AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-03-14improved figcaption designluxagraf
2018-03-14no credit on vertical clustersluxagraf
2018-03-14made image credit more explicitluxagraf
2018-03-14added credit to cluster imagesluxagraf
2018-03-14added photo credit to caption below imageluxagraf
2018-03-14Added book to entryluxagraf
2018-03-13added books to postsluxagraf
2018-03-13fixed book image urls for new uploadsluxagraf
2018-03-13fixed some bugs in books and got it PEP8 compliantluxagraf
2018-03-13fixed template tag againluxagraf
2018-03-13added template tagsluxagraf
2018-03-13added body_html to sightings templateluxagraf
2018-03-13fixed an ordering bug in sightings APluxagraf
2018-03-07added a people app as per derek sivers' suggestionluxagraf
2018-03-03added amazon url to books section. probably won't use it though.luxagraf
2018-03-03added book recommendations to jrnlluxagraf
2018-02-24eliminated some Google and FB head tag bullshit because fuck all that.luxagraf
2018-02-24added util function import to sketchesluxagraf
2018-02-24fixed a bug in map data builderluxagraf
2018-02-17added latest to detail builder`luxagraf
2018-02-17added a /latest/ url for redirecting social media like instagramluxagraf
2018-02-10changed sighting template to get rid of seen byluxagraf
2018-02-10removed sightings by person and styled sightings list on entry pagesluxagraf
2018-02-09fixed a bug in the jrnl build system with new urlsluxagraf
2018-02-09added blank= true to sketches field on jrnlluxagraf
2018-02-09fixed a bug in adminluxagraf
2018-02-09added images to AP adminluxagraf
2018-02-09removed gallery form from sightingsluxagraf
2018-02-09simplified sightings and added textfield for images and wordsluxagraf
2018-02-08added field_notes to footer of entry templatesluxagraf
2018-02-08added a manytomany for sketches in jrnlluxagraf
2018-02-06converted to new path url structure and updated pagination to handle it.luxagraf
2018-02-05changed checkin admin to get last check as starting pointluxagraf
2018-02-05eliminated console logging from JSluxagraf
2018-02-05fixed some bugs in JSluxagraf
2018-02-05changed simplejson to json in photosluxagraf
2018-02-05got rid of old simplejson importluxagraf
2018-02-05abstracted the next prev links into utils so now they work for everyluxagraf
model that implements a get_%S_admin_link method and loads the JS
2018-02-05added next links to viewluxagraf
2018-02-05added static dirsluxagraf
2018-02-05moved most of my admin customizations into javascript to avoidluxagraf
customizing admin files
2018-02-04added get_latest_by to sightingsluxagraf
2018-02-04removed notes from top level menuluxagraf
2018-02-03changed dateline in sketch permalinksluxagraf
2018-02-03added sketches to frequently usedluxagraf
2018-02-03fixed build bugluxagraf
2018-02-03added builder to the adminluxagraf
2018-02-03fixed some admin bugs with sketchesluxagraf
2018-02-03finished up notes app and made it liveluxagraf
2018-02-02fixed import errorluxagraf