path: root/app/lib/grappelli/templates/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html
diff options
authorluxagraf <>2012-09-22 22:37:52 -0400
committerluxagraf <>2012-09-22 22:37:52 -0400
commit52d5613672758ac6c8ebffc7f33d94d47bde6180 (patch)
tree0b6e1fbc4ed013b2ba701dedeb39be9781ff8204 /app/lib/grappelli/templates/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html
parentefb623af0bcb47d510501c282e1326b11343a29c (diff)
moved outside dependencies to virtualenv and dumped some unused apps out of lib
Diffstat (limited to 'app/lib/grappelli/templates/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/app/lib/grappelli/templates/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html b/app/lib/grappelli/templates/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7112ba2..0000000
--- a/app/lib/grappelli/templates/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-{% load i18n adminmedia %}
-<!-- group -->
-<div class="group stacked {% if inline_admin_formset.opts.classes %} {{ inline_admin_formset.opts.classes|join:" " }}{% endif %}"
- id="{{ inline_admin_formset.formset.prefix }}-group">
- <h2>{{ inline_admin_formset.opts.verbose_name_plural|title }}</h2>
- <ul class="tools">
- <li class="open-handler-container"><a href="javascript://" class="icon open-handler" title="{% trans 'Open All Items' %}"></a></li>
- <li class="close-handler-container"><a href="javascript://" class="icon close-handler" title="{% trans 'Close All Items' %}"></a></li>
- <li class="add-handler-container"><a href="javascript://" class="icon add-handler" title="{% trans 'Add Item' %}"> </a></li>
- </ul>
- {{ inline_admin_formset.formset.management_form }}
- {{ inline_admin_formset.formset.non_form_errors }}
- <!-- container -->
- <div class="items">
- {% for inline_admin_form in inline_admin_formset %}
- <!-- element -->
- <div class="module collapse closed{% if inline_admin_form.original or inline_admin_form.show_url %} has_original{% endif %}{% if forloop.last %} empty-form{% endif %}"
- id="{{ inline_admin_formset.formset.prefix }}{% if forloop.last %}-empty{% else %}{{ forloop.counter0 }}{% endif %}">
- <h3>{{ inline_admin_formset.opts.verbose_name|title }} #{{ forloop.counter }}&nbsp;&nbsp;{% if inline_admin_form.original %}{{ inline_admin_form.original }}{% endif %}</h3>
- <ul class="tools">
- {% if inline_admin_form.show_url %}<li class="viewsite-link-container"><a href="../../../r/{{ inline_admin_form.original.content_type_id }}/{{ }}/" class="icon viewsite-link" title="{% trans 'View on Site' %}" target="_blank"></a></li>{% endif %}
- {% if inline_admin_formset.opts.sortable_field_name %}
- <li class="drag-handler-container"><a href="javascript://" class="icon drag-handler" title="{% trans 'Move Item' %}"></a></li>
- {% endif %}
- {% if inline_admin_formset.formset.can_delete %}
- {% if inline_admin_form.original %}
- <li class="delete-handler-container">{{ inline_admin_form.deletion_field.field }}<a href="javascript://" class="icon delete-handler" title="{% trans 'Delete Item' %}"></a></li>
- {% else %}
- <li class="remove-handler-container">{{ inline_admin_form.deletion_field.field }}<a href="javascript://" class="icon remove-handler" title="{% trans 'Delete Item' %}"></a></li>
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- </ul>
- {% if inline_admin_form.form.non_field_errors %}
- <ul class="errorlist">
- <li>{{ inline_admin_form.form.non_field_errors }}</li>
- </ul>
- {% endif %}
- {% for fieldset in inline_admin_form %}
- {% include "admin/includes/fieldset_inline.html" %}
- {% endfor %}
- {{ inline_admin_form.pk_field.field }}
- {{ inline_admin_form.fk_field.field }}
- </div>
- {% endfor %}
- {{ inline_admin_formset.extra_forms }}
- </div>
- <div class="module add-item">
- <a href="javascript://" class="add-handler">{% blocktrans with inline_admin_formset.opts.verbose_name|title as verbose_name %}Add another {{ verbose_name }}{% endblocktrans %}</a>
- <ul class="tools">
- <li class="add-handler-container"><a href="javascript://" class="icon add-handler" title="{% trans 'Add Item' %}"> </a></li>
- </ul><br clear="all" />
- </div>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-(function($) {
- $(document).ready(function() {
- // call for inline() widget
- $("#{{ inline_admin_formset.formset.prefix }}-group").inline({
- prefix: "{{ inline_admin_formset.formset.prefix }}",
- deleteCssClass: "delete-handler",
- emptyCssClass: "empty-form",
- onRemoved: stacked_onRemoved,
- onAdded: stacked_onAdded,
- });
-{% if inline_admin_formset.opts.sortable_field_name %}
- /**
- * sortable inlines
- * uses onAdded() and onRemoved() of inline() call above
- */
- $("#{{ inline_admin_formset.formset.prefix }}-group").find("div.row.{{ inline_admin_formset.opts.sortable_field_name }}").hide();
- {% if errors %}
- // sort inline
- var container = $("#{{ inline_admin_formset.formset.prefix }}-group > div.items"),
- dynamic_forms = container.find("div.dynamic-form"),
- updated = false,
- curr_form,
- real_pos;
- // loop thru all inline forms
- for (var i = 0; i < dynamic_forms.length; i++) {
- curr_form = $(dynamic_forms[i]);
- // the real position according to the sort_field(_name)
- real_pos = curr_form.find("div.{{ inline_admin_formset.opts.sortable_field_name }}").find("input").val();
- // if there is none it's an empty inline (=> we are at the end)
- // TODO: klemens: maybe buggy. try continue?
- if (!real_pos) continue;
- real_pos = parseInt(real_pos, 10);
- // check if real position is not equal to the CURRENT position in the dom
- if (real_pos != container.find("div.dynamic-form").index(curr_form)) {
- // move to correct postition
- curr_form.insertBefore(container.find("div.dynamic-form")[real_pos]);
- // to update the inline lables
- updated = true;
- }
- }
- if (updated) {
- stacked_updateInlineLabel($(dynamic_forms[0]));
- }
- {% endif %}
- // activate sortable feature for this inline
- $("#{{ inline_admin_formset.formset.prefix }}-group > div.items").sortable({
- // drag&drop the inlines with the drag-handler only
- handle: "a.drag-handler",
- // very scary magic after drap&drop operations
- // pretty similar to inline() widget's removeHandler()
- // but removeHandler() can remove the current form and just reorder the rest
- // if we would do the same after drag&drop we would loose some form values
- // because while looping inputs would have the same names and maybe overwrite each other.
- placeholder: 'ui-sortable-placeholder module',
- forcePlaceholderSize: true,
- items: "div.dynamic-form",
- axis: "y",
- containment: 'parent',
- tolerance: 'pointer',
- update: function(evt, ui) {
- stacked_updateInlineLabel(ui.item);
- }
- });
- // sets the new positions onSubmit (0 - n)
- $("#{{ opts.module_name }}_form").bind("submit", function() {
- var forms = $("#{{ inline_admin_formset.formset.prefix }}-group").find("div.dynamic-form"),
- form,
- idx = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
- form = $(forms[i]);
- if (is_form_filled(form)) {
- form.find("div.{{ inline_admin_formset.opts.sortable_field_name }}").find("input").val(idx);
- idx++;
- }
- }
- });
-{% endif %}
- });