diff options
authorluxagraf <>2018-03-14 12:02:43 -0500
committerluxagraf <>2018-03-14 12:02:43 -0500
commit5b35eff66f7de5926f28c783be70061c6e6ac800 (patch)
parent2064cc262c68ad9f7dacab86b3c3cb133f4a967a (diff)
improved figcaption design
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/design/sass/_writing_details.scss b/design/sass/_writing_details.scss
index c920735..78947c0 100644
--- a/design/sass/_writing_details.scss
+++ b/design/sass/_writing_details.scss
@@ -5,6 +5,15 @@
// e.g. header, footnotes, images, page nav, two
// col and dark page
// ##############################################
+figcaption, figcaption a {
+ line-height: 1.9;
+ padding-left: .5em;
+ text-align: left !important;
+ @include fancy_sans;
+ @include fontsize(12);
+ color: #666;
.post--header {
@include constrain_narrow();
@include breakpoint(beta) {
@@ -27,7 +36,7 @@
@include smcaps;
@include fontsize(11);
}, .notes .h-entry {, .notes .h-entry, {
h2, h3 {
@include constrain_narrow;
font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif;
@@ -87,14 +96,6 @@
border-bottom: 1px solid #eae6e6;
padding-bottom: .5em;
- figcaption {
- line-height: 1.9;
- padding-left: .5em;
- text-align: left !important;
- @include fancy_sans;
- @include fontsize(12);
- color: #666;
- }
cite {
font-style: italic;
@@ -298,7 +299,7 @@ figure.picwide img.picwide {
.sans-caption {
@include generic_sans;
- small {
+ small, a {
display: block;
font-size: 64%;
diff --git a/design/templates/lib/img_cluster.html b/design/templates/lib/img_cluster.html
index fd43a17..a16779f 100644
--- a/design/templates/lib/img_cluster.html
+++ b/design/templates/lib/img_cluster.html
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
<figure class="{{cluster_class}}">{%endif%}
<a href="{%get_image_by_size image "original"%}" title="view larger image">
<img class="{% if caption or exif %}{%else%}{{cluster_class}}{%endif%} {%if extra%}{{extra}}{%endif%}" {%if cluster_class == "picwide"%} sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, (min-width: 1281px) 1280px" srcset="{% for size in image.sizes.all%}{% get_image_by_size image %} {{size.width}}w{% if forloop.last%}"{%else%}, {%endif%}{%endfor%}{% for size in image.sizes.all%}{%if not forloop.first and not forloop.last%} src="{% get_image_by_size image}"{%endif%}{%endfor%}{%else%} src="{% get_image_by_size image cluster_class %}"{%endif%} alt="{%if image.alt %}{{image.alt}}{%else%}{{image.title}}{%endif%} photographed by {% if image.photo_credit_source %}{{image.photo_credit_source}}{%else%}luxagraf{%endif%}" data-jslghtbx="{%get_image_by_size image "original"%}" data-jslghtbx-group="group" {% if caption%}data-jslghtbx-caption="{{image.caption}}"{%endif%}></a>
-{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source and cluster_class != "pic5" %}<figcaption>{% endif %}{% if caption %}{{image.caption|safe}}{% endif %}{% if exif %} | <small>Camera: {{image.exif_make}} {{image.exif_model}} with {{image.exif_lens}}</small>{% endif %}{% if image.photo_credit_source %} | image by {% if image.photo_credit_url %}<a href="{{image.photo_credit_url}}">{%endif%}{{image.photo_credit_source}}{% if image.photo_credit_url %}</a>{%endif%}{%endif%}{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source and cluster_class != "pic5" %}</figcaption>
+{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source and cluster_class != "pic5" %}<figcaption>{% endif %}{% if caption %}{{image.caption|safe}}{% endif %}{% if exif %} | <small>Camera: {{image.exif_make}} {{image.exif_model}} with {{image.exif_lens}}</small>{% endif %}{% if image.photo_credit_source %}{%if caption or exif %} | {%endif%}by {% if image.photo_credit_url %}<a href="{{image.photo_credit_url}}">{%endif%}{{image.photo_credit_source}}{% if image.photo_credit_url %}</a>{%endif%}{%endif%}{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source and cluster_class != "pic5" %}</figcaption>
{% endif %}
diff --git a/design/templates/lib/img_picwide.html b/design/templates/lib/img_picwide.html
index 95a9b7f..52e0936 100644
--- a/design/templates/lib/img_picwide.html
+++ b/design/templates/lib/img_picwide.html
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source %}
<figure class="picwide">{%endif%}
<a href="{%get_image_by_size image "original"%} " title="view larger image"><img class="picwide" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, (min-width: 1281px) 1280px" srcset="{% for size in image.sizes.all%}{% get_image_by_size image %} {{size.width}}w{% if forloop.last%}"{%else%}, {%endif%}{%endfor%}{% for size in image.sizes.all%}{%if not forloop.first and not forloop.last%} src="{% get_image_by_size image}"{%endif%}{%endfor%} alt="{{image.alt}} photographed by {% if image.photo_credit_source %}{{image.photo_credit_source}}{%else%}luxagraf{%endif%}" data-jslghtbx="{%get_image_by_size image "original"%}" data-jslghtbx-group="group" {% if caption%}data-jslghtbx-caption="{{image.caption}}"{%endif%}></a>
-{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source %}<figcaption>{% endif %}{% if caption %}{{image.caption|safe}}{% endif %}{% if exif %} | <small>Camera: {{image.exif_make}} {{image.exif_model}} with {{image.exif_lens}}</small>{% endif %}{% if image.photo_credit_source %} | image by {% if image.photo_credit_url %}<a href="{{image.photo_credit_url}}">{%endif%}{{image.photo_credit_source}}{% if image.photo_credit_url %}</a>{%endif%}{%endif%}{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source %}</figcaption>
+{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source %}<figcaption>{% endif %}{% if caption %}{{image.caption|safe}}{% endif %}{% if exif %} | <small>Camera: {{image.exif_make}} {{image.exif_model}} with {{image.exif_lens}}</small>{% endif %}{% if image.photo_credit_source %}{%if caption or exif %} | {%endif%}image by {% if image.photo_credit_url %}<a href="{{image.photo_credit_url}}">{%endif%}{{image.photo_credit_source}}{% if image.photo_credit_url %}</a>{%endif%}{%endif%}{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source %}</figcaption>
{% endif %}