path: root/lib/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/utils')
2 files changed, 558 insertions, 1045 deletions
diff --git a/lib/utils/ b/lib/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e05935e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Python module for access to pinboard <> via its API.
+Recommended: Python 2.6 or later (untested on previous versions)
+This library was built on top of Paul Mucur's original work on the python-delicious
+which was supported for python 2.3. Morgan became a contributor and ported this library
+to when it was announced in December 2010 that delicious servers may be
+shutting down.
+The port to pinboard resulted in the inclusion of gzip support
+__version__ = "1.0"
+__license__ = "BSD"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2011, Morgan Craft"
+__author__ = "Morgan Craft <>"
+# Should text be properly escaped for XML? Or that not this module's
+# responsibility?
+# Create test suite
+_debug = 0
+# The user agent string sent to when making requests. If you are
+# using this module in your own application, you should probably change this.
+USER_AGENT = "Python-Pinboard/%s +" % __version__
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import sys
+import re
+import time
+## added to handle gzip compression from server
+import StringIO
+import gzip
+from xml.dom import minidom
+ StringTypes = basestring
+ try:
+ # Python 2.2 does not have basestring
+ from types import StringTypes
+ except:
+ # Python 2.0 and 2.1 do not have StringTypes
+ from types import StringType, UnicodeType
+ StringTypes = None
+ ListType = list
+ TupleType = tuple
+ from types import ListType, TupleType
+# Taken from Mark Pilgrim's amazing Universal Feed Parser
+# <>
+ UserDict = dict
+except NameError:
+ from UserDict import UserDict
+ import datetime
+ datetime = None
+# The URL of the Pinboard API
+def open(username, password):
+ """Open a connection to a account"""
+ return PinboardAccount(username, password)
+def connect(username, password):
+ """Open a connection to a account"""
+ return open(username, password)
+# Custom exceptions
+class PinboardError(Exception):
+ """Error in the Python-Pinboard module"""
+ pass
+class ThrottleError(PinboardError):
+ """Error caused by throttling requests"""
+ def __init__(self, url, message):
+ self.url = url
+ self.message = message
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s: %s" % (self.url, self.message)
+class AddError(PinboardError):
+ """Error adding a post to"""
+ pass
+class DeleteError(PinboardError):
+ """Error deleting a post from"""
+ pass
+class BundleError(PinboardError):
+ """Error bundling tags on"""
+ pass
+class DeleteBundleError(PinboardError):
+ """Error deleting a bundle from"""
+ pass
+class RenameTagError(PinboardError):
+ """Error renaming a tag in"""
+ pass
+class DateParamsError(PinboardError):
+ '''Date params error'''
+ pass
+class PinboardAccount(UserDict):
+ """A account"""
+ # Used to track whether all posts have been downloaded yet.
+ __allposts = 0
+ __postschanged = 0
+ # Time of last request so that the one second limit can be enforced.
+ __lastrequest = None
+ # Special methods
+ def __init__(self, username, password):
+ UserDict.__init__(self)
+ # Authenticate the URL opener so that it can access Pinboard
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Initialising Pinboard Account object.\n")
+ auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
+ auth_handler.add_password("API", "", \
+ username, password)
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler)
+ opener.addheaders = [("User-agent", USER_AGENT), ('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')]
+ urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("URL opener with HTTP authenticiation installed globally.\n")
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Time of last update loaded into class dictionary.\n")
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ try:
+ return UserDict.__getitem__(self, key)
+ except KeyError:
+ if key == "tags":
+ return self.tags()
+ elif key == "dates":
+ return self.dates()
+ elif key == "posts":
+ return self.posts()
+ elif key == "bundles":
+ return self.bundles()
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ if key == "posts":
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("The value of posts has been changed.\n")
+ self.__postschanged = 1
+ return UserDict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
+ def __request(self, url):
+ # Make sure that it has been at least 1 second since the last
+ # request was made. If not, halt execution for approximately one
+ # seconds.
+ if self.__lastrequest and (time.time() - self.__lastrequest) < 2:
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("It has been less than two seconds since the last request; halting execution for one second.\n")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if _debug and self.__lastrequest:
+ sys.stderr.write("The delay between requests was %d.\n" % (time.time() - self.__lastrequest))
+ self.__lastrequest = time.time()
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Opening %s.\n" % url)
+ try:
+ ## for pinboard a gzip request is made
+ raw_xml = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ compresseddata =
+ ## bing unpackaging gzipped stream buffer
+ compressedstream = StringIO.StringIO(compresseddata)
+ gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressedstream)
+ xml =
+ except urllib2.URLError, e:
+ raise e
+ self["headers"] = {}
+ for header in raw_xml.headers.headers:
+ (name, value) = header.split(": ")
+ self["headers"][name.lower()] = value[:-2]
+ if raw_xml.headers.status == "503":
+ raise ThrottleError(url, \
+ "503 HTTP status code returned by")
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("%s opened successfully.\n" % url)
+ return minidom.parseString(xml)
+ def posts(self, tag="", date="", todt="", fromdt="", count=0):
+ """Return bookmarks as a list of dictionaries.
+ This should be used without arguments as rarely as possible by
+ combining it with the lastupdate attribute to only get all posts when
+ there is new content as it places a large load on the
+ servers.
+ """
+ query = {}
+ ## if a date is passed then a ranged set of date params CANNOT be passed
+ if date and (todt or fromdt):
+ raise DateParamsError
+ if not count and not date and not todt and not fromdt and not tag:
+ path = "all"
+ # If attempting to load all of the posts from, and
+ # a previous download has been done, check to see if there has
+ # been an update; if not, then just return the posts stored
+ # inside the class.
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Checking to see if a previous download has been made.\n")
+ if not self.__postschanged and self.__allposts and \
+ self.lastupdate() == self["lastupdate"]:
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("It has; returning old posts instead.\n")
+ return self["posts"]
+ elif not self.__allposts:
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Making note of request for all posts.\n")
+ self.__allposts = 1
+ elif date:
+ path = "get"
+ elif todt or fromdt:
+ path = "all"
+ else:
+ path = "recent"
+ if count:
+ query["count"] = count
+ if tag:
+ query["tag"] = tag
+ ##todt
+ if todt and (isinstance(todt, ListType) or isinstance(todt, TupleType)):
+ query["todt"] = "-".join([str(x) for x in todt[:3]])
+ elif todt and (todt and isinstance(todt, datetime.datetime) or \
+ isinstance(todt,
+ query["todt"] = "-".join([str(todt.year), str(todt.month), str(])
+ elif todt:
+ query["todt"] = todt
+ ## fromdt
+ if fromdt and (isinstance(fromdt, ListType) or isinstance(fromdt, TupleType)):
+ query["fromdt"] = "-".join([str(x) for x in fromdt[:3]])
+ elif fromdt and (fromdt and isinstance(fromdt, datetime.datetime) or \
+ isinstance(fromdt,
+ query["fromdt"] = "-".join([str(fromdt.year), str(fromdt.month), str(])
+ elif fromdt:
+ query["fromdt"] = fromdt
+ if date and (isinstance(date, ListType) or isinstance(date, TupleType)):
+ query["dt"] = "-".join([str(x) for x in date[:3]])
+ elif date and (datetime and isinstance(date, datetime.datetime) or \
+ isinstance(date,
+ query["dt"] = "-".join([str(date.year), str(date.month), str(])
+ elif date:
+ query["dt"] = date
+ postsxml = self.__request("%s/posts/%s?%s" % (PINBOARD_API, path, \
+ urllib.urlencode(query))).getElementsByTagName("post")
+ posts = []
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Parsing posts XML into a list of dictionaries.\n")
+ # For each post, extract every attribute (splitting tags into sub-lists)
+ # and insert as a dictionary into the `posts` list.
+ for post in postsxml:
+ postdict = {}
+ for (name, value) in post.attributes.items():
+ if name == u"tag":
+ name = u"tags"
+ value = value.split(" ")
+ if name == u"time":
+ postdict[u"time_parsed"] = time.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ postdict[name] = value
+ if self.has_key("posts") and isinstance(self["posts"], ListType) \
+ and postdict not in self["posts"]:
+ self["posts"].append(postdict)
+ posts.append(postdict)
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Inserting posts list into class attribute.\n")
+ if not self.has_key("posts"):
+ self["posts"] = posts
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Resetting marker so module doesn't think posts has been changed.\n")
+ self.__postschanged = 0
+ return posts
+ def tags(self):
+ """Return a dictionary of tags with the number of posts in each one"""
+ tagsxml = self.__request("%s/tags/get?" % \
+ PINBOARD_API).getElementsByTagName("tag")
+ tags = []
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Parsing tags XML into a list of dictionaries.\n")
+ for tag in tagsxml:
+ tagdict = {}
+ for (name, value) in tag.attributes.items():
+ if name == u"tag":
+ name = u"name"
+ elif name == u"count":
+ value = int(value)
+ tagdict[name] = value
+ if self.has_key("tags") and isinstance(self["tags"], ListType) \
+ and tagdict not in self["tags"]:
+ self["tags"].append(tagdict)
+ tags.append(tagdict)
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Inserting tags list into class attribute.\n")
+ if not self.has_key("tags"):
+ self["tags"] = tags
+ return tags
+ def bundles(self):
+ """Return a dictionary of all bundles"""
+ bundlesxml = self.__request("%s/tags/bundles/all" % \
+ PINBOARD_API).getElementsByTagName("bundle")
+ bundles = []
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Parsing bundles XML into a list of dictionaries.\n")
+ for bundle in bundlesxml:
+ bundledict = {}
+ for (name, value) in bundle.attributes.items():
+ bundledict[name] = value
+ if self.has_key("bundles") and isinstance(self["bundles"], ListType) \
+ and bundledict not in self["bundles"]:
+ self["bundles"].append(bundledict)
+ bundles.append(bundledict)
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Inserting bundles list into class attribute.\n")
+ if not self.has_key("bundles"):
+ self["bundles"] = bundles
+ return bundles
+ def dates(self, tag=""):
+ """Return a dictionary of dates with the number of posts at each date"""
+ if tag:
+ query = urllib.urlencode({"tag":tag})
+ else:
+ query = ""
+ datesxml = self.__request("%s/posts/dates?%s" % \
+ (PINBOARD_API, query)).getElementsByTagName("date")
+ dates = []
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Parsing dates XML into a list of dictionaries.\n")
+ for date in datesxml:
+ datedict = {}
+ for (name, value) in date.attributes.items():
+ if name == u"date":
+ datedict[u"date_parsed"] = time.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d")
+ elif name == u"count":
+ value = int(value)
+ datedict[name] = value
+ if self.has_key("dates") and isinstance(self["dates"], ListType) \
+ and datedict not in self["dates"]:
+ self["dates"].append(datedict)
+ dates.append(datedict)
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Inserting dates list into class attribute.\n")
+ if not self.has_key("dates"):
+ self["dates"] = dates
+ return dates
+ # Methods to modify content
+ def add(self, url, description, extended="", tags=(), date="", toread="no"):
+ """Add a new post to"""
+ query = {}
+ query["url"] = url
+ query ["description"] = description
+ query["toread"] = toread
+ if extended:
+ query["extended"] = extended
+ if tags and (isinstance(tags, TupleType) or isinstance(tags, ListType)):
+ query["tags"] = " ".join(tags)
+ elif tags and (StringTypes and isinstance(tags, StringTypes)) or \
+ (not StringTypes and (isinstance(tags, StringType) or \
+ isinstance(tags, UnicodeType))):
+ query["tags"] = tags
+ # This is a rather rudimentary way of parsing date strings into
+ # ISO8601 dates: if the date string is shorter than the required
+ # 20 characters then it is assumed that it is a partial date
+ # such as "2005-3-31" or "2005-3-31T20:00" and it is split into a
+ # list along non-numerals. Empty elements are then removed
+ # and then this is passed to the tuple/list case where
+ # the tuple/list is padded with necessary 0s and then formatted
+ # into an ISO8601 date string. This does not take into account
+ # time zones.
+ if date and (StringTypes and isinstance(tags, StringTypes)) or \
+ (not StringTypes and (isinstance(tags, StringType) or \
+ isinstance(tags, UnicodeType))) and len(date) < 20:
+ date = re.split("\D", date)
+ while '' in date:
+ date.remove('')
+ if date and (isinstance(date, ListType) or isinstance(date, TupleType)):
+ date = list(date)
+ if len(date) > 2 and len(date) < 6:
+ for i in range(6 - len(date)):
+ date.append(0)
+ query["dt"] = "%.4d-%.2d-%.2dT%.2d:%.2d:%.2dZ" % tuple(date)
+ elif date and (datetime and (isinstance(date, datetime.datetime) \
+ or isinstance(date,
+ query["dt"] = "%.4d-%.2d-%.2dT%.2d:%.2d:%.2dZ" % date.utctimetuple()[:6]
+ elif date:
+ query["dt"] = date
+ try:
+ response = self.__request("%s/posts/add?%s" % (PINBOARD_API, \
+ urllib.urlencode(query)))
+ if response.firstChild.getAttribute("code") != u"done":
+ raise AddError
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Post, %s (%s), added to\n" \
+ % (description, url))
+ except:
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to add post, %s (%s), to\n" \
+ % (description, url))
+ def bundle(self, bundle, tags):
+ """Bundle a set of tags together"""
+ query = {}
+ query["bundle"] = bundle
+ if tags and (isinstance(tags, TupleType) or isinstance(tags, ListType)):
+ query["tags"] = " ".join(tags)
+ elif tags and isinstance(tags, StringTypes):
+ query["tags"] = tags
+ try:
+ response = self.__request("%s/tags/bundles/set?%s" % (PINBOARD_API, \
+ urllib.urlencode(query)))
+ if response.firstChild.getAttribute("code") != u"done":
+ raise BundleError
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Tags, %s, bundled into %s.\n" \
+ % (repr(tags), bundle))
+ except:
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to bundle tags, %s, into %s to\n" \
+ % (repr(tags), bundle))
+ def delete(self, url):
+ """Delete post from by its URL"""
+ try:
+ response = self.__request("%s/posts/delete?%s" % (PINBOARD_API, \
+ urllib.urlencode({"url":url})))
+ if response.firstChild.getAttribute("code") != u"done":
+ raise DeleteError
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Post, %s, deleted from\n" \
+ % url)
+ except:
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to delete post, %s, from\n" \
+ % url)
+ def delete_bundle(self, name):
+ """Delete bundle from by its name"""
+ try:
+ response = self.__request("%s/tags/bundles/delete?%s" % (PINBOARD_API, \
+ urllib.urlencode({"bundle":name})))
+ if response.firstChild.getAttribute("code") != u"done":
+ raise DeleteBundleError
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Bundle, %s, deleted from\n" \
+ % name)
+ except:
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to delete bundle, %s, from\n" \
+ % name)
+ def rename_tag(self, old, new):
+ """Rename a tag"""
+ query = {"old":old, "new":new}
+ try:
+ response = self.__request("%s/tags/rename?%s" % (PINBOARD_API, \
+ urllib.urlencode(query)))
+ if response.firstChild.getAttribute("code") != u"done":
+ raise RenameTagError
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Tag, %s, renamed to %s\n" \
+ % (old, new))
+ except:
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to rename %s tag to %s in\n" \
+ % (old, new))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if sys.argv[1:][0] == '-v' or sys.argv[1:][0] == '--version':
+ print __version__
+## leaving as legacy for now, this should probably removed now for
+#0.1 - 29/3/2005 - PEM - Initial version.
+#0.2 - 30/3/2005 - PEM - Now using urllib's urlencode to handle query building
+# and the class now extends dict (or failing that: UserDict).
+#0.3 - 30/3/2005 - PEM - Rewrote doc strings and improved the metaphor that the
+# account is a dictionary by adding posts, tags and dates to the account
+# object when they are called. This has the added benefit of reducing
+# requests to delicious as one need only call posts(), dates() and tags()
+# once and they are stored inside the class instance until deletion.
+#0.4 - 30/3/2005 - PEM - Added private __request method to handle URL requests
+# to and implemented throttle detection.
+#0.5 - 30/3/2005 - PEM - Now implements every part of the API specification
+#0.6 - 30/3/2005 - PEM - Heavily vetted code to conform with PEP 8: use of
+# isinstance(), use of `if var` and `if not var` instead of comparison to
+# empty strings and changed all string delimiters to double primes for
+# consistency.
+#0.7 - 31/3/2005 - PEM - Made it so that when a fetching operation such as
+# posts() or tags() is used, only new posts are added to the class dictionary
+# in part to increase efficiency and to prevent, say, an all posts call of
+# posts() being overwritten by a specific request such as posts(tag="ruby")
+# Added more intelligent date handling for adding posts; will now attempt to
+# format any *reasonable* string, tuple or list into an ISO8601 date. Also
+# changed the command to get the lastupdate as it was convoluted. The
+# all posts command now checks to see if has been updated since
+# it was last called, again, this is to reduce the load on the servers and
+# increase speed a little. Changed the version string to a pre-1.0 release
+# Subversion-generated one because I am lazy.
+#0.8 - 1/4/2005 - PEM - Improved intelligence of posts caching: will only
+# re-download all posts if the posts attribute has been changed. Added
+# the mandatory delay between requests of at least one second. Changed the
+# crude string replace method to encode ampersands with a more intelligent
+# regular expression.
+#0.9 - 2/4/2005 - PEM - Now uses datetime objects when possible.
+#0.10 - 4/4/2005 - PEM - Uses the time module when the datetime module is
+# unavailable (such as versions of Python prior to 2.3). Now uses time
+# tuples instead of datetime objects when outputting for compatibility and
+# consistency. Time tuples are a new attribute: "date_parsed", with the
+# original string format of the date (or datetime) in "date" etc. Now stores
+# the headers of each request.
diff --git a/lib/utils/ b/lib/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e45843..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1045 +0,0 @@
-"""Library to access data via Python.
-An introduction to the project is given in the README.
-pydelicious is released under the BSD license. See license.txt for details
-and the copyright holders.
- - distribute license, readme docs via
- - automatic release build?
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import datetime
-import locale
-import httplib
-import urllib2
-from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from pprint import pformat
-v = sys.version_info
-if v[0] >= 2 and v[1] >= 5:
- from hashlib import md5
- from md5 import md5
- from elementtree.ElementTree import parse as parse_xml
-except ImportError:
- # Python 2.5 and higher
- from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse as parse_xml
- import feedparser
-except ImportError:
- print >>sys.stderr, \
- "Feedparser not available, no RSS parsing."
- feedparser = None
-### Static config
-__version__ = '0.5.3'
-__author__ = 'Frank Timmermann <regenkind_at_gmx_dot_de>'
- # GP: does not respond to emails
-__contributors__ = [
- 'Greg Pinero',
- 'Berend van Berkum <>']
-__url__ = ''
-# Old URL: ''
-__author_email__ = ""
-__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
-__description__ = " allows you to access the web service of " \
- " via it's API through Python."
-__long_description__ = "The goal is to design an easy to use and fully " \
- "functional Python interface to"
-DLCS_OK_MESSAGES = ('done', 'ok')
-"Known text values of positive <result/> answers"
-"Time to wait between API requests"
-"Seconds before socket triggers timeout"
-DLCS_API = "https://%s/%s" % (DLCS_API_HOST, DLCS_API_PATH)
-DLCS_RSS = ''
-PREFERRED_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding()
-# XXX: might need to check sys.platform/encoding combinations here, ie
-#if sys.platform == 'darwin' || PREFERRED_ENCODING == 'macroman:
- PREFERRED_ENCODING = 'iso-8859-1'
-ISO_8601_DATETIME = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
-USER_AGENT = 'pydelicious/%s %s' % (__version__, __url__)
-DEBUG = 0
-if 'DLCS_DEBUG' in os.environ:
- DEBUG = int(os.environ['DLCS_DEBUG'])
- if DEBUG:
- print >>sys.stderr, \
- "Set DEBUG to %i from DLCS_DEBUG env." % DEBUG
-if 'HTTP_PROXY' in os.environ:
- HTTP_PROXY = os.environ['HTTP_PROXY']
- if DEBUG:
- print >>sys.stderr, \
- "Set HTTP_PROXY to %i from env." % HTTP_PROXY
-### Timeoutsocket hack taken from
-# timeoutsocket allows feedparser to time out rather than hang forever on ultra-
-# slow servers. Python 2.3 now has this functionality available in the standard
-# socket library, so under 2.3 you don't need to install anything. But you
-# probably should anyway, because the socket module is buggy and timeoutsocket
-# is better.
- import timeoutsocket #
- timeoutsocket.setDefaultSocketTimeout(DLCS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
-except ImportError:
- import socket
- if hasattr(socket, 'setdefaulttimeout'):
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(DLCS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
-if DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, \
- "Set socket timeout to %s seconds" % DLCS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT
-### Utility classes
-class _Waiter:
- """Waiter makes sure a certain amount of time passes between
- successive calls of `Waiter()`.
- Some attributes:
- :last: time of last call
- :wait: the minimum time needed between calls
- :waited: the number of calls throttled
- pydelicious.Waiter is an instance created when the module is loaded.
- """
- def __init__(self, wait):
- self.wait = wait
- self.waited = 0
- self.lastcall = 0;
- def __call__(self):
- tt = time.time()
- wait = self.wait
- timeago = tt - self.lastcall
- if timeago < wait:
- wait = wait - timeago
- if DEBUG>0: print >>sys.stderr, "Waiting %s seconds." % wait
- time.sleep(wait)
- self.waited += 1
- self.lastcall = tt + wait
- else:
- self.lastcall = tt
-Waiter = _Waiter(DLCS_WAIT_TIME)
-class PyDeliciousException(Exception):
- """Standard pydelicious error"""
-class PyDeliciousThrottled(Exception): pass
-class PyDeliciousUnauthorized(Exception): pass
-class DeliciousError(Exception):
- """Raised when the server responds with a negative answer"""
- @staticmethod
- def raiseFor(error_string, path, **params):
- if error_string == 'item already exists':
- raise DeliciousItemExistsError, params['url']
- else:
- raise DeliciousError, "%s, while calling <%s?%s>" % (error_string,
- path, urlencode(params))
-class DeliciousItemExistsError(DeliciousError):
- """Raised then adding an already existing post."""
-class HTTPErrorHandler(urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler):
- def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
- raise PyDeliciousUnauthorized, "Check credentials."
- def http_error_503(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
- # Retry-After?
- errmsg = "Try again later."
- if 'Retry-After' in headers:
- errmsg = "You may try again after %s" % headers['Retry-After']
- raise PyDeliciousThrottled, errmsg
-### Utility functions
-def dict0(d):
- "Removes empty string values from dictionary"
- return dict([(k,v) for k,v in d.items()
- if v=='' and isinstance(v, basestring)])
-def delicious_datetime(str):
- """Parse a ISO 8601 formatted string to a Python datetime ...
- """
- return datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(str, ISO_8601_DATETIME)[0:6])
-def http_request(url, user_agent=USER_AGENT, retry=4, opener=None):
- """Retrieve the contents referenced by the URL using urllib2.
- Retries up to four times (default) on exceptions.
- """
- request = urllib2.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent':user_agent})
- if not opener:
- opener = urllib2.build_opener()
- # Remember last error
- e = None
- # Repeat request on time-out errors
- tries = retry;
- while tries:
- try:
- return
- except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
- # reraise unexpected protocol errors as PyDeliciousException
- raise PyDeliciousException, "%s" % e
- except urllib2.URLError, e:
- # xxx: Ugly check for time-out errors
- #if len(e)>0 and 'timed out' in arg[0]:
- print >> sys.stderr, "%s, %s tries left." % (e, tries)
- Waiter()
- tries = tries - 1
- #else:
- # tries = None
- # Give up
- raise PyDeliciousException, \
- "Unable to retrieve data at '%s', %s" % (url, e)
-def build_api_opener(host, user, passwd, extra_handlers=() ):
- """
- Build a urllib2 style opener with HTTP Basic authorization for one host
- and additional error handling. If HTTP_PROXY is set a proxyhandler is also
- added.
- """
- global DEBUG
- if DEBUG: httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
- password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
- password_manager.add_password(None, host, user, passwd)
- auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager)
- extra_handlers += ( HTTPErrorHandler(), )
- extra_handlers += ( urllib2.ProxyHandler( {'http': HTTP_PROXY} ), )
- return urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler, *extra_handlers)
-def dlcs_api_opener(user, passwd):
- "Build an opener for DLCS_API_HOST, see build_api_opener()"
- return build_api_opener(DLCS_API_HOST, user, passwd)
-def dlcs_api_request(path, params='', user='', passwd='', throttle=True,
- opener=None):
- """Retrieve/query a path within the API.
- This implements a minimum interval between calls to avoid
- throttling. [#]_ Use param 'throttle' to turn this behaviour off.
- .. [#]
- """
- if throttle:
- Waiter()
- if params:
- url = "%s/%s?%s" % (DLCS_API, path, urlencode(params))
- else:
- url = "%s/%s" % (DLCS_API, path)
- if DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, \
- "dlcs_api_request: %s" % url
- if not opener:
- opener = dlcs_api_opener(user, passwd)
- fl = http_request(url, opener=opener)
- if DEBUG>2: print >>sys.stderr, \
- pformat(
- return fl
-def dlcs_encode_params(params, usercodec=PREFERRED_ENCODING):
- """Turn all param values (int, list, bool) into utf8 encoded strings.
- """
- if params:
- for key in params.keys():
- if isinstance(params[key], bool):
- if params[key]:
- params[key] = 'yes'
- else:
- params[key] = 'no'
- elif isinstance(params[key], int):
- params[key] = str(params[key])
- elif not params[key]:
- # strip/ignore empties other than False or 0
- del params[key]
- continue
- elif isinstance(params[key], list):
- params[key] = " ".join(params[key])
- elif not isinstance(params[key], unicode):
- params[key] = params[key].decode(usercodec)
- assert isinstance(params[key], basestring)
- params = dict([ (k, v.encode('utf8'))
- for k, v in params.items() if v])
- return params
-def dlcs_parse_xml(data, split_tags=False):
- """Parse any XML document and return Python data structure.
- Recognizes all XML document formats as returned by the version 1 API and
- translates to a JSON-like data structure (dicts 'n lists).
- Returned instance is always a dictionary. Examples::
- {'posts': [{'url':'...','hash':'...',},],}
- {'tags':['tag1', 'tag2',]}
- {'dates': [{'count':'...','date':'...'},], 'tag':'', 'user':'...'}
- {'result':(True, "done")}
- # etcetera.
- """
- # TODO: split_tags is not implemented
- if DEBUG>3: print >>sys.stderr, "dlcs_parse_xml: parsing from ", data
- if not hasattr(data, 'read'):
- data = StringIO(data)
- doc = parse_xml(data)
- root = doc.getroot()
- fmt = root.tag
- # Split up into three cases: Data, Result or Update
- if fmt in ('tags', 'posts', 'dates', 'bundles'):
- # Data: expect a list of data elements, 'resources'.
- # Use `fmt` (without last 's') to find data elements, elements
- # don't have contents, attributes contain all the data we need:
- # append to list
- elist = [el.attrib for el in doc.findall(fmt[:-1])]
- # Return list in dict, use tagname of rootnode as keyname.
- data = {fmt: elist}
- # Root element might have attributes too, append dict.
- data.update(root.attrib)
- return data
- elif fmt == 'result':
- # Result: answer to operations
- if root.attrib.has_key('code'):
- msg = root.attrib['code']
- else:
- msg = root.text
- # XXX: Return {'result':(True, msg)} for /known/ O.K. messages,
- # use (False, msg) otherwise. Move this to DeliciousAPI?
- v = msg in DLCS_OK_MESSAGES
- return {fmt: (v, msg)}
- elif fmt == 'update':
- # Update: "time"
- return {fmt: {
- 'time':time.strptime(root.attrib['time'], ISO_8601_DATETIME) }}
- else:
- raise PyDeliciousException, "Unknown XML document format '%s'" % fmt
-def dlcs_rss_request(tag="", popular=0, user="", url=''):
- """Parse a RSS request.
- This requests old (now undocumented?) URL paths that still seem to work.
- """
- tag = quote_plus(tag)
- user = quote_plus(user)
- if url != '':
- #
- url = DLCS_RSS + 'url/%s' % md5(url).hexdigest()
- elif user != '' and tag != '':
- url = DLCS_RSS + '%(user)s/%(tag)s' % {'user':user, 'tag':tag}
- elif user != '' and tag == '':
- #
- url = DLCS_RSS + '%s' % user
- elif popular == 0 and tag == '':
- url = DLCS_RSS
- elif popular == 0 and tag != '':
- #
- #
- url = DLCS_RSS + "tag/%s" % tag
- elif popular == 1 and tag == '':
- url = DLCS_RSS + 'popular/'
- elif popular == 1 and tag != '':
- url = DLCS_RSS + 'popular/%s' % tag
- if DEBUG:
- print 'dlcs_rss_request', url
- rss = http_request(url).read()
- # assert feedparser, "dlcs_rss_request requires feedparser to be installed."
- if not feedparser:
- return rss
- rss = feedparser.parse(rss)
- posts = []
- for e in rss.entries:
- if e.has_key("links") and e["links"]!=[] and e["links"][0].has_key("href"):
- url = e["links"][0]["href"]
- elif e.has_key("link"):
- url = e["link"]
- elif e.has_key("id"):
- url = e["id"]
- else:
- url = ""
- if e.has_key("title"):
- description = e['title']
- elif e.has_key("title_detail") and e["title_detail"].has_key("title"):
- description = e["title_detail"]['value']
- else:
- description = ''
- try: tags = e['categories'][0][1]
- except:
- try: tags = e["category"]
- except: tags = ""
- if e.has_key("modified"):
- dt = e['modified']
- else:
- dt = ""
- if e.has_key("summary"):
- extended = e['summary']
- elif e.has_key("summary_detail"):
- e['summary_detail']["value"]
- else:
- extended = ""
- if e.has_key("author"):
- user = e['author']
- else:
- user = ""
- # time = dt ist weist auf ein problem hin
- # die benennung der variablen ist nicht einheitlich
- # api senden und
- # xml bekommen sind zwei verschiedene schuhe :(
- posts.append({'url':url, 'description':description, 'tags':tags,
- 'dt':dt, 'extended':extended, 'user':user})
- return posts
-delicious_v2_feeds = {
- #"Bookmarks from the hotlist"
- '': "%(format)s",
- #"Recent bookmarks"
- 'recent': "%(format)s/recent",
- #"Recent bookmarks by tag"
- 'tagged': "%(format)s/tag/%(tags)s",
- #"Popular bookmarks"
- 'popular': "%(format)s/popular",
- #"Popular bookmarks by tag"
- 'popular_tagged': "%(format)s/popular/%(tag)s",
- #"Recent site alerts (as seen in the top-of-page alert bar on the site)"
- 'alerts': "%(format)s/alerts",
- #"Bookmarks for a specific user"
- 'user': "%(format)s/%(username)s",
- #"Bookmarks for a specific user by tag(s)"
- 'user_tagged': "%(format)s/%(username)s/%(tags)s",
- #"Public summary information about a user (as seen in the network badge)"
- 'user_info': "%(format)s/userinfo/%(username)s",
- #"A list of all public tags for a user"
- 'user_tags': "%(format)s/tags/%(username)s",
- #"Bookmarks from a user's subscriptions"
- 'user_subscription': "%(format)s/subscriptions/%(username)s",
- #"Private feed for a user's inbox bookmarks from others"
- 'user_inbox': "%(format)s/inbox/%(username)s?private=%(key)s",
- #"Bookmarks from members of a user's network"
- 'user_network': "%(format)s/network/%(username)s",
- #"Bookmarks from members of a user's network by tag"
- 'user_network_tagged': "%(format)s/network/%(username)s/%(tags)s",
- #"A list of a user's network members"
- 'user_network_member': "%(format)s/networkmembers/%(username)s",
- #"A list of a user's network fans"
- 'user_network_fan': "%(format)s/networkfans/%(username)s",
- #"Recent bookmarks for a URL"
- 'url': "%(format)s/url/%(urlmd5)s",
- #"Summary information about a URL (as seen in the tagometer)"
- 'urlinfo': "json/urlinfo/%(urlmd5)s",
-def dlcs_feed(name_or_url, url_map=delicious_v2_feeds, count=15, **params):
- """
- Request and parse a feed. See delicious_v2_feeds for available names and
- required parameters. Format defaults to json.
- """
-# TODO: plain or fancy
- format = params.setdefault('format', 'json')
- if count == 'all':
-# TODO: fetch all
- print >>sys.stderr, "! Maxcount 100 "
- count = 100
- if name_or_url in url_map:
- params['count'] = count
- url = DLCS_FEEDS + url_map[name_or_url] % params
- else:
- url = name_or_url
- if DEBUG:
- print 'dlcs_feed', url
- feed = http_request(url).read()
- if format == 'rss':
- if feedparser:
- rss = feedparser.parse(feed)
- return rss
- else:
- return feed
- elif format == 'json':
- return feed
-### Main module class
-class DeliciousAPI:
- """A single-user Python facade to the HTTP API.
- See
- Methods ``request`` and ``request_raw`` represent the core. For all API
- paths there are furthermore methods (e.g. posts_add for 'posts/all') with
- an explicit declaration of parameters and documentation.
- """
- def __init__(self, user, passwd, codec=PREFERRED_ENCODING,
- api_request=dlcs_api_request, xml_parser=dlcs_parse_xml,
- build_opener=dlcs_api_opener, encode_params=dlcs_encode_params):
- """Initialize access to the API for ``user`` with ``passwd``.
- ``codec`` sets the encoding of the arguments, which defaults to the
- users preferred locale.
- The ``api_request`` and ``xml_parser`` parameters by default point to
- functions within this package with standard implementations which
- request and parse a resource. See ``dlcs_api_request()`` and
- ``dlcs_parse_xml()``.
- Parameter ``build_opener`` is a callable that, provided with the
- credentials, should build a urllib2 opener for the delicious API server
- with HTTP authentication. See ``dlcs_api_opener()`` for the default
- implementation.
- ``encode_params`` finally preprocesses API parameters before
- they are passed to ``api_request``.
- """
- assert user != ""
- self.user = user
- self.passwd = passwd
- self.codec = codec
- # Implement communication to server and parsing of respons messages:
- assert callable(encode_params)
- self._encode_params = encode_params
- assert callable(build_opener)
- self._opener = build_opener(user, passwd)
- assert callable(api_request)
- self._api_request = api_request
- assert callable(xml_parser)
- self._parse_response = xml_parser
- ### Core functionality
- def request(self, path, _raw=False, **params):
- """Sends a request message to `path` in the API, and parses the results
- from XML. Use with ``_raw=True`` or ``call request_raw()`` directly
- to get the filehandler and process the response message manually.
- Calls to some paths will return a `result` message, i.e.::
- <result code="..." />
- or::
- <result>...</result>
- These should all be parsed to ``{'result':(Boolean, MessageString)}``,
- this method raises a ``DeliciousError`` on negative `result` answers.
- Positive answers are silently accepted and nothing is returned.
- Using ``_raw=True`` bypasses all parsing and never raises
- ``DeliciousError``.
- See ``dlcs_parse_xml()`` and ``self.request_raw()``."""
- if _raw:
- # return answer
- return self.request_raw(path, **params)
- else:
- params = self._encode_params(params, self.codec)
- # get answer and parse
- fl = self._api_request(path, params=params, opener=self._opener)
- rs = self._parse_response(fl)
- if type(rs) == dict and 'result' in rs:
- if not rs['result'][0]:
- # Raise an error for negative 'result' answers
- errmsg = ""
- if len(rs['result'])>0:
- errmsg = rs['result'][1]
- DeliciousError.raiseFor(errmsg, path, **params)
- else:
- # not out-of-the-oridinary result, OK
- return
- return rs
- def request_raw(self, path, **params):
- """Calls the path in the API, returns the filehandle. Returned file-
- like instances have an ``HTTPMessage`` instance with HTTP header
- information available. Use ```` or refer to the
- ``urllib2.openurl`` documentation.
- """
- # see `request()` on how the response can be handled
- params = self._encode_params(params, self.codec)
- return self._api_request(path, params=params, opener=self._opener)
- ### Explicit declarations of API paths, their parameters and docs
- # Tags
- def tags_get(self, **kwds):
- """Returns a list of tags and the number of times it is used by the
- user.
- ::
- <tags>
- <tag tag="TagName" count="888">
- """
- return self.request("tags/get", **kwds)
- def tags_delete(self, tag, **kwds):
- """Delete an existing tag.
- &tag={TAG}
- (required) Tag to delete
- """
- return self.request('tags/delete', tag=tag, **kwds)
- def tags_rename(self, old, new, **kwds):
- """Rename an existing tag with a new tag name. Returns a `result`
- message or raises an ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.
- &old={TAG}
- (required) Tag to rename.
- &new={TAG}
- (required) New tag name.
- """
- return self.request("tags/rename", old=old, new=new, **kwds)
- # Posts
- def posts_update(self, **kwds):
- """Returns the last update time for the user. Use this before calling
- `posts_all` to see if the data has changed since the last fetch.
- ::
- <update time="CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ">
- """
- return self.request("posts/update", **kwds)
- def posts_dates(self, tag="", **kwds):
- """Returns a list of dates with the number of posts at each date.
- ::
- <dates>
- <date date="CCYY-MM-DD" count="888">
- &tag={TAG}
- (optional) Filter by this tag
- """
- return self.request("posts/dates", tag=tag, **kwds)
- def posts_get(self, tag="", dt="", url="", hashes=[], meta=True, **kwds):
- """Returns posts matching the arguments. If no date or url is given,
- most recent date will be used.
- ::
- <posts dt="CCYY-MM-DD" tag="..." user="...">
- <post ...>
- &tag={TAG} {TAG} ... {TAG}
- (optional) Filter by this/these tag(s).
- &dt={CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ}
- (optional) Filter by this date, defaults to the most recent date on
- which bookmarks were saved.
- &url={URL}
- (optional) Fetch a bookmark for this URL, regardless of date.
- &hashes={MD5} {MD5} ... {MD5}
- (optional) Fetch multiple bookmarks by one or more URL MD5s
- regardless of date.
- &meta=yes
- (optional) Include change detection signatures on each item in a
- 'meta' attribute. Clients wishing to maintain a synchronized local
- store of bookmarks should retain the value of this attribute - its
- value will change when any significant field of the bookmark
- changes.
- """
- return self.request("posts/get", tag=tag, dt=dt, url=url,
- hashes=hashes, meta=meta, **kwds)
- def posts_recent(self, tag="", count="", **kwds):
- """Returns a list of the most recent posts, filtered by argument.
- ::
- <posts tag="..." user="...">
- <post ...>
- &tag={TAG}
- (optional) Filter by this tag.
- &count={1..100}
- (optional) Number of items to retrieve (Default:15, Maximum:100).
- """
- return self.request("posts/recent", tag=tag, count=count, **kwds)
- def posts_all(self, tag="", start=None, results=None, fromdt=None,
- todt=None, meta=True, hashes=False, **kwds):
- """Returns all posts. Please use sparingly. Call the `posts_update`
- method to see if you need to fetch this at all.
- ::
- <posts tag="..." user="..." update="CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ">
- <post ...>
- &tag
- (optional) Filter by this tag.
- &start={#}
- (optional) Start returning posts this many results into the set.
- &results={#}
- (optional) Return this many results.
- &fromdt={CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ}
- (optional) Filter for posts on this date or later
- &todt={CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ}
- (optional) Filter for posts on this date or earlier
- &meta=yes
- (optional) Include change detection signatures on each item in a
- 'meta' attribute. Clients wishing to maintain a synchronized local
- store of bookmarks should retain the value of this attribute - its
- value will change when any significant field of the bookmark
- changes.
- &hashes
- (optional, exclusive) Do not fetch post details but a posts
- manifest with url- and meta-hashes. Other options do not apply.
- """
- if hashes:
- return self.request("posts/all", hashes=hashes, **kwds)
- else:
- return self.request("posts/all", tag=tag, fromdt=fromdt, todt=todt,
- start=start, results=results, meta=meta, **kwds)
- def posts_add(self, url, description, extended="", tags="", dt="",
- replace=False, shared=True, **kwds):
- """Add a post to Returns a `result` message or raises an
- ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.
- &url (required)
- the url of the item.
- &description (required)
- the description of the item.
- &extended (optional)
- notes for the item.
- &tags (optional)
- tags for the item (space delimited).
- &dt (optional)
- datestamp of the item (format "CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ").
- Requires a LITERAL "T" and "Z" like in ISO8601 at
- for example:
- "1984-09-01T14:21:31Z"
- &replace=no (optional) - don't replace post if given url has already
- been posted.
- &shared=yes (optional) - wether the item is public.
- """
- return self.request("posts/add", url=url, description=description,
- extended=extended, tags=tags, dt=dt,
- replace=replace, shared=shared, **kwds)
- def posts_delete(self, url, **kwds):
- """Delete a post from Returns a `result` message or
- raises an ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.
- &url (required)
- the url of the item.
- """
- return self.request("posts/delete", url=url, **kwds)
- # Bundles
- def bundles_all(self, **kwds):
- """Retrieve user bundles from
- ::
- <bundles>
- <bundel name="..." tags=...">
- """
- return self.request("tags/bundles/all", **kwds)
- def bundles_set(self, bundle, tags, **kwds):
- """Assign a set of tags to a single bundle, wipes away previous
- settings for bundle. Returns a `result` messages or raises an
- ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.
- &bundle (required)
- the bundle name.
- &tags (required)
- list of tags.
- """
- if type(tags)==list:
- tags = " ".join(tags)
- return self.request("tags/bundles/set", bundle=bundle, tags=tags,
- **kwds)
- def bundles_delete(self, bundle, **kwds):
- """Delete a bundle from Returns a `result` message or
- raises an ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.
- &bundle (required)
- the bundle name.
- """
- return self.request("tags/bundles/delete", bundle=bundle, **kwds)
- ### Utils
- # Lookup table for url-path to DeliciousAPI method.
- paths = {
- 'tags/get': 'tags_get',
- 'tags/delete': 'tags_delete',
- 'tags/rename': 'tags_rename',
- 'posts/update': 'posts_update',
- 'posts/dates': 'posts_dates',
- 'posts/get': 'posts_get',
- 'posts/recent': 'posts_recent',
- 'posts/all': 'posts_all',
- 'posts/add': 'posts_add',
- 'posts/delete': 'posts_delete',
- 'tags/bundles/all': 'bundles_all',
- 'tags/bundles/set': 'bundles_set',
- 'tags/bundles/delete': 'bundles_delete',
- }
- def get_method(self, path):
- return getattr(self, self.paths[path])
- def get_url(self, url):
- """Return the url at which the HTML page with posts for
- ``url`` can be found.
- """
- return "" % (url,)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "DeliciousAPI(%s)" % self.user
-### Convenience functions on this package
-def apiNew(user, passwd):
- "Creates a new DeliciousAPI object, requires user(name) and passwd."
- return DeliciousAPI(user=user, passwd=passwd)
-def add(user, passwd, url, description, tags="", extended="", dt=None,
- replace=False):
- apiNew(user, passwd).posts_add(url=url, description=description,
- extended=extended, tags=tags, dt=dt, replace=replace)
-def get(user, passwd, tag="", dt=None, count=0, hashes=[]):
- "Returns a list of posts for the user"
- posts = apiNew(user, passwd).posts_get(
- tag=tag, dt=dt, hashes=hashes)['posts']
- if count: posts = posts[:count]
- return posts
-def get_update(user, passwd):
- "Returns the last update time for the user."
- return apiNew(user, passwd).posts_update()['update']['time']
-def get_all(user, passwd, tag="", start=0, results=100, fromdt=None,
- todt=None):
- "Returns a list with all posts. Please use sparingly. See `get_updated`"
- return apiNew(user, passwd).posts_all(tag=tag, start=start,
- results=results, fromdt=fromdt, todt=todt, meta=True)['posts']
-def get_tags(user, passwd):
- "Returns a list with all tags for user."
- return apiNew(user=user, passwd=passwd).tags_get()['tags']
-def delete(user, passwd, url):
- "Delete the URL from the account."
- apiNew(user, passwd).posts_delete(url=url)
-def rename_tag(user, passwd, oldtag, newtag):
- "Rename the tag for the account."
- apiNew(user=user, passwd=passwd).tags_rename(old=oldtag, new=newtag)
-### RSS functions
-def getrss(tag="", popular=0, url='', user=""):
- """Get posts from via parsing RSS.
- tag (opt) sort by tag
- popular (opt) look for the popular stuff
- user (opt) get the posts by a user, this striks popular
- url (opt) get the posts by url
- """
- return dlcs_rss_request(tag=tag, popular=popular, user=user, url=url)
-def get_userposts(user):
- "parse RSS for user"
- return getrss(user=user)
-def get_tagposts(tag):
- "parse RSS for tag"
- return getrss(tag=tag)
-def get_urlposts(url):
- "parse RSS for URL"
- return getrss(url=url)
-def get_popular(tag=""):
- "parse RSS for popular URLS for tag"
- return getrss(tag=tag, popular=1)
-### JSON feeds
-# TODO: untested
-def json_posts(user, count=15, tag=None, raw=True):
- """
- user
- count=### the number of posts you want to get (default is 15, maximum
- is 100)
- raw a raw JSON object is returned, instead of an object named
- Delicious.posts
- """
- url = "" + \
- dlcs_encode_params({0:user})[0]
- if tag: url += '/'+dlcs_encode_params({0:tag})[0]
- return dlcs_feed(url, count=count, raw=raw)
-def json_tags(user, atleast, count, sort='alpha', raw=True, callback=None):
- """
- user
- atleast=### include only tags for which there are at least ###
- number of posts.
- count=### include ### tags, counting down from the top.
- sort={alpha|count} construct the object with tags in alphabetic order
- (alpha), or by count of posts (count).
- callback=NAME wrap the object definition in a function call NAME(...),
- thus invoking that function when the feed is executed.
- raw a pure JSON object is returned, instead of code that
- will construct an object named Delicious.tags.
- """
- url = '' + \
- dlcs_encode_params({0:user})[0]
- return dlcs_feed(url, atleast=atleast, count=count, sort=sort, raw=raw,
- callback=callback)
-def json_network(user, raw=True, callback=None):
- """
- callback=NAME wrap the object definition in a function call NAME(...)
- ?raw a raw JSON object is returned, instead of an object named
- Delicious.posts
- """
- url = '' + \
- dlcs_encode_params({0:user})[0]
- return dlcs_feed(url, raw=raw, callback=callback)
-def json_fans(user, raw=True, callback=None):
- """
- callback=NAME wrap the object definition in a function call NAME(...)
- ?raw a pure JSON object is returned, instead of an object named
- Delicious.
- """
- url = '' + \
- dlcs_encode_params({0:user})[0]
- return dlcs_feed(url, raw=raw, callback=callback)
-### delicious V2 feeds
-def getfeed(name, **params):
- return dlcs_feed(name, **params)