path: root/site/media/js/natparks.js
diff options
authorluxagraf <>2020-12-02 15:02:12 -0500
committerluxagraf <>2020-12-02 15:02:12 -0500
commitab8055b5cab2523d925f59c65bc38df103a26991 (patch)
tree29e4597bc0d86d658f574c0c4f0b036351a68742 /site/media/js/natparks.js
parent87f692178a6e30719c564076f00c206642f36ce6 (diff)
deleted old apps and media
Diffstat (limited to 'site/media/js/natparks.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 566 deletions
diff --git a/site/media/js/natparks.js b/site/media/js/natparks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d02e592..0000000
--- a/site/media/js/natparks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- L.TileLayer.Provider = L.TileLayer.extend({
- initialize: function (arg, options) {
- var providers = L.TileLayer.Provider.providers;
- var parts = arg.split('.');
- var providerName = parts[0];
- var variantName = parts[1];
- if (!providers[providerName]) {
- throw 'No such provider (' + providerName + ')';
- }
- var provider = {
- url: providers[providerName].url,
- options: providers[providerName].options
- };
- // overwrite values in provider from variant.
- if (variantName && 'variants' in providers[providerName]) {
- if (!(variantName in providers[providerName].variants)) {
- throw 'No such variant of ' + providerName + ' (' + variantName + ')';
- }
- var variant = providers[providerName].variants[variantName];
- var variantOptions;
- if (typeof variant === 'string') {
- variantOptions = {
- variant: variant
- };
- } else {
- variantOptions = variant.options;
- }
- provider = {
- url: variant.url || provider.url,
- options: L.Util.extend({}, provider.options, variantOptions)
- };
- } else if (typeof provider.url === 'function') {
- provider.url = provider.url(parts.splice(1, parts.length - 1).join('.'));
- }
- // replace attribution placeholders with their values from toplevel provider attribution,
- // recursively
- var attributionReplacer = function (attr) {
- if (attr.indexOf('{attribution.') === -1) {
- return attr;
- }
- return attr.replace(/\{attribution.(\w*)\}/,
- function (match, attributionName) {
- return attributionReplacer(providers[attributionName].options.attribution);
- }
- );
- };
- provider.options.attribution = attributionReplacer(provider.options.attribution);
- // Compute final options combining provider options with any user overrides
- var layerOpts = L.Util.extend({}, provider.options, options);
-, provider.url, layerOpts);
- }
- });
- /**
- * Definition of providers.
- * see for options in the options map.
- */
- //jshint maxlen:220
- L.TileLayer.Provider.providers = {
- OpenStreetMap: {
- url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
- options: {
- attribution:
- '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ' +
- '<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>'
- },
- variants: {
- Mapnik: {},
- BlackAndWhite: {
- url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
- },
- DE: {
- url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
- },
- HOT: {
- url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
- options: {
- attribution: '{attribution.OpenStreetMap}, Tiles courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team</a>'
- }
- }
- }
- },
- OpenSeaMap: {
- url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
- options: {
- attribution: 'Map data: &copy; <a href="">OpenSeaMap</a> contributors'
- }
- },
- Thunderforest: {
- url: 'http://{s}{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
- options: {
- attribution:
- '&copy; <a href="">OpenCycleMap</a>, {attribution.OpenStreetMap}',
- variant: 'cycle'
- },
- variants: {
- OpenCycleMap: 'cycle',
- Transport: 'transport',
- Landscape: 'landscape',
- Outdoors: 'outdoors'
- }
- },
- OpenMapSurfer: {
- url: '{variant}/x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',
- options: {
- minZoom: 0,
- maxZoom: 20,
- variant: 'roads',
- attribution: 'Imagery from <a href="">GIScience Research Group @ University of Heidelberg</a> &mdash; Map data {attribution.OpenStreetMap}'
- },
- variants: {
- Roads: 'roads',
- AdminBounds: {
- options: {
- variant: 'adminb',
- maxZoom: 19
- }
- },
- Grayscale: {
- options: {
- variant: 'roadsg',
- maxZoom: 19
- }
- }
- }
- },
- MapQuestOpen: {
- url: 'http://otile{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg',
- options: {
- attribution:
- 'Tiles Courtesy of <a href="">MapQuest</a> &mdash; ' +
- 'Map data {attribution.OpenStreetMap}',
- subdomains: '1234'
- },
- variants: {
- OSM: {},
- Aerial: {
- url: 'http://oatile{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg',
- options: {
- attribution:
- 'Tiles Courtesy of <a href="">MapQuest</a> &mdash; ' +
- 'Portions Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency'
- }
- }
- }
- },
- MapBox: {
- url: function (id) {
- return 'http://{s}' + id + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
- },
- options: {
- attribution:
- 'Imagery from <a href="">MapBox</a> &mdash; ' +
- 'Map data {attribution.OpenStreetMap}',
- subdomains: 'abcd'
- }
- },
- Stamen: {
- url: 'http://{s}{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
- options: {
- attribution:
- 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, ' +
- '<a href="">CC BY 3.0</a> &mdash; ' +
- 'Map data {attribution.OpenStreetMap}',
- subdomains: 'abcd',
- minZoom: 0,
- maxZoom: 20,
- variant: 'toner'
- },
- variants: {
- Toner: 'toner',
- TonerBackground: 'toner-background',
- TonerHybrid: 'toner-hybrid',
- TonerLines: 'toner-lines',
- TonerLabels: 'toner-labels',
- TonerLite: 'toner-lite',
- Terrain: {
- options: {
- variant: 'terrain',
- minZoom: 4,
- maxZoom: 18
- }
- },
- TerrainBackground: {
- options: {
- variant: 'terrain-background',
- minZoom: 4,
- maxZoom: 18
- }
- },
- Watercolor: {
- options: {
- variant: 'watercolor',
- minZoom: 3,
- maxZoom: 16
- }
- }
- }
- },
- Esri: {
- url: '{variant}/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
- options: {
- variant: 'World_Street_Map',
- attribution: 'Tiles &copy; Esri'
- },
- variants: {
- WorldStreetMap: {
- options: {
- attribution:
- '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; ' +
- 'Source: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, 2012'
- }
- },
- DeLorme: {
- options: {
- variant: 'Specialty/DeLorme_World_Base_Map',
- minZoom: 1,
- maxZoom: 11,
- attribution: '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; Copyright: &copy;2012 DeLorme'
- }
- },
- WorldTopoMap: {
- options: {
- variant: 'World_Topo_Map',
- attribution:
- '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; ' +
- 'Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community'
- }
- },
- WorldImagery: {
- options: {
- variant: 'World_Imagery',
- attribution:
- '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; ' +
- 'Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community'
- }
- },
- WorldTerrain: {
- options: {
- variant: 'World_Terrain_Base',
- maxZoom: 13,
- attribution:
- '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; ' +
- 'Source: USGS, Esri, TANA, DeLorme, and NPS'
- }
- },
- WorldShadedRelief: {
- options: {
- variant: 'World_Shaded_Relief',
- maxZoom: 13,
- attribution: '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; Source: Esri'
- }
- },
- WorldPhysical: {
- options: {
- variant: 'World_Physical_Map',
- maxZoom: 8,
- attribution: '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; Source: US National Park Service'
- }
- },
- OceanBasemap: {
- options: {
- variant: 'Ocean_Basemap',
- maxZoom: 13,
- attribution: '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; Sources: GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, and Esri'
- }
- },
- NatGeoWorldMap: {
- options: {
- variant: 'NatGeo_World_Map',
- maxZoom: 16,
- attribution: '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, iPC'
- }
- },
- WorldGrayCanvas: {
- options: {
- variant: 'Canvas/World_Light_Gray_Base',
- maxZoom: 16,
- attribution: '{attribution.Esri} &mdash; Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ'
- }
- }
- }
- },
- OpenWeatherMap: {
- url: 'http://{s}{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
- options: {
- attribution: 'Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenWeatherMap</a>',
- opacity: 0.5
- },
- variants: {
- Clouds: 'clouds',
- CloudsClassic: 'clouds_cls',
- Precipitation: 'precipitation',
- PrecipitationClassic: 'precipitation_cls',
- Rain: 'rain',
- RainClassic: 'rain_cls',
- Pressure: 'pressure',
- PressureContour: 'pressure_cntr',
- Wind: 'wind',
- Temperature: 'temp',
- Snow: 'snow'
- }
- },
- HERE: {
- /*
- * HERE maps, formerly Nokia maps.
- * These basemaps are free, but you need an API key. Please sign up at
- *
- *
- * Note that the base urls contain '.cit' whichs is HERE's
- * 'Customer Integration Testing' environment. Please remove for production
- * envirionments.
- */
- url:
- 'http://{s}.{base}' +
- 'maptile/{mapID}/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8?' +
- 'app_id={app_id}&app_code={app_code}',
- options: {
- attribution:
- 'Map &copy; 1987-2014 <a href="">HERE</a>',
- subdomains: '1234',
- mapID: 'newest',
- 'app_id': '<insert your app_id here>',
- 'app_code': '<insert your app_code here>',
- base: 'base',
- variant: '',
- minZoom: 0,
- maxZoom: 20
- },
- variants: {
- normalDay: '',
- normalDayCustom: '',
- normalDayGrey: '',
- normalDayMobile: '',
- normalDayGreyMobile: '',
- normalDayTransit: '',
- normalDayTransitMobile: '',
- normalNight: 'normal.night',
- normalNightMobile: '',
- normalNightGrey: 'normal.night.grey',
- normalNightGreyMobile: '',
- carnavDayGrey: '',
- hybridDay: {
- options: {
- base: 'aerial',
- variant: ''
- }
- },
- hybridDayMobile: {
- options: {
- base: 'aerial',
- variant: ''
- }
- },
- pedestrianDay: '',
- pedestrianNight: 'pedestrian.night',
- satelliteDay: {
- options: {
- base: 'aerial',
- variant: ''
- }
- },
- terrainDay: {
- options: {
- base: 'aerial',
- variant: ''
- }
- },
- terrainDayMobile: {
- options: {
- base: 'aerial',
- variant: ''
- }
- }
- }
- },
- Acetate: {
- url: 'http://a{s}{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
- options: {
- attribution:
- '&copy;2012 Esri & Stamen, Data from OSM and Natural Earth',
- subdomains: '0123',
- minZoom: 2,
- maxZoom: 18,
- variant: 'acetate-base'
- },
- variants: {
- basemap: 'acetate-base',
- terrain: 'terrain',
- all: 'acetate-hillshading',
- foreground: 'acetate-fg',
- roads: 'acetate-roads',
- labels: 'acetate-labels',
- hillshading: 'hillshading'
- }
- }
- };
- L.tileLayer.provider = function (provider, options) {
- return new L.TileLayer.Provider(provider, options);
- };
- L.Control.Layers.Provided = L.Control.Layers.extend({
- initialize: function (base, overlay, options) {
- var first;
- var labelFormatter = function (label) {
- return label.replace(/\./g, ': ').replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2');
- };
- if (base.length) {
- (function () {
- var out = {},
- len = base.length,
- i = 0;
- while (i < len) {
- if (typeof base[i] === 'string') {
- if (i === 0) {
- first = L.tileLayer.provider(base[0]);
- out[labelFormatter(base[i])] = first;
- } else {
- out[labelFormatter(base[i])] = L.tileLayer.provider(base[i]);
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- base = out;
- }());
- this._first = first;
- }
- if (overlay && overlay.length) {
- (function () {
- var out = {},
- len = overlay.length,
- i = 0;
- while (i < len) {
- if (typeof overlay[i] === 'string') {
- out[labelFormatter(overlay[i])] = L.tileLayer.provider(overlay[i]);
- }
- i++;
- }
- overlay = out;
- }());
- }
-, base, overlay, options);
- },
- onAdd: function (map) {
- this._first.addTo(map);
- return, map);
- }
- });
- L.control.layers.provided = function (baseLayers, overlays, options) {
- return new L.Control.Layers.Provided(baseLayers, overlays, options);
- };
-//Utility functions for map info window
-function mapit(lat,lon,zoom,id) {
- map ="map-wrapper-"+id));
- centerCoord = new L.LatLng(lat, lon);
- zoom = zoom;
- L.tileLayer.provider('Esri.WorldTopoMap', {maxZoom: 18, attribution: 'Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>, Tiles &copy; Esri and the GIS User Community'}).addTo(map);
- map.setView(centerCoord, zoom);
- ////get the geojson for this map
- $.ajax({
- url: "/projects/data/natparks/"+id+".json",
- dataType: "json",
- success: function(data, text, request) { draw_poly(data, map); }
- //complete: function(xhr, status) {console.log(status); return false; },
- });
- //draw the polygon
- function draw_poly(data, map) {
- var myStyle = {
- "color": "#201a11",
- "weight": 2,
- "opacity": 0.65
- };
- L.geoJson(data, {
- style: myStyle
- }).addTo(map);
- }
-// utility functions to create/remove map container
-function create_map(obj) {
- var lat = parseFloat(obj.attr('data-latitude'));
- var lon = parseFloat(obj.attr('data-longitude'));
- var zoom= parseInt(obj.attr('data-zoom'));
- var id= obj.attr('data-id');
- //create container divs
- $(obj).parents().eq(3).append('<div class="map-container" id="map-container-'+id+'">');
- $('#map-container-'+id).append('<div class="map-wrapper" id="map-wrapper-'+id+'">');
- mapit(lat,lon,zoom,id);
-function remove_map(id) {
- $(id).remove();
-//functions to handle the "more" link
-// utility functions to create/remove camera info container
-function get_exif(obj,id) {
- //$(obj).parents().eq(2).append('<div id="exif-container">');
- $(obj).parents().eq(3).append('<div class="more-container" id="'+id+'">'); $(obj).parents().eq(2).children('.meta').clone().appendTo('#'+id).css('visibility', 'visible');
- //deal with the variable height of div.legend
- $('#exif-container').css({
- bottom: function(index, value) {
- return parseFloat($(obj).parent().parent().css("height"))-14;
- }
- });
-function remove_exif(id) {
- $('#'+id).remove();
-//set up click events for map button
- $('.map-link').click( function() {
- var more_id = 'more-container-'+$(this).parent().next().children('.more-link').attr('id').split('-')[1];
- var id = '#map-container-'+$(this).attr('data-id');
- if ($('#'+more_id).is(":visible")){
- remove_exif(more_id);
- }
- if ($(id).is(":visible")) {
- remove_map(id);
- } else {
- create_map($(this));
- }
- return false;
- });
- //set up click events for more info button
- $('.more-link').click( function() {
- var map_id = '#map-container-'+$(this).parent().prev().children('.map-link').attr('data-id');
- var id = 'more-container-''-')[1];
- if ($(map_id).is(":visible")){
- remove_map(map_id);
- }
- if ($('#'+id).is(":visible")) {
- remove_exif(id);
- } else {
- get_exif(this, id);
- }
- return false;
- });