path: root/app/locations/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-05-01updated code to remove OSMGeoAdmin for django 5luxagraf
2020-03-08renamed walk to track for genericnessluxagraf
2020-03-08added and organized walk admin list viewluxagraf
2020-01-27abstracted breadcrumbs into seperate templateluxagraf
2019-12-29Added new GPX tracking model and Walk to locationsluxagraf
2019-02-15added lux_region to locations adminluxagraf
2019-02-01redid jrnl to speed things up and use less memoryluxagraf
2018-09-29created then deleted some temporary models to load geodata for mexican statesluxagraf
2018-09-27version 9 of stylesheetluxagraf
2018-09-05added total_price to campsite adminluxagraf
2018-09-05fixed some bugs on the live siteluxagraf
2018-09-05added price to campsite modelluxagraf
2018-07-07added campsite model, refactored some code to avoid circular imports,luxagraf
2018-07-03added location as child of other locationsluxagraf
2018-06-08added pub_date to locations listluxagraf
2018-02-05changed checkin admin to get last check as starting pointluxagraf
2018-02-05abstracted the next prev links into utils so now they work for everyluxagraf
2017-12-14cleaned up notes, archived old apps, moved checkins to locations appluxagraf
2014-05-23switched to local file for OpenLayers.js so Chromium won't complainluxagraf
2014-05-23minor refactor to adoipt pep8 and pyflakes coding styles and clean upluxagraf
2014-05-09modified birds app to use Locations.location, eliminated birdinglocation and ...luxagraf
2014-05-08added birding app, fixed a few python-related bugs throughout the code base.luxagraf
2013-04-24updated for django 1.5, removed grappelli dependencyluxagraf
2012-09-22site reorgluxagraf