&rsaquo; <a href="{% url 'admin:app_list' app_label=opts.app_label %}">{{ opts.app_config.verbose_name }}</a>
+&rsaquo; {% if has_change_permission %}<a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a>{% else %}{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}{% endif %}
+&rsaquo; {% if add %}{% trans 'Add' %} {{ opts.verbose_name }}{% else %}{{ original|truncatewords:"18" }}{% endif %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% endif %}
+{% block content %}<div id="content-main">
+{% block object-tools %}
+{% if change %}{% if not is_popup %}
+ <ul class="object-tools">
+ {% block object-tools-items %}
+ <li>
+ {% url opts|admin_urlname:'history'|admin_urlquote as history_url %}
+ <a href="{% add_preserved_filters history_url %}" class="historylink">{% trans "History" %}</a>
+ </li>
+ {% if has_absolute_url %}<li><a href="{{ absolute_url }}" class="viewsitelink">{% trans "View on site" %}</a></li>{% endif %}
+ {% endblock %}
+ </ul>
+{% endif %}{% endif %}
+{% endblock %}
+<form {% if has_file_field %}enctype="multipart/form-data" {% endif %}action="{{ form_url }}" method="post" id="{{ opts.model_name }}_form" novalidate>{% csrf_token %}{% block form_top %}{% endblock %}
+{% if is_popup %}<input type="hidden" name="{{ is_popup_var }}" value="1" />{% endif %}
+{% if to_field %}<input type="hidden" name="{{ to_field_var }}" value="{{ to_field }}" />{% endif %}
+{% if save_on_top %}{% block submit_buttons_top %}{% submit_row %}{% endblock %}{% endif %}
+{% if errors %}
+ <p class="errornote">
+ {% if errors|length == 1 %}{% trans "Please correct the error below." %}{% else %}{% trans "Please correct the errors below." %}{% endif %}
+ </p>
+ {{ adminform.form.non_field_errors }}
+{% endif %}
+{% block field_sets %}
+{% for fieldset in adminform %}
+ {% include "admin/includes/fieldset.html" %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block after_field_sets %}{% endblock %}
+{% block inline_field_sets %}
+{% for inline_admin_formset in inline_admin_formsets %}
+ {% include inline_admin_formset.opts.template %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block after_related_objects %}{% endblock %}
+{% block submit_buttons_bottom %}{% submit_row %}{% endblock %}
+{% block admin_change_form_document_ready %}
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ (function($) {
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ $('.add-another').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var event = $.Event('django:add-another-related');
+ $(this).trigger(event);
+ if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+ showAddAnotherPopup(this);
+ }
+ });
+ $('.related-lookup').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var event = $.Event('django:lookup-related');
+ $(this).trigger(event);
+ if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+ showRelatedObjectLookupPopup(this);
+ }
+ });
+ $('body').on('click', '.related-widget-wrapper-link', function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if (this.href) {
+ var event = $.Event('django:show-related', {href: this.href});
+ $(this).trigger(event);
+ if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+ showRelatedObjectPopup(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('body').on('change', '.related-widget-wrapper select', function(e) {
+ var event = $.Event('django:update-related');
+ $(this).trigger(event);
+ if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+ updateRelatedObjectLinks(this);
+ }
+ });
+ $('.related-widget-wrapper select').trigger('change');
+ {% if adminform and add %}
+ $('form#{{ opts.model_name }}_form :input:visible:enabled:first').focus()
+ {% endif %}
+ });
+ })(django.jQuery);
+ </script>
+{% endblock %}
+{# JavaScript for prepopulated fields #}
+{% prepopulated_fields_js %}
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/design/templates/admin/photos/luxgallery/change_form.html b/design/templates/admin/photos/luxgallery/change_form.html
index b0341ce..31c9914 100644
--- a/design/templates/admin/photos/luxgallery/change_form.html
+++ b/design/templates/admin/photos/luxgallery/change_form.html
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ if (!$) {
$('#id_images').css('width', '500px').css('height', '400px');
$('#id_images option').each(function(){
- $(this).attr('style', 'background: url({{MEDIA_URL}}images/galleries/thumb/'+$(this).text().split("qq")[1]+') no-repeat; background-size: 120px 80px; height: 80px; padding-left: 120px; line-height: 80px; margin-bottom: 4px;');
- $(this).html($(this).text().split("qq")[0] + ' &ndash; '+ $(this).text().split("qq")[1].split("/")[1] )
+ $(this).attr('style', 'background: url('+$(this).text().split("qq")[1]+') no-repeat; background-size: 120px 80px; height: 80px; padding-left: 125px; line-height: 80px; margin-bottom: 4px; padding-bottom: 5px;border-bottom: #eee 1px solid;');
+ $(this).html($(this).text().split("qq")[0] + ' &ndash; <a href="/admin/photos/luximage/'+ $(this).text().split("qq")[2]+'/change/">edit</a>')
diff --git a/design/templates/archives/gallery_list.html b/design/templates/archives/gallery_list.html
index 1ae8696..3f7bd73 100644
--- a/design/templates/archives/gallery_list.html
+++ b/design/templates/archives/gallery_list.html
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{% extends 'base.html' %}
-{% load get_image_size %}
+{% load get_image_by_size %}
{% load typogrify_tags %}
{% load pagination_tags %}
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
<article id="image-{{forloop.counter}}" class="photo-gallery">
<a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="view images from {{ object.title }}">
<img sizes="(max-width: 1140px) 100vw"
- srcset="{% get_image_size object.thumb 'small' %} 720w,
- {% get_image_size object.thumb 'medium' %} 1140w,
- {% get_image_size object.thumb 'large' %} 2280w,"
- src="{% get_image_size object.thumb 'medium' %}" alt="{{object.title}}" ></a>
+ srcset="{% get_image_by_size object.thumb '720' %} 720w,
+ {% get_image_by_size object.thumb '1140' %} 1140w,
+ {% get_image_by_size object.thumb '2280' %} 2280w,"
+ src="{% get_image_by_size object.thumb '1140' %}" alt="{{object.title}}" ></a>
<div class="gallery-text">
<time class="dt-published published dt-updated post--date" datetime="{{object.pub_date|date:'c'}}">{{object.pub_date|date:"F"}} <span>{{object.pub_date|date:"j, Y"}}</span></time> &ndash;
diff --git a/design/templates/details/photo_gallery.html b/design/templates/details/photo_gallery.html
index 73b1d25..db8ec87 100644
--- a/design/templates/details/photo_gallery.html
+++ b/design/templates/details/photo_gallery.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load typogrify_tags %}
-{% load get_image_size %}
+{% load get_image_by_size %}
{% load number_to_word %}
{% block pagetitle %}{{object.title}} - Luxagraf, Photos{% endblock %}
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
<article id="image-{{forloop.counter}}">
<h6><a href="#image-{{forloop.counter}}" class="permalink" title="link to this image">&#8734; {{forloop.counter|number_to_word}} &#8734;</a></h6>
<figure class="fig">
- <a href="{% get_image_size photo "original" %}"><img sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw"
- srcset="{% get_image_size photo "small" %} 720w,
- {% get_image_size photo "medium" %} 1140w,
- {% get_image_size photo "large" %} 2280w,"
- src="{% get_image_size photo "medium" %}" alt="{{photo.title}}" {%if photo.is_portait %}class="v"{%endif%} ></a>
+ <a href="{% get_image_by_size photo "original" %}"><img sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw"
+ srcset="{% get_image_by_size photo 720 %} 720w,
+ {% get_image_by_size photo 1140 %} 1140w,
+ {% get_image_by_size photo 2280 %} 2280w,"
+ src="{% get_image_by_size photo 1140 %}" alt="{{photo.title}}" {%if photo.is_portait %}class="v"{%endif%} ></a>
<figcaption class="figcaption">
<div class="caption" id="id-{{}}">
<h3 class="figcaption--title">{{photo.title}}</h3>
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
{% endfor %}
- </section>
{% block js %}