path: root/templates
diff options
authorluxagraf@c63593aa-01b0-44d9-8516-4b9c7e931d7f <luxagraf@c63593aa-01b0-44d9-8516-4b9c7e931d7f>2010-09-20 15:33:37 +0000
committerluxagraf@c63593aa-01b0-44d9-8516-4b9c7e931d7f <luxagraf@c63593aa-01b0-44d9-8516-4b9c7e931d7f>2010-09-20 15:33:37 +0000
commitbb81806bb58326f0dadfddc38705f0760c7c8d8f (patch)
tree177bef5ce2ffec926ff3067bd959b10db77261c7 /templates
parentad23af9549c4bc23ab345966d977e1f5d69ac03d (diff)
improved html structure and tweaked stylesheet accordingly
Diffstat (limited to 'templates')
10 files changed, 217 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/templates/archives/homepage.html b/templates/archives/homepage.html
index 7cb371e..a84563c 100644
--- a/templates/archives/homepage.html
+++ b/templates/archives/homepage.html
@@ -1,47 +1,36 @@
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load typogrify %}
+{%block extrahead%}<link rel="openid.server"
+ href="" >
+ <link rel="openid.delegate"
+ href="" >
+ <meta name="verify-v1" content="ZCZSYGNdjeLCPx5trSQELyhY9kq9N7CznTcv5JFkpnM=">{%endblock%}
{%block bodyid%}id="home"{%endblock%}
-{% block primary %}
- <article>
- <section>
- <ul id="writing-archive">
- <li>
- <div id="featured-article">
- <h3><a href="{{featured.get_absolute_url}}" title="{%if featured.title_keywords%}{{featured.title_keywords}}{%else%}{{featured.title}}{%endif%}">{{featured.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</a></h3>
- <p>
- <span class="location">{% if == "United States" %}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">{{}}</a>{%else%}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/{{}}/1/" title="travel writing from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%}</span> &nbsp;
- <time datetime="{{featured.pub_date}}">{{featured.pub_date|date:"m/d/y"}}</time>
- </p>
- <p class="hyphenate">{{featured.dek|safe}}</p>
- <span class="button"><a href="{{featured.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{featured.title}}">More &raquo;</a></span>
- </div>
- <div id="featured-image">
- <a href="{{featured.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{featured.title}}"><img src="{{featured.get_image_url}}" alt="{{ featured.title }}" class="post-image" /></a>
- </div>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </section>
- <!--<section id="currently">
+{% block primary %}<section id="featured">
+ <article>
+ <div id="featured-intro">
+ <h1><a href="{{featured.get_absolute_url}}" title="{%if featured.title_keywords%}{{featured.title_keywords}}{%else%}{{featured.title}}{%endif%}">{{featured.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</a></h1>
+ <p>
+ <span class="location">{% if == "United States" %}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">{{}}</a>{%else%}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/{{}}/1/" title="travel writing from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%}</span> &nbsp;
+ <time datetime="{{featured.pub_date|date:'c'}}">{{featured.pub_date|date:"m/d/y"}}</time>
+ </p>
+ <p class="hyphenate">{{featured.dek|safe}}</p>
+ <span class="button"><a href="{{featured.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{featured.title}}">More &raquo;</a></span>
+ </div>
+ <div id="featured-image">
+ <a href="{{featured.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{featured.title}}"><img src="{{featured.get_image_url}}" alt="{{ featured.title }}" class="post-image" /></a>
+ </div>
+ </article>
+ </section>
+ {%comment%}<section id="currently">
<div class="project-tease"><a href="/projects/5x5/"><h4 id="proj">5<span>x</span>5</h4> Interviews From The Road</a><p>Lorem sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis cursus sodales eros <cite>&ndash; William Brandon III</cite></p></div>
- </section>-->
- <section id="writing-tease">
- <h2>From the Archive</h2>
- </section>
- <section id="fromthearc">
- {% include 'includes/recent_entries.html' %}
- </section>
- </article>
+ </section>{%endcomment%}
+ <section id="archive">
+ <h1>From the Archive</h1>
+ {% include 'includes/recent_entries.html' %}
+ </section>
{% endblock %}
{% block js %}<script src="{{MEDIA_URL}}js/hyphenate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>{% endblock%} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/archives/map.html b/templates/archives/map.html
index f47b84d..0a002b9 100644
--- a/templates/archives/map.html
+++ b/templates/archives/map.html
@@ -23,16 +23,18 @@ Google Maps code
-{% block primary %}
- <article>
+{% block primary %}<section id="page-header">
+ <nav id="page-nav">
<ul id="breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="">
<li><a href="/" itemprop="url" title="luxagraf homepage"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a> &rarr;</li>
- <aside>{% include 'includes/map_sidebar.html' %}
- </aside>
+ </nav>
+ </section>
+ <article>
<div id="map-canvas">
- </article>
+ <aside>{% include 'includes/map_sidebar.html' %}
+ </aside>
+ </article>
{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/archives/photos.html b/templates/archives/photos.html
index 1eacf3c..eeb6451 100644
--- a/templates/archives/photos.html
+++ b/templates/archives/photos.html
@@ -8,33 +8,27 @@
{%block bodyid%}id="photo-archive"{%endblock%}
-{% block primary %}
- <article>
- <h1>{% if region %}Photographs from {{|title|smartypants|safe}}{%else%}Photographs from Around the World {%endif%}</h1>
+{% block primary %}<section id="page-header">
+ <h1 class="hide">{% if region %}Photographs from {{|title|smartypants|safe}}{%else%}Photographs from Around the World {%endif%}</h1>
+ <nav>
<ul id="breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="">
<li><a href="/" title="luxagraf homepage" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a> &rarr;</li>
{% if region %}{%if == 'United States'%} <li><a href="/photos/" title="See all Photos" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Photos</span></a> &rarr;</li>
- <li>the United States</li>{%else%}<li><a href="/photos/" title="See all Photos" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Photos</span></a> &rarr;</li> <li>{{|title|smartypants|safe}}{%endif%}{%else%}Photos </li>{%endif%}
+ <li>the United States</li>{%else%}<li><a href="/photos/" title="See all Photos" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Photos</span></a> &rarr;</li> <li>{{|title|smartypants|safe}}{%endif%}{%else%}<li>Photos </li>{%endif%}
- <ul id="photo-galleries">{% autopaginate object_list 18 %} {% for object in object_list %}
- <li>
- <div class="figure">
- <a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}"><img src="{{object.get_main_image}}" alt="{{ object.set_title }}"/></a>
- <span class="legend">
- <h3>{{object.set_title}}</h3>
- <p>{{object.set_desc|truncatewords:30|smartypants|safe}}</p>
- </span>
- </div>
- </li>{% endfor %}
- </ul>
- <section id="pagination">
- <ul>{% paginate %}
- </ul>
- </section>
- </article>
+ </nav>
+ </section>
+ <ul id="photo-galleries">{% autopaginate object_list 18 %} {% for object in object_list %}
+ <li>
+ <div class="figure">
+ <a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}"><img src="{{object.get_main_image}}" alt="{{ object.set_title }}"/></a>
+ <div class="legend">
+ <h3>{{object.set_title}}</h3>
+ <p>{{object.set_desc|truncatewords:30|smartypants|safe}}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </li>{% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ <nav id="pagination">{% paginate %}
+ </nav>
{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/archives/writing.html b/templates/archives/writing.html
index f05b34c..877ff58 100644
--- a/templates/archives/writing.html
+++ b/templates/archives/writing.html
@@ -7,44 +7,34 @@
{%block bodyid%}id="writing"{%endblock%}
-{% block primary %}
- <article>
- <h1 class="hide">{% if region %}Writings from {%if == 'United States'%}the United States{%else%}{{|title|smartypants|safe}}{%endif%}{%else%}Writing {%endif%}</h1>
- <ul id="breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="">
- <li><a href="/" title="luxagraf homepage" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a> &rarr; </li>
- {% if region %}{%if == 'United States'%} <li><a href="/writing/" title="See all Writing" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Writing</span></a> &rarr;</li>
- <li itemprop="title">the United States</li>{%else%}<li><a href="/writing/" title="See all Writing" itemprop="url"><span>Writing</span></a> &rarr;</li>
- <li>{{|title|smartypants|safe}}</li>{%endif%}{%else%}Writing </li>{%endif%}
- </ul>
- <ul id="writing-archive">
- {% autopaginate object_list 10 %}
- {% for object in object_list %}
- <li>
+{% block primary %}<section id="page-header">
+ <h1 class="hide">{% if region %}Writings from {%if == 'United States'%}the United States{%else%}{{|title|smartypants|safe}}{%endif%}{%else%}Writing {%endif%}</h1>
+ <nav id="page-nav">
+ <ul id="breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="">
+ <li><a href="/" title="luxagraf homepage" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a> &rarr; </li>
+ {% if region %}{%if == 'United States'%} <li><a href="/writing/" title="See all Writing" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Writing</span></a> &rarr;</li>
+ <li itemprop="title">the United States</li>{%else%}<li><a href="/writing/" title="See all Writing" itemprop="url"><span>Writing</span></a> &rarr;</li>
+ <li>{{|title|smartypants|safe}}</li>{%endif%}{%else%}<li>Writing </li>{%endif%}
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ </section>
+ <section id="writing-archive"> {% autopaginate object_list 10 %} {% for object in object_list %}
+ <article>
- <h3><a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{%if object.title_keywords%}{{object.title_keywords}}{%else%}{{object.title}}{%endif%}">{{object.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</a></h3>
+ <h1><a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{%if object.title_keywords%}{{object.title_keywords}}{%else%}{{object.title}}{%endif%}">{{object.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</a></h1>
<span class="location">{% if == "United States" %}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">{{}}</a>{%else%}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/{{}}/1/" title="travel writing from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%}</span> &nbsp;
- <time datetime="{{object.pub_date}}">{{object.pub_date|date:"m/d/y"}}</time>
+ <time datetime="{{object.pub_date|date:'c'}}">{{object.pub_date|date:"m/d/y"}}</time>
<p class="hyphenate">{{object.dek|safe}}</p>
<div class="img">
<a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{object.title}}"><img src="{{object.get_image_url}}" alt="{{ object.title }}" class="post-image" /></a>
- </li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- <section id="pagination">
- <ul>{% paginate %}
- </ul>
+ </article> {% endfor %}
- </article>
+ <nav id="pagination">{% paginate %}
+ </nav>
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/templates/base.html b/templates/base.html
index 3bff0fc..ecf2a5c 100644
--- a/templates/base.html
+++ b/templates/base.html
@@ -1,23 +1,12 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>{% block pagetitle %}Luxagraf - Topografical Writings{% endblock %}</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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<link rel="shortcut icon"
<link rel="apple-touch-icon"
<meta name="author" content="luxagraf">
<meta name="description"
content="{% block metadescription %}Luxagraf: a travelogue of sorts, Recording journeys around the world and just next door.{% endblock %}">
@@ -50,16 +32,7 @@
content="luxagraf writing travel authors philosophy ramblings">
<meta name="copyright"
content="Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License">
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-<meta name="verify-v1" content="ZCZSYGNdjeLCPx5trSQELyhY9kq9N7CznTcv5JFkpnM=">
-{%block extrahead%}{%endblock%}
+ {%block extrahead%}{%endblock%}
<body {%block bodyid%}{%endblock%}{%block bodyevents%}{%endblock%}>
@@ -78,7 +51,6 @@
{% block primary %}
diff --git a/templates/details/about.html b/templates/details/about.html
index 0c62d4d..7a25c0e 100644
--- a/templates/details/about.html
+++ b/templates/details/about.html
@@ -5,33 +5,35 @@
{%block bodyid%}id="about"{%endblock%}
-{% block primary %}
- <ul id="breadcrumbs">
- <li><a href="/" title="luxagraf homepage">Home</a> &rarr;</li>
- <li>About</li>
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- <section>
- <div class="image"><img src="{{IMAGES_URL}}bio.jpg" alt="me" /></div>
- <div class="content">
- {{top.content|smartypants|safe}}
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+{% block primary %}<section id="page-header">
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+ <article>
+ <h1 class="hide">About Luxagraf</h1>
+ <section>
+ <div class="image"><img src="{{IMAGES_URL}}bio.jpg" alt="me" /></div>
+ <div class="content">
+ {{top.content|smartypants|safe}}
+ </div>
+ </section>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
- <section>
- <div class="image"><img src="{{IMAGES_URL}}site.jpg" alt="me" /></div>
- <div class="content">
- {{middle.content|smartypants|safe}}
- </div>
- </section>
+ <section>
+ <div class="image"><img src="{{IMAGES_URL}}site.jpg" alt="me" /></div>
+ <div class="content">
+ {{middle.content|smartypants|safe}}
+ </div>
+ </section>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
- <section>
- <div class="image"><img src="{{IMAGES_URL}}colo.jpg" alt="me" /></div>
- <div class="content">
- {{bottom.content|smartypants|safe}}
- </div>
- </section>
+ <section>
+ <div class="image"><img src="{{IMAGES_URL}}colo.jpg" alt="me" /></div>
+ <div class="content">
+ {{bottom.content|smartypants|safe}}
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </article>
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/templates/details/entry.html b/templates/details/entry.html
index 0f0bca5..cea00b1 100644
--- a/templates/details/entry.html
+++ b/templates/details/entry.html
@@ -27,42 +27,35 @@
{% block primary %}
<article id="writing-detail">
- <header>
- <h1>{{object.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</h1>
- <aside class="meta">
- <section class="geo">{% if == "United States" %}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">{{}}</a>{%else%}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/{{}}/1/" title="travel writing from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%} <span class="latitude hide">{{object.latitude}}</span> <span class="longitude hide">{{object.longitude}}</span>{%comment%} &nbsp;&nbsp;(<a href="" title="">Map</a>, <a href="" title="">Photos</a>){%endcomment%}</section>
- {%comment%}<span class="topics">Topics: {%for topic in object.topics.all%}<a href="{{topic.get_absolute_url}}" title="view more {{}} posts">{{}}</a>{%if forloop.last%}{%else%}, {%endif%}{% endfor %}</span>{%endcomment%}
- </aside>
- </header>
- <div id="post-body">
- {{object.body_html|smartypants|widont|safe}}
- </div>
- {%if object.template_name == 1 %}<div class="clearfix"></div>{%endif%}
- {%if object.template_name == 3 %}<div class="clearfix"></div>{%endif%}
- <section id="post-metadata">
- <h4 class="hide">About {{object.title|smartypants|safe}}</h4>
- <p>Posted <time datetime="{{object.pub_date}}">{{object.pub_date|date:"F j, Y"}}</time>, from {{|smartypants|safe}}, {%if == 'United States'%}<a href="/map/#{{}}" title="see other entries from {{}}">{{|smartypants|safe}}</a>{% else %}<a href="/map/#{{}}" title="view all entries from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%}.
- Follow along on <a href="" title="twitter" rel="me">Twitter</a> or by subscribing to the <a href="" title="writing RSS 2.0 feed">RSS Feed</a>. For more about me, see the <a href="/about/" title="about luxagraf">about page</a>. To get in touch please use the <a href="/contact/" title="contact me">contact form</a> or leave a comment below.</p>
- </section>
- <section id="page-navigation">
- <nav>
- <ul>{% if object.get_next_published%}
- <li id="prev">
- <a href="{{ object.get_next_published.get_absolute_url }}" title=" {{object.get_next_published.title}}">&larr; newer</a>
- </li>{%endif%}
- {% if object.get_previous_published%}<li id="next">
- <a href="{{ object.get_previous_published.get_absolute_url }}" title=" {{object.get_previous_published.title}}">older &rarr;</a>
- </li>{%endif%}
- </ul>
- </nav>
- </section>
- <section id="comments">
- <h4><a class="disqus-link-count" href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}#disqus_thread">Comments</a></h4>
- <div id="disqus_thread"></div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="">View the discussion thread.</a></noscript><a href="" class="dsq-brlink">blog comments powered by <span class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></a>
- </section>
+ <header>
+ <h1>{{object.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</h1>
+ <aside class="meta">
+ <section class="geo">{%spaceless%}{% if == "United States" %}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">{{}}</a>{%else%}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/{{}}/1/" title="travel writing from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%} <span class="latitude hide">{{object.latitude}}</span> <span class="longitude hide">{{object.longitude}}</span>{%comment%} &nbsp;&nbsp;(<a href="" title="">Map</a>, <a href="" title="">Photos</a>){%endcomment%}{%endspaceless%}</section>
+ </aside>
+ </header>
+ <div id="post-body">
+ {{object.body_html|smartypants|widont|safe}}
+ </div>{%if object.template_name == 1 %}
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>{%endif%}{%if object.template_name == 3 %}<div class="clearfix"></div>{%endif%}
+ <footer id="post-metadata">
+ <h4 class="hide">About {{object.title|smartypants|safe}}</h4>
+ <p>Posted <time datetime="{{object.pub_date|date:'c'}}">{{object.pub_date|date:"F j, Y"}}</time>, from {{|smartypants|safe}}, {%if == 'United States'%}<a href="/map/#{{}}" title="see other entries from {{}}">{{|smartypants|safe}}</a>{% else %}<a href="/map/#{{}}" title="view all entries from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%}.
+ Follow along on <a href="" title="twitter" rel="me">Twitter</a> or by subscribing to the <a href="" title="writing RSS 2.0 feed">RSS Feed</a>. For more about me, see the <a href="/about/" title="about luxagraf">about page</a>. To get in touch please use the <a href="/contact/" title="contact me">contact form</a> or leave a comment below.</p>
+ </footer>
+ <nav id="page-navigation">
+ <ul>{% if object.get_next_published%}
+ <li id="prev">
+ <a href="{{ object.get_next_published.get_absolute_url }}" title=" {{object.get_next_published.title}}">&larr; newer</a>
+ </li>{%endif%}
+ {% if object.get_previous_published%}<li id="next">
+ <a href="{{ object.get_previous_published.get_absolute_url }}" title=" {{object.get_previous_published.title}}">older &rarr;</a>
+ </li>{%endif%}
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ <section id="comments">
+ <h4><a class="disqus-link-count" href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}#disqus_thread">Comments</a></h4>
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+ </section>
{% endblock %}
{% block js %}
diff --git a/templates/details/national-parks.html b/templates/details/national-parks.html
index c6099a8..63a2d8e 100644
--- a/templates/details/national-parks.html
+++ b/templates/details/national-parks.html
@@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
{% block pagetitle %}Luxagraf | Projects | National Parks {% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}{% endblock %}
-{% block extrahead %}
-<link rel="stylesheet"
+{% block extrahead %}<link rel="stylesheet"
- type="text/css"
{% endblock %}
@@ -16,59 +14,51 @@
{% block bodyevents %}{% endblock %}
-{% block primary %}
- <ul id="breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="">
- <li><a href="/" title="luxagraf homepage" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a> &rarr;</li>
- <li><a href="/projects/" title="luxagraf projects page" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Projects</span></a> &rarr;</li>
- <li>National Parks</li>
- </ul>
- <ul id="parks">
- {% for object in object_list %}
- <li id="park-{{forloop.counter}}">
+{% block primary %}<section id="page-header">
+ <h1 class="hide">The National Parks Project</h1>
+ <nav>
+ <ul id="breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="">
+ <li><a href="/" title="luxagraf homepage" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a> &rarr;</li>
+ <li><a href="/projects/" title="luxagraf projects page" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Projects</span></a> &rarr;</li>
+ <li>National Parks</li>
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ </section>
+ <section id="parks">{% for object in object_list %}
+ <article id="park-{{forloop.counter}}">
<div class="figure">
<img src="{{object.image.url}}" alt="{{object.title}}" />
- <h4>{{}}</h4>
+ <h1>{{}}</h1>
<div class="legend">
- <h5>{{object.tag_line}}</h5>
- <ul class="buttons">
- <li><a href="{{}}" title="{{}}">Read Journal</a></li>
- {%if}<li><a href="{{}}" title="Photos of {{object.unit_name}}">View Photos</a></li>{%endif%}
- <li><a href="#" class="map-link" title="{{object.mpoly.centroid.y}},{{object.mpoly.centroid.x}},{{object.zoom}},{{}}">Map</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" id="more-{{forloop.counter}}"class="more-link" title="More about {{object.unit_name}}">More</a></li>
- </ul>
- <dl class="meta" style="visibility: hidden;">
- <dt>Visited:</dt>
- <dd>{{object.date_visited_begin|date:"m/d/y"}} - {{object.date_visited_end|date:"m/d/y"}}</dd>
- <dt>State:</dt>
- <dd>{{object.state}}</dd>
- <dt>Size:</dt>
- <dd>{{object.size}} sq miles</dd>
- <dt>Cost:</dt>
- <dd>${{object.fee}} / ${{object.camping_fee}} (entry/camping)</dd>
- <dt>Link:</dt>
- <dd>{{object.url|urlize}}</dd>
- </dl>
+ <h2>{{object.tag_line}}</h2>
+ <ul class="buttons">
+ <li><a href="{{}}" title="{{}}">Read Journal</a></li>
+ {%if}<li><a href="{{}}" title="Photos of {{object.unit_name}}">View Photos</a></li>{%endif%}
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+ <li><a href="#" id="more-{{forloop.counter}}"class="more-link" title="More about {{object.unit_name}}">More</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <dl class="meta" style="visibility: hidden;">
+ <dt>Visited:</dt>
+ <dd>{{object.date_visited_begin|date:"m/d/y"}} - {{object.date_visited_end|date:"m/d/y"}}</dd>
+ <dt>State:</dt>
+ <dd>{{object.state}}</dd>
+ <dt>Size:</dt>
+ <dd>{{object.size}} sq miles</dd>
+ <dt>Cost:</dt>
+ <dd>${{object.fee}} / ${{object.camping_fee}} (entry/camping)</dd>
+ <dt>Link:</dt>
+ <dd>{{object.url|urlize}}</dd>
+ </dl>
- </li>
+ </article>
{% endfor %}
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diff --git a/templates/includes/recent_entries.html b/templates/includes/recent_entries.html
index 3bcae08..fd9c7ef 100644
--- a/templates/includes/recent_entries.html
+++ b/templates/includes/recent_entries.html
@@ -1,36 +1,31 @@
+<article class="col1">
+ <h1><a href="/2010/jul/28/dinosaur-national-monument-part-one-echo-park/" title="Dinosaur National Monument, Part One: Echo Park">Dinosaur National Monument, Part One: Echo&nbsp;Park</a></h1>
+ <p>
+ <span class="location">Dinosaur National Monument, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">Colorado</a></span> &nbsp;
- <ul>
- <li class="col1">
- <h3><a href="/2010/jul/28/dinosaur-national-monument-part-one-echo-park/" title="Dinosaur National Monument, Part One: Echo Park">Dinosaur National Monument, Part One: Echo&nbsp;Park</a></h3>
- <p>
- <span class="location">Dinosaur National Monument, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">Colorado</a></span> &nbsp;
- <time datetime="2010-07-28 16:00:00">07/28/10</time>
- <img src="" alt="Dinosaur National Monument, Part One: Echo Park" class="post-image" />
- </p>
- <p class="intro hyphenate">Dinosaur National Monument was poorly named. The best parts of it are not the fossils in the quarry (which is closed for 2010 anyway) but the canyon country &mdash; some of the best, most remote canyon country you'll find in this part of the world.</p>
- <span class="button"><a class="permalink" href="/2010/jul/28/dinosaur-national-monument-part-one-echo-park/" title="Dinosaur National Monument, Part One: Echo Park">More&nbsp;&raquo;</a></span>
- </li>
- <li class="col2">
- <h3><a href="/2010/jul/25/endless-crowds-yellowstone/" title="The Endless Crowds of Yellowstone">The Endless Crowds of&nbsp;Yellowstone</a></h3>
- <p>
- <span class="location">Yellowstone National Park, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">Wyoming</a></span> &nbsp;
- <time datetime="2010-07-25 13:00:00">07/25/10</time>
- <img src="" alt="The Endless Crowds of Yellowstone" class="post-image" />
- </p>
- <p class="intro hyphenate">There is wilderness in Yellowstone, even if it's just inches from the boardwalks that transport thousands around the geothermal pools. It may not be wilderness on a grand scale &mdash; the sweeping mountain peaks or wild rivers of other parks &mdash but in some ways that makes it more enticing. As one Ranger told me, Yellowstone isn't about the big picture, the grand scenery, it's about the tiny details within each pool. To really see Yellowstone, he said, you have to take your time, move slowly and look closely. </p>
- <span class="button"><a class="permalink" href="/2010/jul/25/endless-crowds-yellowstone/" title="The Endless Crowds of Yellowstone">More&nbsp;&raquo;</a></span>
- </li>
- <li class="col1">
- <h3><a href="/2010/jul/22/backpacking-grand-tetons/" title="Backpacking in the Grand Tetons">Backpacking in the Grand&nbsp;Tetons</a></h3>
- <p>
- <span class="location">Grand Teton National Park, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">Wyoming</a></span> &nbsp;
- <time datetime="2010-07-22 16:00:00">07/22/10</time>
- <img src="" alt="Backpacking in the Grand Tetons" class="post-image" />
- </p>
- <p class="intro hyphenate">Hiking into the wilderness empties your mind. You fall into the silence of the mountains and you can relax in a way that's very difficult to do in the midst of civilization. The white noise that surrounds us in our everyday lives, that noise we don't even notice as it adds thin layers of stress that build up over days, weeks, years, does not seem capable of following us into the mountains. </p>
- <span class="button"><a class="permalink" href="/2010/jul/22/backpacking-grand-tetons/" title="Backpacking in the Grand Tetons">More&nbsp;&raquo;</a></span>
- </li>
- </ul> \ No newline at end of file
+ <time datetime="2010-07-28T16:00:00">07/28/10</time>
+ <img src="" alt="Dinosaur National Monument, Part One: Echo Park" class="post-image" />
+ </p>
+ <p class="intro hyphenate">Dinosaur National Monument was poorly named. The best parts of it are not the fossils in the quarry (which is closed for 2010 anyway) but the canyon country &mdash; some of the best, most remote canyon country you'll find in this part of the world.</p>
+ <span class="button"><a class="permalink" href="/2010/jul/28/dinosaur-national-monument-part-one-echo-park/" title="Dinosaur National Monument, Part One: Echo Park">More&nbsp;&raquo;</a></span>
+ </article><article class="col2">
+ <h1><a href="/2010/jul/25/endless-crowds-yellowstone/" title="The Endless Crowds of Yellowstone">The Endless Crowds of&nbsp;Yellowstone</a></h1>
+ <p>
+ <span class="location">Yellowstone National Park, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">Wyoming</a></span> &nbsp;
+ <time datetime="2010-07-25T13:00:00">07/25/10</time>
+ <img src="" alt="The Endless Crowds of Yellowstone" class="post-image" />
+ </p>
+ <p class="intro hyphenate">There is wilderness in Yellowstone, even if it's just inches from the boardwalks that transport thousands around the geothermal pools. It may not be wilderness on a grand scale &mdash; the sweeping mountain peaks or wild rivers of other parks &mdash; but in some ways that makes it more enticing. As one Ranger told me, Yellowstone isn't about the big picture, the grand scenery, it's about the tiny details within each pool. To really see Yellowstone, he said, you have to take your time, move slowly and look closely. </p>
+ <span class="button"><a class="permalink" href="/2010/jul/25/endless-crowds-yellowstone/" title="The Endless Crowds of Yellowstone">More&nbsp;&raquo;</a></span>
+ </article><article class="col1">
+ <h1><a href="/2010/jul/22/backpacking-grand-tetons/" title="Backpacking in the Grand Tetons">Backpacking in the Grand&nbsp;Tetons</a></h1>
+ <p>
+ <span class="location">Grand Teton National Park, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">Wyoming</a></span> &nbsp;
+ <time datetime="2010-07-22T16:00:00">07/22/10</time>
+ <img src="" alt="Backpacking in the Grand Tetons" class="post-image" />
+ </p>
+ <p class="intro hyphenate">Hiking into the wilderness empties your mind. You fall into the silence of the mountains and you can relax in a way that's very difficult to do in the midst of civilization. The white noise that surrounds us in our everyday lives, that noise we don't even notice as it adds thin layers of stress that build up over days, weeks, years, does not seem capable of following us into the mountains. </p>
+ <span class="button"><a class="permalink" href="/2010/jul/22/backpacking-grand-tetons/" title="Backpacking in the Grand Tetons">More&nbsp;&raquo;</a></span>
+ </article>
diff --git a/templates/includes/recent_entries_template.html b/templates/includes/recent_entries_template.html
index 847dc47..97c05f9 100644
--- a/templates/includes/recent_entries_template.html
+++ b/templates/includes/recent_entries_template.html
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
-{% load typogrify %}
- <ul>{% for object in object_list %}
- <li class="{% cycle 'col1' 'col2' %}">
- <h3><a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{%if object.title_keywords%}{{object.title_keywords}}{%else%}{{object.title}}{%endif%}">{{object.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</a></h3>
- <p>
- <span class="location">{% if == "United States" %}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">{{}}</a>{%else%}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/{{}}/1/" title="travel writing from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%}</span> &nbsp;
- <time datetime="{{object.pub_date}}">{{object.pub_date|date:"m/d/y"}}</time>
- {%if object.thumbnail%}<img src="{{object.get_thumbnail_url}}" alt="{{ object.title }}" class="post-image" />{%endif%}
- </p>
- <p class="intro hyphenate">{{object.dek|safe}}</p>
- <span class="button"><a class="permalink" href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{object.title}}">More&nbsp;&raquo;</a></span>
- </li>{% endfor %}
- </ul> \ No newline at end of file
+{% load typogrify %}{% for object in object_list %}<article class="{% cycle 'col1' 'col2' %}">
+ <h1><a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{%if object.title_keywords%}{{object.title_keywords}}{%else%}{{object.title}}{%endif%}">{{object.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</a></h1>
+ <p>
+ <span class="location">{% if == "United States" %}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">{{}}</a>{%else%}{{|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/{{}}/1/" title="travel writing from {{}}">{{}}</a>{%endif%}</span> &nbsp;
+ <time datetime="{{object.pub_date|date:'c'}}">{{object.pub_date|date:"m/d/y"}}</time>
+ {%if object.thumbnail%}<img src="{{object.get_thumbnail_url}}" alt="{{ object.title }}" class="post-image" />{%endif%}
+ </p>
+ <p class="intro hyphenate">{{object.dek|safe}}</p>
+ <span class="button"><a class="permalink" href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{object.title}}">More&nbsp;&raquo;</a></span>
+ </article>{% endfor %}