path: root/design/templates/archives/guide.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'design/templates/archives/guide.html')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/design/templates/archives/guide.html b/design/templates/archives/guide.html
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+++ b/design/templates/archives/guide.html
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
+{% load typogrify %}
+{% load pagination_tags %}
+{% block pagetitle %}Luxagraf | {% if region %}Travel Guide {{|title|smartypants|safe}}{%else%} Travel Guides, Tips, Tricks and Recommendations {%endif%} Page {{page}}{% endblock %}
+{% block metadescription %}{% if region %}A Travel Guide, Tips, Tricks and Recommendations for {{|title|smartypants|safe}}{%else%}Travel Guides, Tips, Tricks and Recommendations {%endif%} Page {{page}}{% endblock %}
+{%block bodyid%}id="guide-archive" class="guide"{%endblock%}
+{% block primary %}<ul class="bl" id="breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="">
+ <li><a href="/" title="luxagraf homepage" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a> &rarr; </li>
+ {% if region %}{%if == 'United States'%} <li><a href="/guide/1/" title="See all Guides" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Travel Guides</span></a> &rarr;</li>
+ <li itemprop="title">United States</li>{%else%}<li><a href="/guide/1/" title="See all Guides" itemprop="url"><span>Travel Guides</span></a> &rarr;</li>
+ <li>{{|title|smartypants|safe}}</li>{%endif%}{%else%}<li>Travel Guides</li>{%endif%}
+ </ul>
+ <section class="intro">
+ <h1>Travel Guides</h1>
+ <h2>What I Know About Where I've Been</h2>
+ <div class="formatted">
+ <p>The essays on luxagraf rarely offer much travel advice. I don't often write about places I stay, where I eat, the gear I carry or even how to get from here to there. At the same time I always save business cards and write down addresses almost everywhere I go.
+ Until now I haven't really done anything with that information, save tell a few friends headed in similar directions. So I decided to created this, the <strong>travel guide</strong> section, so you can know what I know. I even busted out the video camera for a few of these. Just bear in mind that this is my experience, yours may be very different. That's okay.</p></div>
+ </section>
+ <section id="guides" class=""> {% autopaginate object_list 10 %} {% for object in object_list %}
+ <article id="guide-10{{}}">
+ <div class="meta bl">
+ <div class="tags">Filed Under: <a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{object.title}}">General</a>, <a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{object.title}}">Gear</a></div>
+ <time pubdate class="hide" datetime="{{object.pub_date|date:'c'}}">{{object.pub_date|date:"m/d/y"}}</time>
+ <a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{object.title}}"><img src="{{object.get_thumbnail_url}}" alt="{{ object.title }}" width="150" class="{{object.image_width}}" height="98" claaa="{{object.image_height}}" class="guide-thumb" /></a>
+ </div>
+ <div class="guide-dek">
+ <h1><a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}" title="{{object.title}}">{{object.title|smartypants|widont|safe}}</a></h1>
+ <p class="hyphenate">{{object.dek|safe}}</p>
+ </div>
+ </article> {% endfor %}
+ </section>
+ <div id="pagination">{% paginate %}
+ </div>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block js %}<script src="{{MEDIA_URL}}js/hyphenate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>{% endblock%}
+{% if object.location %}<p class="location" itemprop="geo" itemscope itemtype="​Geo">{% if object.country_name == "United States" %}{{object.location_name|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/united-states/1/" title="travel writing from the United States">{{object.state_name}}</a>{%else%}{{object.location_name|smartypants|safe}}, <a href="/writing/{{object.country_name|slugify}}/1/" title="travel writing from {{object.country_name}}">{{object.country_name}}</a>{%endif%}
+ <meta itemprop="latitude" content="{{object.latitude}}" />
+ <meta itemprop="longitude" content="{{object.longitude}}" /></p>{%endif%}