path: root/media/js
diff options
authorluxagraf@c63593aa-01b0-44d9-8516-4b9c7e931d7f <luxagraf@c63593aa-01b0-44d9-8516-4b9c7e931d7f>2010-05-09 02:32:42 +0000
committerluxagraf@c63593aa-01b0-44d9-8516-4b9c7e931d7f <luxagraf@c63593aa-01b0-44d9-8516-4b9c7e931d7f>2010-05-09 02:32:42 +0000
commite01eed46a5a017dd1bc82a1e80de37d9a69ab12c (patch)
tree5dbbf6cc0581951d835d59dee5d2b062ebc81197 /media/js
parent3085c5781346993f09882936151bb70e212df420 (diff)
revamped national parks project files
Diffstat (limited to 'media/js')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/js/natparks.js b/media/js/natparks.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a94e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/js/natparks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+//Utility functions for map info window
+function mapit(lat,lon,zoom,id) {
+ var map;
+ //create a new map
+ var centerCoord = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon);
+ var mapOptions = {
+ zoom: zoom,
+ center: centerCoord,
+ mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
+ disableDefaultUI: true,
+ navigationControl: true,
+ navigationControlOptions: {style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle.SMALL},
+ };
+ map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-wrapper-'+id), mapOptions);
+ //get the geojson for this map
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/projects/data/"+id+"/",
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function(data, text, request) { draw_poly(data); }
+ //complete: function(xhr, status) {console.log(status); return false; },
+ });
+ //draw the polygon
+ function draw_poly(data) {
+ var poly = createPolygons(data.features[0].geometry);
+ for (i=0;i<=poly.length-1;i++) {
+ poly[i].setMap(map);
+ }
+ }
+// utility functions to create/remove map container
+function create_map(obj) {
+ //break up the variable passed from the map link's title element
+ var lat = parseFloat(obj.title.split(',')[0]);
+ var lon = parseFloat(obj.title.split(',')[1]);
+ var zoom= parseInt(obj.title.split(',')[2]);
+ var id= obj.title.split(',')[3];
+ //create container divs
+ $(obj).parents().eq(3).append('<div class="map-container" id="map-container-'+id+'">');
+ $('#map-container-'+id).append('<div class="map-wrapper" id="map-wrapper-'+id+'">');
+ //deal with the variable height of div.legend
+ //$('#map-container').css({
+ // bottom: function(index, value) {
+ // return parseFloat($(obj).parent().parent().css("height"))-2;
+ // }
+ // });
+ mapit(lat,lon,zoom,id);
+function remove_map(id) {
+ $(id).remove();
+//function to parse and render polygons for GMaps
+//# taken from
+function createPolygons(areajson, bounds){
+ var coords = areajson.coordinates;
+ var polygons = _(coords).reduce([], function(memo_n, n) {
+ var polygonpaths = _(n).reduce(new google.maps.MVCArray(), function(memo_o, o) {
+ var polygoncords = _(o).reduce(new google.maps.MVCArray(), function(memo_p, p) {
+ var mylatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(p[1], p[0]);
+ if(bounds){
+ bounds.extend(mylatlng);
+ }
+ memo_p.push(mylatlng);
+ return memo_p;
+ });
+ memo_o.push(polygoncords);
+ return memo_o;
+ });
+ var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({
+ paths: polygonpaths,
+ strokeColor: "#201a11",
+ strokeOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWeight: 2,
+ fillColor: "#201a11",
+ fillOpacity: 0.35
+ });
+ memo_n.push(polygon);
+ return memo_n;
+ });
+ return polygons;
+//functions to handle the "more" link
+// utility functions to create/remove camera info container
+function get_exif(obj,id) {
+ //$(obj).parents().eq(2).append('<div id="exif-container">');
+ $(obj).parents().eq(3).append('<div class="more-container" id="'+id+'">'); $(obj).parents().eq(2).children('.meta').clone().appendTo('#'+id).css('visibility', 'visible');
+ //deal with the variable height of div.legend
+ $('#exif-container').css({
+ bottom: function(index, value) {
+ return parseFloat($(obj).parent().parent().css("height"))-14;
+ }
+ });
+function remove_exif(id) {
+ $('#'+id).remove();
+//set up click events for map button
+ $('.map-link').click( function() {
+ var more_id = 'more-container-'+$(this).parent().next().children('.more-link').attr('id').split('-')[1];
+ var id = '#map-container-'+this.title.split(',')[3];
+ if ($('#'+more_id).is(":visible")){
+ remove_exif(more_id);
+ }
+ if ($(id).is(":visible")) {
+ remove_map(id);
+ } else {
+ create_map(this);
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ //set up click events for more info button
+ $('.more-link').click( function() {
+ var map_id = '#map-container-'+$(this).parent().prev().children('.map-link').attr('title').split(',')[3];
+ var id = 'more-container-''-')[1];
+ if ($(map_id).is(":visible")){
+ remove_map(map_id);
+ }
+ if ($('#'+id).is(":visible")) {
+ remove_exif(id);
+ } else {
+ get_exif(this, id);
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file