path: root/app/posts/templates
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-28jrnl: removed afterward from essay footerluxagraf
2023-03-28jrnl: fixed naming bug in essay templateluxagraf
2023-02-01jrnl: changed mailing list wordingluxagraf
2023-02-01jrnl: added mailing list sign up to detail pagesluxagraf
2022-12-30posts: reverted to calling them essays and redid a few things to make itluxagraf
2022-12-29posts: changed notes intro againluxagraf
2022-12-29posts: changed essays to notes. less pretentious.luxagraf
2022-12-29posts: reframed essay section as notes to my childrenluxagraf
2022-12-29src: removed paypal from srcluxagraf
2022-12-29src: removed mailing list sign up from detail pages as well.luxagraf
2022-12-29src: tweaked list view to not paginate so soon.luxagraf
2022-12-28posts: removed dateline links from essay templateluxagraf
2022-09-05essays: cleaned up templates, fixed some stray bugsluxagraf
2022-08-28range: fixed syntax issues on detail pagesluxagraf
2022-08-28range: fixed some issues in subscribe templateluxagraf
2022-08-15posts: added hr below prologuesluxagraf
2022-08-15posts: updated post styles to italicize afterward/forewardsluxagraf
2022-08-10jrnl: fixed some bugs in essay templateluxagraf
2022-02-20jrnl: made birds three col when there's nothing else to show.lxf
2022-01-21posts: fixed essay templatelxf
2022-01-01lttr: fixed link to postcardlxf
2021-10-28lttr: added a form for people to get postcardslxf
2021-09-12posts: fixed another bug in essay templateluxagraf
2021-09-12posts: fixed a bug in essay templateluxagraf
2021-09-12general: pulled range from templatesluxagraf
2021-04-03jrnl: fixed a bug in detail templateluxagraf
2021-04-02posts: added related to range detail pagesluxagraf
2021-03-23posts: added an issue field for newslettersluxagraf
2021-03-23added RANGE to post typesluxagraf
2021-03-21src: added signup form to individual postsluxagraf
2021-03-06src: added a newsletter for source. experimenting with sending posts.luxagraf
2021-02-22html: eliminated a lot of inline JSluxagraf
2021-02-22js: moved janky button code to seperate fileluxagraf
2021-02-22js: pulled out all inline scriptluxagraf
2021-02-22testing CSP javascript fixluxagraf
2021-01-30misc: wrapping up some odds and endsluxagraf
2021-01-30posts: cleaned up model code and fixed template bugluxagraf
2021-01-15posts: fixed src tempate to use updated comment form namesluxagraf
2021-01-15posts: fixed fieldnote templates to use new breadcrumbsluxagraf
2021-01-15fixed a bug in comment form stylesluxagraf
2021-01-15Proj: Massive design overhaul to simplify codeluxagraf
2021-01-07added a photograpy section by tweaking Category model and then addinglxf
2020-12-23added related images to src postslxf
2020-12-23added related posts to srclxf
2020-12-04added related to essaysluxagraf
2020-12-02fixed some bugs in templates and renderingluxagraf
2020-12-02ready to get rid of photos model for media modelluxagraf
2020-11-25fixed a template bugluxagraf
2020-11-25cleaned up related posts to account for locationless dateless relatedluxagraf
2020-11-19added prologue to essays and a special catchall to stop some persistantluxagraf