path: root/design/templates/details/photo.html
diff options
authorlxf <>2021-11-06 09:42:47 -0400
committerlxf <>2021-11-06 09:42:47 -0400
commitd9f51299809bfb6b3ac589b7c42016d0ef240299 (patch)
treeaa5f945e82fdbf1b66aca82fe5122f6ff5a12eb9 /design/templates/details/photo.html
parentdde9914dbbc6cda18ba59024065727c8dc6bcdf4 (diff)
moved templates to top level directory
Diffstat (limited to 'design/templates/details/photo.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/design/templates/details/photo.html b/design/templates/details/photo.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e477c73..0000000
--- a/design/templates/details/photo.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-{% extends 'base.html' %}
-{% load typogrify_tags %}
-{% block pagetitle %}Luxagraf | {{object.title|title|smartypants|safe}}{% endblock %}
-{% block metadescription %}Luxagraf: Photo, {{object.title}}, Photographer: Scott Gilbertson, Published: {{ object.pub_date|date:"N j, Y" }} {{ object.pub_date|date:"h:i a" }}Camera:{%if object.exif_make%}{%if object.exif_make != 'Canon'%}{{ object.exif_make }}{%endif%} {{ object.exif_model }}{% else %}Canon Powershot S45{%endif%}, Aperture: {%if object.exif_aperture%}{{ object.exif_aperture }}{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}, Shutter Speed: {%if object.exif_shutter%}{{ object.exif_shutter }} sec{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}, Film Speed: {%if object.exif_iso%}{{ object.exif_iso }} ISO{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}.{% endblock %}
-{% block date %}{{object.pub_date|date:"F j, Y"}}<span class="small byline">{% if == "United States" %}{{|smartypants|safe}}, {{}}{%else%}{{|smartypants|safe}}, {{}}{%endif%}</span>{% endblock %}
- {% block title %}{{object.title|smartypants|safe}}{% endblock %}
- {% block primary %}
- <a href="{{object.flickr_id}}/" title="View {{object.flickr_title}} on"><img class="flickr-image" src="{{ object.get_medium_url }}" alt="{{object.title}}" title="{{object.title}}" /></a>
- {% if object.description != 'None' %}
- <p>{{ object.description|smartypants|widont|safe }}</p>
- {%endif %}
- <p>Other Sizes: <a href="{{object.get_large_url}}" title="see large image">Large</a> and
- <a href="{{object.flickr_id}}&size=o" title="see original image">Original</a></p>
- <div id="extra">
- <p>If you enjoy this photo, you can follow along on <a href="" title="Flickr" rel="me">Flickr</a>, <a href="" title="Facebook" rel="me">Facebook</a>, <a href="" title="friendfeed" rel="me">FriendFeed</a> or by subscribing to the <a href="" title="writing RSS 2.0 feed">RSS Feed</a>. For more about luxagraf, see the <a href="/about/" title="about luxagraf">about page</a>. To get in touch please use the <a href="/contact/" title="contact me">contact form</a> or leave a comment below.</p>
- </div>
- <div id="nav">
- <ul>
- {% if object.get_previous_published%}
- <li>
- <a href="{{ object.get_previous_published.get_absolute_url }}" title=" {{object.get_previous_published.title}}">&laquo;previous</a>
- </li>
- {%endif%}
- {% if object.get_next_published%}
- <li class="next">
- <a href="{{ object.get_next_published.get_absolute_url }}" title=" {{object.get_next_published.title}}">next&raquo;</a>
- </li>
- {%endif%}
- </ul>
- </div>
- <h4 id="comment-header">comments</h4>
- <p>If you'd like to leave a comment, you may do so on <a href="{{object.flickr_id}}/" title="leave a comment on Flickr">Flickr</a>.</p>
- {% endblock %}
-{% block sidebar %}
- <div id="sidebar">
- <div id="nav">
- <ul>
- {% if object.get_previous_published%}
- <li>
- <a href="{{ object.get_previous_published.get_absolute_url }}" title=" {{object.get_previous_published.title}}">&laquo; previous</a>
- </li>
- {%endif%}
- {% if object.get_next_published%}
- <li class="next">
- <a href="{{ object.get_next_published.get_absolute_url }}" title=" {{object.get_next_published.title}}">next &raquo;</a>
- </li>
- {%endif%}
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="blok">
- <h4>Image Data</h4>
- <dl class="sidebar meta">
- <dt>Camera:</dt>
- <dd>{%if object.exif_make%}{%if object.exif_make != 'Canon'%}{{ object.exif_make }}{%endif%} {{ object.exif_model }}{% else %}Canon Powershot S45{%endif%}</dd>
- <dt>Aperture:</dt>
- <dd>{%if object.exif_aperture%}{{ object.exif_aperture }}{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}</dd>
- <dt>Shutter Speed:</dt>
- <dd>{%if object.exif_shutter%}{{ object.exif_shutter }} sec{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}</dd>
- <dt>Film Speed:</dt>
- <dd>{%if object.exif_iso%}{{ object.exif_iso }} ISO{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}</dd>
- </dl>
- </div>
- </div>
-{% endblock %}