path: root/app/jrnl/migrations
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-03Change sketches to fieldnotes and redid design to allow posting singleluxagraf
2019-02-28added a subtitle to jrnl entries for possibly better urlsluxagraf
2019-02-20fixed strange db bug with homepage popularlxf
2019-02-18redid sightings design and moved all location defered things to locationluxagraf
2019-02-15fixed a bug in jrnl archives location dataluxagraf
2019-02-01redid jrnl to speed things up and use less memoryluxagraf
2018-09-03added server side migrationsluxagraf
2018-07-07added campsite model, refactored some code to avoid circular imports,luxagraf
2018-06-06make some new migrations to fix null image in jrnl entryluxagraf
2018-03-03added book recommendations to jrnlluxagraf
2018-02-08added a manytomany for sketches in jrnlluxagraf
2017-12-14cleaned up notes, archived old apps, moved checkins to locations appluxagraf
2017-09-23pulled in changes on arch serverluxagraf
2016-11-16got rid of amp view and added date-based urls to allow for using theluxagraf
2016-11-02launched new homepage and misc improvementsluxagraf
2016-10-10started work on light version of homepage and made it possble for me toluxagraf
2016-07-15mane homepage currator a bit smarter and easier to updateluxagraf
2016-07-12upgraded jrnl admin and fixed some bugs with image uploading iframe.luxagraf
2016-03-09added a song title tracker to jrnl app. credit where it's due.luxagraf