path: root/app/syndication/
diff options
authorluxagraf <>2017-12-14 18:47:45 -0800
committerluxagraf <>2017-12-14 18:47:45 -0800
commit83b7318a4672d32ed77cd3f906f43f5ad1cce854 (patch)
tree457806693c791360ada99dd9b3d19a5dc9712936 /app/syndication/
parentadb5c207bea19cedc400b65bd8cd2c54ca0faba0 (diff)
archived old apps that I'm not using
Diffstat (limited to 'app/syndication/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/app/syndication/ b/app/syndication/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f8762c..0000000
--- a/app/syndication/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.test.client import Client
-from twython import Twython
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-from medium import Client as MediumClient
-import flickrapi
-import facebook
-from photos.models import LuxImage
-def absolute_urls_for_syndication(s):
- soup = BeautifulSoup(s, "lxml")
- for a in soup.find_all('a'):
- if a['href'][:1] == "/":
- a['href'] = "" % a['href']
- return soup
-def post_to_medium(item):
- client = MediumClient(application_id=settings.MEDIUM_CLIENT_ID, application_secret=settings.MEDIUM_CLIENT_SECRET)
- client.access_token = settings.MEDIUM_INT_TOKEN
- user = client.get_current_user()
- head = '<p><i>This was originally posted <a href="" rel="canonical">on my own site</a>.</i></p>' % item.get_absolute_url()
- body = "%s %s" % (head, absolute_urls_for_syndication(item.body_html))
- # Create a post.
- post = client.create_post(
- user_id=user["id"],
- title=item.title,
- content=body,
- content_format="html",
- publish_status="public",
- canonical_url="" % item.get_absolute_url(),
- license="all-rights-reserved"
- )
- return post["url"]
-def build_facebook_feed():
- print("+++++++++++++building+++++++++++")
- c = Client()
- response = c.get('/iafeed.xml', HTTP_HOST='')
- f = open("%siafeed.xml" % settings.FLATFILES_ROOT, 'wb')
- f.write(response.content)
- f.close()
-def post_to_twitter(obj, ctype):
- print("content type is" + ctype)
- imgs = []
- if ctype == "lux image":
- p = open(obj.get_largest_image(), 'rb')
- if obj.caption:
- status = obj.caption
- else:
- status = obj.title
- response = t.upload_media(media=p)
- imgs.append(response)
- elif ctype == "lux note":
- status = obj.body_markdown
- # parse out images and send seperately
- soup = BeautifulSoup(status, "lxml")
- loop = 0
- for img in soup.find_all('img'):
- src = img['src'].split("images/")[1]
- i = LuxImage.objects.get(image__icontains=src)
- p = open(i.get_largest_image(), 'rb')
- response = t.upload_media(media=p)
- imgs.append(response)
- loop = loop+1
- if loop == 3:
- break
- for t in soup.find_all('img'):
- t.replaceWith("")
- # truncate message
- if len(status) > 140:
- try:
- status = status.split("|")[0] + obj.get_absolute_url()
- except:
- status = status[:140] + obj.get_absolute_url()
- print(status)
- try:
- geo = t.reverse_geocode(lat=obj.latitude, lon=obj.longitude, accuracy=1500, granularity="city")
- geo_id = geo['result']['places'][0]['id']
- tweet = t.update_status(status=status, media_ids=[img['media_id'] for img in imgs], place_id=geo_id)
- except:
- try:
- tweet = t.update_status(status=status, media_ids=[img['media_id'] for img in imgs])
- except:
- tweet = t.update_status(status=status)
-def post_photo_to_flickr(photo):
- TOKEN_FILE = os.path.join(settings.PROJ_ROOT, "config/flickrToken")
- token = open(TOKEN_FILE).read()
- flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(settings.FLICKR_API_KEY, settings.FLICKR_API_SECRET, token=token)
- sent = flickr.upload(filename=photo.get_image_path_by_size("original"), title=photo.title, description=photo.caption)
- photo_id = sent.find('photoid').text
- photo.flickr_id = photo_id
- try:
-, lat=photo.latitude, lon=photo.longitude, accuracy=12)
- except:
- pass
-def post_to_facebook(obj, ctype):
- from syndication.models import FBOAuthToken
- token = FBOAuthToken.objects.latest()
- graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token=token.long_token, version='2.2')
- if ctype == "lux image":
- p = open(obj.get_largest_image(), 'rb')
- if obj.caption:
- message = obj.caption
- else:
- message = obj.title
- try:
- fb_response = graph.put_photo(p, message=message)
- print(fb_response)
- except facebook.GraphAPIError as e:
- print('Something went wrong:', e.type, e.message)