path: root/app/posts/views
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-05-05jrnl: bug fixluxagraf
2024-05-05jrnl: fixed a bug in JRNL feedluxagraf
2024-03-10posts: added template option for photo posts, got rid of some thingsluxagraf
2024-03-09posts: changed some urls and build scriptluxagraf
2024-03-09posts: simplified post_typesluxagraf
2024-03-06range: added new paths for essaysluxagraf
2024-02-29range: added craft urls and viewsluxagraf
2024-02-25jrnl: re-arranged to make Range a repository for everything.luxagraf
2023-12-20guides: fixed view code to show relatedluxagraf
2023-12-19guides: built out publishing system for darktable guidesluxagraf
2023-12-19jrnl: cleaned up year view templateluxagraf
2023-05-28jrnl: finished up trip sectionluxagraf
2023-05-26posts: added the concept of trips and a template for displaying themluxagraf
2023-05-07posts: added films to build scripts and jrnl RSSluxagraf
2023-05-06jrnl: added a film category (repurposed friends)luxagraf
2023-02-01sightings: restricted jrnl results to a month on either side of the postluxagraf
2022-12-30posts: reverted to calling them essays and redid a few things to make itluxagraf
2022-12-29posts: changed essays to notes. less pretentious.luxagraf
2022-08-28range: fixed syntax issues on detail pagesluxagraf
2021-04-02posts: added related to range detail pagesluxagraf
2021-03-24lttr: migrated to new post -> lttr -> send system.luxagraf
2021-03-23posts: added an issue field for newslettersluxagraf
2021-03-23added RANGE to post typesluxagraf
2021-02-13src: dusted off RSS feed by popular demandluxagraf
2021-01-30views: cleaned up some view code and streamlined breadcrumbsluxagraf
2021-01-15posts: fixed post view for field_notesluxagraf
2021-01-15proj: updated several views to use utils.LuxDetailViewluxagraf
2021-01-07added a photograpy section by tweaking Category model and then addinglxf
2020-12-23added related images to src postslxf
2020-12-04fixed a bug in essay viewsluxagraf
2020-11-19fixed view bug in essaysluxagraf
2020-11-17fixed a bug in src buildluxagraf
2020-11-15ported jrnl building to postsluxagraf
2020-11-13migrated jrnl to posts, fixed some bugs in pages build, RSS feed, andluxagraf
2020-08-15fixed a bug in field notes breadcrumbsluxagraf
2020-08-15moved fieldnotes into posts, finished builder for thoseluxagraf
2020-08-06added builder for src and guides via postsluxagraf
2020-08-06Migrated Src into postsluxagraf